

American Recap

Usually Monday morning is when we reconvene after the weekend to do a weekly recap, but with yesterday’s holiday, we are pushing it back to now, so let’s look quickly back over the last week, then proceed with the new one at hand, amid the explosions of fireworks and all the requisite bombast.

Return to Lilium.

Petunia power!

When you simply must pea.

The humble and majestic BLT.

Don’t sleep on my Insta.

Madonna love back in full-effect.

Closing out Pride Month.

Flaming July.

A lazy mocktail for a hazy day.

Wet thighs don’t lie.

Summer in July.

The balm of bees.

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do!

Swimming pool Speedo summer.

Born in the U.S.A.

A grand old flag.

Dazzlers of the Day included Adam Lambert and Chris Salvatore

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