

The Candle Knows

On certain days, when no matter how much effort you put into remaining calm and distant from the maelstrom of madness that is survival you still run up against walls of chaos and obstacles of derision, the only thing to do is give in to the defeat, and succumb to the melancholy. The very act of surrender can sometimes be the surprising solution to a problem that gnaws at you without ever fully revealing itself. 

In the light of a candle, an absolute mystery and miracle when you think about it, there is a secret that is only hinted at, only ever partly revealed. You cannot completely predict which way the flame will bend, where the edge of light will flicker and fade. It wavers and wanders, defying order and orders, dimming or glowing as only it sees fit. Sometimes the candle’s flame stays perfectly still. Sometimes, even in the stillest and most motionless room, the candle’s flame flickers and bounces. 

Only the candle knows why.

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