
His Majesty’s Purple

One of my perennial favorite colors, purple has always held a special place in my heart, and all of its varying shades have held fascination and allure for this weary eyes. A color of royalty as much as of wisdom, purple feeds the soul with its soothing reconciliation of fiery red and watery blue. Lessons of color wheel science rekindle in the mind and I travel back to art classes filled with rainbow recitations and the pleasant perpetuity of the light spectrum. 

Nature knows here way around the color purple better than any of us mere mortals, as evidenced in this post where varying shades of it show off in floral and foliage form. 

I love how variable purple can be, how the slightest nod toward red or blue changes its mood. 

I also love how yellow or green can set it off so brilliantly. Once again, Nature knows what she’s doing.

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