Category Archives: Tiny Threads

Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Stranger on the office elevator: “Why do you have to try so hard to dress better than the rest of us?”

Me: “Oh, I’m not trying.”


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Some threads don’t deserve to be part of the tapestry we have going here, but who knows? Someday they may play a part. There is wisdom there, perhaps, or the golden rule of hoarding. Such fine lines, such tiny threads…


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

People who are relentlessly happy arouse suspicion in me.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Very rarely does useful information follow the words ‘to be fair’.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Me to the co-worker who instantly started engaging me first thing in the morning: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to start a conversation.”


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Silk boxers.

Like so many other things, the concept works better on paper.

And who wants to dry clean their underwear?

Still, if Tom Ford says it’s ok then I’m game for silk wedgies. 


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Resting bitch face?


As long as I’m awake my game is fully active.

It’s called work ethic.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Something that continues to challenge me: gauging the number of napkins I’ll need for a take-out order. Woefully under or over, never a happy median.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

The ‘S’ is for Super

And the ‘U’ is for Unique

The ‘P’ is for Perfection cause you know that we are freaks

The ‘E’ is for Exotic

And the ‘R’ is for Raps

So tell those nosy people just to stay the hell back!



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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Scene of the next generation: parents driving their kids to the bus-stop and waiting with them. This is our state of the world thanks to murderers, child molesters and territorial turkeys. We are fucked.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Someone please explain the following saying to me: I can’t win for losing.

I mean, duh. Isn’t that the whole point? What am I missing?


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Me: “I can fight! I’m scrappy.”

Co-worker: “You threw your back out taking a picture of a flower.”


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Some concepts are better left as concepts.

Case in point: avocado fries.


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