Category Archives: Tiny Threads

Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Some days you just can’t tie the tie on the first try.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

The way a wasabi pea bites you back, so you keep eating more.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Overanalyzing anything so often leads to unhappiness.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Yes, those of us who work on the 10thfloor judge those who take the elevator to the 2ndfloor.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

When it comes to making trouble I’ve always had one motto: you can fuck around with everyone but Andy. I mean, I’m not stupid. He is a retired police officer.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

We are a divided nation. Especially when it comes to candy corn and cilantro.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Is it really that difficult to produce an oven door that we might actually see through?


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Lazy people who ask questions that Google can answer.

I am one of you.

And we are obnoxious as fuck.

We need to stop.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

How could I be mad at a mosquito at this tender time of the year?


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

How do they gauge the winds of a hurricane? Are there planes in it? I’m serious. A bit stupid in this topic, perhaps, but serious.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

I wish we could see the FaceBook peeps who temporarily stopped seeing our posts for 30 days. I feel like they would be my people, my flock. I’ve always loved the ones who want nothing to do with me.


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Shake out your freshly-cut bagels before putting them in the toaster for fewer burnt crumbs later. #FuckingVirgos


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

The middle-of-the-day lull in a single post.


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