

Snow, Come Slowly

This fall season has been rather benevolent, and after ur rain-drenched summer it was much-deserved and very welcome. Our snowfall has also been gentle and pretty, with a couple of one to two inch non-events that lent a day or two of prettiness to the world while not mucking up anyone’s drive. May that be the way winter goes. 

The first snowfalls are always celebrated and photographed, much like the first flowers of spring. Distance indeed lends enchantment, and being away from the winter magic makes it feel new again. When it combine with the fallen scarlet leaves of a Japanese maple, the effect is even more wondrous. 

By March, this sort of snow will have lost all its appeal and beauty, and we’ll be cussing it out as much as we are praising its beauty. That’s the folly of being human – one of the many follies to which we are prey. 

There is far too much comparing and contrasting, and that takes away the simple joy and wonder of a moment, such as a snowfall. The first is no less or more beautiful than the last. 

I will try to remember that with each snowfall this coming year. 

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