

Purple Glory

The flowers always come more vibrantly at this time of the year, as if sensing their limited time before a hard frost kills them off permanently. Such is the case with these volunteer morning glories. They’ve been self-seeding so prolifically and for so long that they’ve become a bit of a nuisance, so this year I pulled most of them out in part of the clearing and editing process that marked much of our garden efforts. I left a few vines to climb through the Korean lilac and Joe Pye Weed, and here are some of the results. 

For better or worse, morning glories remind me of the earliest bit of fall – that tense time when school is about to begin and we plunge into the routine of routine again, returning to schedules and time constraints that seemed so much more bearable under the sun of summer. This year fall looks a little different, and we are all still adjusting.

In the meantime, the morning glories are giving out one final show, reminding us that there is beauty in the world, even as we approach winter…

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