

July’s Last Full Recap

Being that it was the last full week of July, and I’m begrudgingly letting it go (although the 97 degree nonsense can be done), here is the recap for the previous week – one in which I was vacationing and relying on pre-programmed posts. Still, there were good things to be found for those who bothered to look. And now I’m back, resuming the battle, taking up the baton, and twirling like there’s no tomorrow.

Keeping things cool and hazy were cocktails like this magnificent yet simple limoncello concoction.

Nothing beats a summer salad for summer sustenance. Except perhaps a Sunday omelette.

Not one to let the other guys have all the fun, I took my clothes off too (it was 97 degrees after all). And again. And once more for the naysayers. Just to piss the bitches off.

True story: I used to hate lobster. And Fritos. And pizza!

And it wouldn’t be summer without Madonna, who vowed to ‘Die Another Day‘, and proved it by being around for thirty years since her first single. And she still doesn’t give a…

Many thanks to Tom Ford, who prepared things brilliantly for my birthday next month.

Yet for all of last week, I was in absentia, and happier than hell about it. I have never, in my dozen-years-plus of working for the state of New York, taken a whole week off. And I can’t believe I waited so long.

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