

A Repost Echoing 30, Now 40, Years Ago

A decade ago I had posted this 30th anniversary of Madonna’s debut, which means now we are celebrating 40 years of her remarkable career. She’s taking the summer off for some well-deserved recovery, and I admire that. Here’s the post from a decade ago:

Madonna, Three Decades Into the Groove ~ {Originally posted July 27, 2013.}

It was 30 years ago today that Sire Records released Madonna’s debut album, entitled simply ‘Madonna’. Unlike many casual fans, and some die-hard ones as well, I’m more a fan of her later work than her earlier stuff. In fact, with the possible exception of ‘Holiday’ (and then only when it’s done up Blonde Ambition style), I’m not enthralled with any of the cuts off her first album. (Not even ‘Borderline’, and certainly not ‘Lucky Star’.) But I’m aware of their importance in her career, and I know many a fan who considers them integral to her oeuvre. So with that in mind, let’s celebrate this date, because 30 years of anything is pretty damn impressive.

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