
Fragile Masculinity

Don’t we all know some guy in our lives that has done something like this? I know several – one or two right in my own family – and it never ceases to amaze me how small and stupid men can be. Oh I’m sure there are a few women who suffer the same anger management and temper issues, but in my experience it’s only been the men. They are the ones who have to feel superior to something to make up for all the very real inferiority the vast majority of their lives bestows upon them – in this case the perpetrator wanted to punch a bathroom stall wall. Like, whoa, tough guy. Scared of you. 

That we don’t call it out because it’s so common is a telling and sad statement on the smallness that some men continue to betray. And that they get away with it because they have moments of tenderness and reason in-between the lashing out is a sad commentary on who the rest of us are. Myself included. There’s more than enough blame to go around. 

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