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Shirtless Sunday: Thom Evans

Now here’s a Thom I can get on board with ~ Mr. Thom Evans. He certainly has greater physical attributes than Tom Cruise, and it can only be guessed that his mental status is equally superior. Nothing against Scientology, I swear.

I kid. Though to be honest, underwear is my only religion – and these pictures show why. Much more of Mr. Evans HERE.

All of the images by photographer Daniel Jaems, from F.Tape Fashion.

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Thom Evans, in Various states of Underwear

A lot of times I get requests to post salacious pics of shirtless men, some of whom I don’t find attractive in the least. This is not one of those times.

Ladies & gentlemen, I give you Thom Evans. No idea who he is, nor an inkling do I care.

And with a body like that, I don’t even care what he wears.

Remind me to stop eating the carbs. Actually, remind me to stop eating altogether.

He even makes man spanx look good.

All of the images by photographer Daniel Jaems, from F.Tape Fashion.

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