After enjoying this summer’s sabbatical from everyday blogging, I realized the importance and need of a break from such an incessant posting schedule. We used to do a Monday morning recap of the week that came before, but come Monday afternoon I was already posting a new set of entries without a moment to breathe. My life takes place largely off-line, believe it or not, and I want to get back to that, so I’m establishing a new posting schedule – to which I may or may not adhere (depending on any number of moods).
The first change will be shifting the Monday morning recap of the previous week’s posts to Monday night. Second, and more importantly, I’m incorporating my own little “weekend†break on Tuesday and Wednesday – which means this blog will go dark for both those days. (Absence makes the heart grow fonder.) It also affords me some recharge time to keep things interesting; I abhor filler posts, and I’d rather not say anything at all than fill this space with nonsense simply for the sake of routine. Besides, the moment something becomes an obligation is the moment it loses much of its charm. I’m not quite ready to erase that kind of enchantment. This is a labor of love.