

The peony parade continues with these white blooms form the backyard garden. They were part of a perfumed peony collection I purchased from White Flower Farm a number of years ago. The trouble with collections is that you don’t know quite what you’re getting, but when it comes to peonies my love transcends names and labels and varieties, and as long as they carry a bit of that distinctive peony fragrance, all is well. 

On a recent afternoon, after a busy day at work, I stopped by these clumps and set up a watering stations, slowly moving the watering wand over the ground beneath their feet (avoiding getting any water on their leaves, in a vain attempt to put off mildew) and inhaled their sweet fragrance. It was divine. I stayed there, watering nearby plants for the next hot day, taking my time as I took in the peony’s perfume. Those moments of appreciation are important. The blog may be a bit light on content this week as I work toward more such moments. There are archives to peruse should you wish to see more… (scroll down and type anything into the search box – it’s like gay roulette). 

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