
Black-Brimmed Avenger

“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” ~ Joseph Conrad

Cloaked in shadow or black wool, I place a black Stetson on my head and step into the night. At such times, I realize I have to become my own avenger, to save my own self from the torment of the past. A clove cigarette dangles from the corner of the avenger’s crooked half-smile – it’s my way of reconnecting to the past, to those nights when the remnants of a clove whisper secrets from lips spicy and sweet and just the slightest bit sinister. In the smoke conjured here, there are trails leading to where I need to travel. We fly on those wisps, returning to another time in the same place, and when the smoke dissipates we have arrived. 

I will avenge you, little Wonder-Woman-wanna-be, with your gold-sticker stars and your yellow construction paper cuffs and that lasso of truth made of whatever sort of rope was lying around – the one that never worked because nobody ever told you the damn truth, and when they did, it only served to hurt you, never the teller. 

I will avenge you, little flower boy, lover of plants and gardens and nature, when your own family is crying out ‘faggot’ so casually and carelessly and not even thinking what it might mean to you, how it was forming the very lack of self-love that would forever haunt and inform your wayward steps. 

I will avenge you, magnificent and misunderstood fairy creature, when the world makes fun of what you are wearing, what you are reading, what you are saying and what you are doing. To be so bold as to be only yourself, and to be nothing but punished for it – I will avenge you.

I will speak for you now, for all that you couldn’t and then wouldn’t say, because you deserve to let it all go. You’ve carried it a long way, and it’s time to put it down. Rest, little boy – you’ve been tormented enough. My mantle is warm, my province is night, my work begins as yours comes to an end.

You know me. I’ve been with you this whole time. 

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