

A Fairy Godfather Emerges from the Shadows

My brother and his fiancée recently announced that they are having a baby boy this summer, and the only thing happier than hearing that news was being asked to be the godfather. After serving as Uncle to Noah and Emi for the past twelve years, it feels like I finally passed an audition process for what could very well be the role of a lifetime. Landrie and Paul have been very generous in bestowing such a charge upon me, and I intend to make the most of it. 

And so we have this tease of an introduction to the forthcoming Ilagan boy – and my very first godchild – with photos from the gender-reveal we had several weeks ago. It came with all the joy and excitement that any impending birth holds, and we need all the joy we can find these days. 

As Mario Puzo wrote in ‘The Godfather’, “Great men are not born great, they grow great…” 

While it will be years to see who this baby grows up to become, they are already entering a world of love and protection, at least if I have anything to say about it. Fiercely loyal and unconditional of adoration, I’m going to show this baby the best and most beautiful aspects of life, even as the world grows ever darker around us. If you can give a child that kind of light and love from the start, and keep it going for a few years, they have a decent chance of becoming a good person. With a little bit of luck – the kind of luck that has charmed my brother’s journey over the years – the kid has a chance to become great. 

To that end, I’ve got the top hat, the cloak, and all the fairy dust to properly embody a fairy godfather, and I’m going to strive to be the best one this world has ever known. We all know I can do it.

Congratulations Paul and Landrie!!

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