

A Sensitive Pause Beneath the Cherry Blossoms

Finishing up ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’ by Dr. Elaine N. Aron is putting me in an introspective mindset, as does this glorious spring weather we have had of late. I want to slow everything down and savor it, to fully inhabit the moment at hand, to pause in the bed of unfurling ostrich ferns and lean down to take in the full fragrance of a daffodil.

“Sometimes we do need just to enjoy the world out there as it is and be glad for those who help us, the extraverted who can make even total strangers feel connected. Sometimes we need an inner anchor – that is, those who are introverted and give their full attention to the deepest nuances of private experience. Life is not just about the movies we have both seen and the restaurants we have both tried. Sometimes discussing the subtler questions is essential for the soul.” ~ Dr. Elaine N. Aron

Our Kwanzan cherry tree is in full bloom, and already dropping its petals – a lesson in the fleeting nature of such beauty and grace. It never lasts for long – but I would always indulge in short glory if only for the memory of it. I stand beneath the tree in the late afternoon, looking at the way the sun ricochets through the pink canopy, and I do my best to still the moment, to elongate the beauty, to make a memory that will last long after the final pink petal drops. 

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