

My Christmas Wish List, If You Are So Generously Inclined

The older I get, the less I need, and the slightly-less I want. Still, who in their right mind would pass up the opportunity for gift-getting? As proof that the universe conspires to help those who ask for it, there’s currently a sale going on at Tom Ford, so any of the underwear items (size small, as they run rather roomy) found here would be very much appreciated

The latest offering from the exquisite Frederic Malle line of fragrance, ‘Uncut Gem’ has all the notes I love, and a moniker that is as timeless as it is slightly saucy. 

Mr. Turk is also offering some Black Friday sales at the moment, though that doesn’t really put a major dent in the price points, but a girl can dream. (Especially of pants like this, which, due to their slim fit, I now require a 33″ in the waist – but for all else I’m still a 32, thank you very much.) Or forget the pants altogether, as I tend to do when I’m working from home, and focus on a gorgeous shirt like this, size large.

Bonobos has the best fit for pants (waist size 32″, length 30″) as they allow for the kind of meaty caboose that holiday eating will deliver, whether we want it or not. These Italian stretch chinos in Mineral look lovely, though my heart really belongs to these velvet penguin pants

When all else fails, and you long to be someone who makes me smile over the holidays, there’s always my Amazon wish list, a hodge-podge of whimsical desires (to which I’ll be adding more affordable selections as certain smart people have indicated I’m reaching for the stars). 

What do you want for Christmas?

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