

A Valentine Sweet Treat

Valentine’s Day in the age of COVID doesn’t change our household much. We were never V-Day diners out – so much hype and hoopla with subpar service – and often on one of the snowier days of the year. Not sure what the weather will be this year (though it looks like Tuesday is set for snow as all my office Tuesdays have basically been) so for now we will hunker down and stay warm and cozy inside rather than venturing out and about. 

These chocolate chip cookies are all the sweet treat I need anyway. A new favorite recipe in our household, this version was studded with chocolate chips on the outside, inspired by some Disney recipe seen online. That’s how most of our traveling is done these days. 

As for Valentine’s Day, I’ll see if I can explore some long-distant memories of this silly faux holiday later today. Love should always be in the air, so if this is our reminder of that then I won’t knock it too hard. And any excuse for a sweet treat is a fine thing by me. 

If you like the way these look, it’s easy enough to replicate. Use your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, then roll the tops and sides in a plate of mini chocolate chips. The tighter and more crowded they are at that raw dough stage, the better, as they will slightly spread apart once baked, as seen here. That kind of magic still thrills me. 

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

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