

Beneath the Buddha’s Tree

It is said that the Buddha meditated for 49 days beneath one of these trees, the Ficus benghalensis ‘Audrey’ after which He first attained enlightenment. Native to India, these trees grow to immense sizes in their natural habitat, sending down aerial roots and expanding their canopy into a veritable forest, providing much-needed shade, and apparently a perfect place for the Buddha to dwell and meditate. To this day, temples are built beneath many of these banyan trees – space which is viewed as sacred. I love that idea, and when I saw one of these little plants at the local nursery, I picked it up on a whim to be closer to such enlightenment.

“If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.” ~ The Buddha

Reportedly, this plant is a good alternative to the more finicky Fiddle leaf fig, a plant whose moodiness is too frightening for me to attempt. I don’t have the expanse of bright indirect light and space for the ginormous Fiddle leaf trees, but this tiny little Audrey fig looks manageable. Smaller specimens generally are more amenable to change and adaptation for less than perfect indoor situations. I have a humidifier and some decent enough light by a bay window to at least give this little guy a chance.

He rests on the table beside which I do my daily meditation. Sitting in the lotus position, I can gaze with a soft focus on his handsome leaves, and feel some wondrous connection to nature, to the earth, to the Buddha, and the path on which I find myself makes a little more sense.

I don’t know if the common name (Ficus Audrey) came before or after ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ but I’m taking it as an auspicious sign that it may grow for me. If it ends up eating me alive, well, it was nice knowing you.

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you.” ~ The Buddha

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