

Touching Me, Touching You

Water lapping at the edges of the pool and sun lapping at the edge of a shade tree. 

A fun and funky pop song rife for a summer playlist. 

Vision hazy from chlorine, water, and sunlight. 

A summer’s day, perfect for being nothing more or less than a summer’s day

And the albatross of our own myths and histories, tethered to our necks, even in the happiest light.

You think you’re better, you’re better than me
You blow me off as history
To avoid conversation, you’re ignoring me…

When you’ve had enough and you need somebody to know
Well, you’re looking tough but you need a way to let it go
Come on now, what’s a boy s’posed to do
When I can’t seem to leave you alone
Touching me, touching you

Summer is not the time to get too deep. There will be time enough for that in the fall. For now, a sunny song and a water dance. Lose your illusion, lose your inhibition, lose your swimsuit… 

For fear of losing, losing your way
You stop and listen to the things that they say
To avoid confrontation, you walk away…
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