

A Tea Cup of Contemplation

My Mom just gave us a few of her tea cup sets as she downsizes, and while these are more decorative than functional, my life was once about favoring decorative over functional, so let’s indulge. I did enjoy a cup of elderberry tea in this pretty little cup, so I suppose there is function here too – it’s simply about a third of the volume that one of our usual mugs would supply. For cocktails that might have been fine – for tea, I needed to refill for more, but there is mindfulness in that, and it’s a good check on how much we are indulging. 

These photos are also a good reminder of the imperfections of life, and how we should embrace and laugh at them. Notice the way the tea cup sits slightly off-center – something that would have irked me to no end a few years ago. When I noticed it here, I didn’t bother to change it. The universe wanted it to be just so, and I left it alone. So many things would be just fine if they were simply left alone. 

There are many lessons to be gleaned from a simple tea cup. 

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