

A Recap Before It All Happens

This is the week Christmas arrives, ready or not, and it’s tainted with the worries that the current condition of the world brings. I realize I can’t keep stressing out over things beyond my control, but that doesn’t mitigate the worry much. Perhaps that’s one of the tenets of adulthood, and why I’ve so vociferously avoided it for as long as possible. Let’s have a look back at those holiday moments where we trie to find some joy and peace.

The musical woman of the year celebrated her special day – Happy Birthday Taylor Swift!

Crafting a bit of Christmas calm through the use of candles (carefully). 

Sometimes snow calls for jazz

A mysterious holiday tea recipe revealed again. 

Holiday cocktails & mocktails

Channeling Christmas calm

With a hush and a wink, I sang my little heart out

When Andy’s favorite holiday movies became mine

For the love of Andy’s meatballs

This years holiday stroll was actually postponed, so this revisiting of previous strolls will have to suffice

Justifying my love for Madonna amid all the hateful bashing. 

An old-fashioned Christmas mix tape, like we used to do. 

Piano tinkling for a Christmas quandary

The unconventional Christmas song

Dazzlers of the Day included Jake Wesley Rogers and Colin Donnell

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