

Look around! Everywhere you turn there’s heartache…

Two days and thirty two years ago, one of the most influential songs in my life was released: ‘Vogue’ by Madonna. The deep dive of that Madonna timeline goes into how it played out in the decades of my life, so I won’t bore you with such details. Instead, let’s go back to basics and recall the first few times I heard it playing on the radio. 

Spring had just begun, and as ‘Hold On’ began a similar chart trajectory, ‘Vogue’ spoke more intently to me. Back then a new song crept slowly into the public realm. There was no immediate downloading of a song, no leaks of snippets or early versions, no Tik Tok or Instagram story proving previews for weeks beforehand – and the patience and surprise that were culled from such slow-moving musical motion resulted in a more resonant and meaningful experience. ‘Vogue’ became my dance bible. More than that, ‘Vogue’ became the portal into a future that I sensed but couldn’t yet hold in my hands, no matter how many times I could strike a pose. 

Thirty two years later, I still feel the thrill of its power. 

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