

2014: The Year in Review – Part 2

The midsection of the year finds the seasonal highlight that is spring turning into summer. Weather-wise it is the most glorious time of the year, for gardeners and non-gardeners alike. It’s as if the world is fulfilling the promise it made in the dark moments of winter, and all the tears get washed away beneath the sun.

May 2014 ~

May is the month of Mothers, and I celebrated with mine on our annual Broadway adventure – and an extra surprise. While we were in NY, Hedwig put on a grand show, we strolled through Central Park, saw other ‘Mothers & Sons‘, crossed some beautiful Bridges, had a lovely dinner with Suzie and Adrien Grenier, a lovely brunch by the park, and took in Neil Patrick Harris and his Tony-winning turn in ‘Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

It’s also the month of my wedding anniversary. And peonies.

A fountain runs dry and a lady gets naked, while a mother and daughter get real.


One of the saddest moments of the year was the loss of a dear friend. This one’s for you, Lee.

A lighter fragrance for the season.

The Profile of a Straight Ally feature was back in effect with the amazing Hudson Taylor.

Another straight ally, Ben Cohen, got this definitively sexy post, perhaps bested only by this skin-heavy post of his arch-rival in the hotness department, David Beckham. (And Mr. Beckham got a bonus.)

My bottom hurts just thinking about it.

Memories of Ogunquit, made anew, along with an additional port of call. In its peace and beauty, Maine is where I can get undressed and let my hair down.

June 2014 ~

The month that summer officially begins is a welcome one. It provides the weather to get shamelessly shirtless. And it’s not just me.

The deliciousness that is a properly-made fish taco.

Olfactory anticipation awaited in this post, and came to fruition in this one.

The annual explosion of color, and this colorful character kept the season hot and exciting, especially when in the city seeing ‘Here Lies Love.’

Summer means more family fun, thanks to these two. Not yet sold on the dance recitals, however.

Sometimes summer means Madonna, and summer games both wicked and wonderful.

Summer also means Tom Daley in a Speedo. Oh, stretching too.

June means Father’s Day and these memorable DILFs.

June is also the time for Gay Pride in many cities, which means sparkle and sequins.

July 2014 ~

While our family vacation technically began in June, it didn’t get posted until July. I just didn’t want the fun to end, I guess, and putting it down in a post meant it was already over. But there were a trove of beach memories, days spent in the sun and sand, and the general merriment that goes along with a family vacation in Cape Cod. That sort of beauty and goodness stays with one long after the fact, after the delicious seafood dinners and the games of miniature golf. Like all good things, it was over much too quickly. But summer had just begun…

A bit of preening and rose-posing in front of the air conditioned bedroom in Boston, while memories of Russia bobbed in my head.

A naked Michael Phelps got into the water and out of his Speedo, while Zac Efron got onto a horse and out of his shirt.

Flowers, posies, and splashing around the pool – these are summer things.

A Summer Superhero, with a very visible cartoon bulge, who happens to smell really good too.

Anxiously awaiting the next Madonna Moment.

July marks the month I met Andy, and we all know how that turned out. This year, it also marked the arrival of a bundle of joy.

It wasn’t the beach, but it was almost as fun. Chalk it up to the right people being involved.

I’ve got a galaxy you can guard.

August 2014 ~

The last full month of summer began with a capital ‘F’ in it, and the anticipation for a certain movie adaptation started then too.

Lavender dreaming, and more family fun that had to be extended here.

Family isn’t always fun, however, even in the summer, and at times like that it’s sometimes best to get away. All the way to Park Avenue, where I spent my birthday  (but that story didn’t get posted until September…)

A birthday suit post. You’re welcome.

Not quite a good spanky, but you’ll make it through the wilderness like a virgin.

There are good gays, and there are bad gays – and then there are just plain dumb gays.

Yes, I did the ice-bucket challenge, and here’s the video to prove it.

A few favorites got totally starkers and buck-ass naked on the blog, including Matthew Camp, Steve Grand, and Orlando Bloom.

Riding the Trojan horse.

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