

Frozen Hot Desert

Initially given a gorgeously-icy treatment, Madonna’s ‘Frozen’ majestically led the mystical charge of her greatest album to date, ‘Ray of Light’. it came with a number of wildly-varied remixes, the sleeper of which was this Stereo MC’s version, which accentuates its Moroccan desert vibe in the best way. It puts me in the mind of a night journey, the way I used to travel in my younger years, when I’d easily stay awake to three o’clock and be happily chugging away on the Thruway. 

Strangely, or fittingly… because I can’t quite see the forest through the trees yet… the notion of driving and traveling is stirring in my mind. More than the usual winter restlessness, it speaks to something else, something greater at work – a healing, a grieving, a running… away from or toward something, I can’t be sure. 

Isn’t everyone just traveling down their own road…

A mysterious post perhaps, inspired by the mystics and going back centuries, and if it’s one of the last in this incarnation of the website, so shall it be. (I’ve received word that the hosting platform for this place will be updated and my antiquated version of WordPress may not work after February 20, so if it goes away for a bit or forever, you’ll understand why.) Frozen in time, frozen in space, frozen in place…

The thawing of a heart is a curious thing…

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