

Drops of Sunshine Beneath Our Feet

If this pretty little plant was more rare, more delicate, or more elusive, it would be highly valued and desired. Instead, its ubiquitousness and hardiness, and its ability to compete in our lawns, as given it the name of weed – and not the fun kind either. This is the common dandelion, with its sunny multi-petaled bloom, bright green serrated foliage, and, later, those whimsical seed-heads waiting for the wind to parachute them away. It’s not entirely ugly, it just gets a bad rap. And maybe part of it is deserved. No one likes an invasive species that doesn’t stay within its prescribed bounds, but where the world be without its rebels and rule-breakers? Maybe the dandelion just needs a better PR rep, a proper promotional campaign illuminating all its desirable qualities. 

The world is turning on its head. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I shudder to even tempt the powers-that-be to answer that right now. Maybe when the apocalypse comes the only things left will be cockroaches and dandelions. And Cher. There will be beauty in survival, just as there is beauty in the dandelion.

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