

Madonna Love in Full-Effect

Recaptured brilliantly by Madonna expert Matthew Rettenmund on ‘Boyculture’ here, Madonna’s return to her throne for Pride 2022 was a smashing success, and a tell-tale signpost of why we need her more than ever. Even with the snippets and clips alone, she proves she is still one of the most thrilling entertainers of any generation. She performed various versions of several career-spanning songs – ‘Material Girl‘, ‘Hung Up‘ and ‘Celebration‘ – all of them seductive, playful, exuberant and as fresh as when they each came out for the very first time. It was a pleasant, and badly-needed, recollection of what made, and makes, her so damn great. Personally, I just needed the celebratory revelry of dance, pride, and gay fabulousness that is the hallmark of her wondrous career. 

[See also ‘Vogue‘, ‘Where’s the Party?‘, ‘Cherish‘, ‘Music‘, ‘I Don’t Search, I Find‘, ‘Rebel Heart‘, and ‘Gimme All Your Luvin’‘.}

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