

The Speckled Glove of a Fox

A fox would not be entirely unwelcome in our yard at any time, especially considering the abundance of rodents the last few years have brought into our neighborhood. Foxgloves have long been a magical plant, one that I’ve mostly ignored growing for their unreliable growing pattern. Mostly biennial, they depend on spreading their second-year seed, leading to unpredictable clumps of future foxgloves, assuming they safely germinate. Too much chance in a world where chance is never a safe friend. 

That said, I’ve been embracing such unpredictability, so maybe this is a good time to sow a few of these and give them their first year of leaves for a floriferous show next year. Slowly, we begin to plan ahead. Slowly, we feel the way to a future. In the speckled loveliness of a fox’s glove… 

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