

Prada By Way of Wes Anderson

Despite the glowing admiration of my pal Parley, I’ve never been all that enamored of Wes Anderson’s films. In fact, the only one I tried to get through – ‘Rushmore’ – left me unimpressed and stopping it before it took hold. That’s not usually like me. (I even sat through the wretched ‘Jerry Maguire’ when every fiber of my being was impelling me to walk out of the theater and save a few minutes of otherwise-wasted time. God I hated that film. Show me the money my ass.)

From that ‘Rushmore’ experience, I’ve unfairly avoided Mr. Anderson’s movies, with the exception of ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ – because I’m a sucker for talking animals. That may change with ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ which looks visually compelling, and features the work of an actor I’ve long admired – Ralph Fiennes (who, when I initially noticed him in ‘Quiz Show’ looked eerily similar to the first man I ever kissed.)

Being that I generally enjoy a quirky take on life, I may need to re-examine Anderson’s oeuvre. It’s never good to be a party-pooper without first having attended the party. And what better way to get back into the World of Anderson than with this short he did for Prada, “Castello Cavalcanti?” If anything’s going to convince me of someone’s impeccable taste, it’s Prada.


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