
Give Me A Minute

Preparation for the coming winter comes in the form of gradually elongated meditation sessions. On October 26 I increased my daily meditation to 26 minutes – just  adding an extra minute, but what a difference a mere minute can make, allowing for a deeper experience, allowing for a little extra space – the space for more calm. 

My plan has been to add one additional minute per month, so that by the time February rolls around I will be up to half an hour of daily meditation, which is a goal I don’t want to rush, but am definitely looking forward to reaching. 26 is a good number for now, and will see me through most of November. 

We are at that turning point of the seasonal year, when the kinder enchantments of fall are in the process of blowing away, when there is no longer any lingering warmth in the earth of morning, no matter how bright the sun of the day prior. Meditation puts me into the beauty of the moment, where there is no place for sadness or worry. 26 minutes is a short amount of time to invest to reap such a benefit. 

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