
Category Archives: Speedo

The Long-Awaited Return of the Hunks

The Hunk of the Day feature has been absent for a few days now, but it’s coming back in a major way tonight. Before that, however, here is a look at some former hunks who are making splashes in various stats of undress. It begins with these naked GIFs of Steve Grand doing his part for Broadway Bares. Mr. Grand has been here a number of times, thanks to hot shots like these and naked teases like those.

Richard Hadfield and his hairy chest made a splash in his Hunk of the Day crowning here.

Ricky Martin brings his heat to the new Versace murder story (which also brought us Darren Criss in a Speedo). Here, Martin takes his own spin in a Speedo, which he also did here.

The other side of the spectrum, for many reasons, brings us Cameron Dallas. He represents the teenybopper crowd, which is a scene to which I find myself rating less and less. (His Hunk of the Day feature is coming up in the near future.)

Derek Yates was a part of the elite two-time Hunk of the Day club, having been honored not once but twice.

Simon Dunn strikes his own Speedo pose, though many would prefer that he lose the shorts entirely as he did here and here and here.

Favored ginger Greg Rutherford matches Dunn in Olympic glory and shirtless wonder.

A trio of nude rears brings up the back-end of this post, starting with Rob ‘The Gronk’ Gronkowski, who was also naked here, and Chris Salvatore, who dropped his pants here.

Finally, feast your eyes upon Matthew Camp. Also seen sans clothing here. Come back tonight for the next Hunk of the Day crowning…

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Hunk of the Day: Francois Imbeau Dulac

It hasn’t even been a year, and there are three more before the next one, but I’m already missing the summer Olympics. Last year’s Rio extravaganza was wonderful, so let’s have a new Speedo-clad Hunk of the Day to remind us of all that’s good in the world. This is Francois Imbeau Dulac, a Canadian diver who actually appeared in the 2012 Olympic Games – more than most of us will do in our lifetimes. Congrats to Mr. Dulac on this latest accomplishment.

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Zac Efron’s Speedo Keeps Giving

When Zac Efron gets into his freedom Speedo, it’s quite a sight to behold. He’s filled them out here before, and has been teasing his bits for years. The red, white and blue provides a stunning cover-up for some of this country’s most precious jewels.

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Summer Olympics Rio Recap ~ Part 2

Ahh, the Speedo. All but entirely lost from the swimming competitions, it still finds a happy bulging home amid the divers, and this goes out to them for keeping the grand tradition alive.

Steele Johnson must not have liked the Hunk of the Day honor that was bestowed upon him, as he blocked me on Twitter shortly thereafter. (Like it’s my fault he has a perfectly-porn-ready name!)

His partner David Boudia mostly ignored his Hunk of the Day feature (a wise decision, I admit).


British gymnast Brinn Bevan busted out his beautiful form.

One of the openly-gay athletes, Amini Fonua, reminded us that some countries in the world still consider homosexuality a punishable offense.

Matt Anderson showed off his skills with a ball.

A trio of gingers: Christophe HartingGreg Rutherford and Shawn Barber.

Jack Laugher and Chris Mears gave the best hugs.

One of the only ones to beat Michael Phelps, this is Joseph Schooling.

The Comeback Kid: Anthony Ervin.

The break-out star diver had to be Michael Hixon, who continued to channel Zac Efron in the looks department, and is the stuff of teenage dreams.

Track & field has always been the dullest of the events for me, but even that left me enthralled thanks to gentlemen like LaShawn Merritt.

We dig Diego.

A little recap before the final installation of this Olympic look-back.

More to come…

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Olympic Water Polo Spotlight: Marc Minguell

Competing in his third Olympic games, this is Spanish water polo player Marc Minguell. He may seem to know just the one pose seen here, but when you rock a Speedo as hard as he does, you won’t really mind. He’s competing in today’s water polo match, a mid-afternoon treat that NBC will probably broadcast at 3 AM. Anyway, here he is in all his glory, and you have to admit: the guy knows how to handle a ball.

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Cutest Olympic Pair: Dan & Tom

While David Boudia and Steele Johnson may have the hold on Sexiest Olympic Pair, Tom Daley and Dan Goodfellow are arguably the Cutest Pair to medal with Olympic Glory. As we ooh and ogle over the fittest forms the world has to offer, it’s a good moment to remember that, perhaps more than anything else, the Olympics are about teamwork. There are definitely (I was absolutely riveted by a women’s volleyball game, for instance, even more than a men’s swimming event, and that goes to show you just how powerful the pull of human teamwork can be). In this instance, we have the best of both worlds.

Tom Daley is no stranger to these pages, from reading in his Speedo to jumping around in his Speedo to doing it all almost without his Speedo. Dan Goodfellow is a newcomer here, but stay tuned for his impending Hunk of the Day honor. Taken together, they spun through the air in glorious tandem, and with enough skill to earn a medal.

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Even More Ryan Lochte (And That Bulge)

What more can be said about Ryan Lochte that hasn’t been said (and linked) in this post from yesterday? Not much, but here are a few more photos of Mr. Lochte and his world-renowned Speedo bulge. If you’re looking for in-depth Olympic analysis, look elsewhere. This is for ogling and objectification. And you know you love it.


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A Grandly Gratuitous Ryan Lochte Relay

Ryan Lochte has been one of those charismatic, charming, and goofy Hunks who is always good for a ridiculous sound-bite or swaggering Speedo pose, but let’s not forget that he’s also a champion Olympian, where he’s played an integral role in gaining the US several relay medals. More important to those of you who come here for the guy candy, he has no problem preening and posing in all sorts of body-baring swim attire. He’s been named a Hunk of the Day, and his Speedo has graced these pages time and time again. Here’s one more.

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Summer Olympics 2016 Sexiness

Today marks the beginning of the Summer Olympics 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!!! The whole thing is supposedly about the world coming together and competing with good-natured sportsmanship (and sportswomanship) but really it’s just an excuse to ogle toned bodies and the fittest people on the planet. Before we get into anyone’s Speedos just yet, let’s have a look back at other memorable Olympic posts, as they are as plentiful as they are visually-delicious.

First up is everyone’s favorite diver Tom Daley. Though the Chinese team reportedly has a lock on the diving medals, Mr. Daley is going to squeeze himself into a Speedo and do his best to bring something back for Britain.

Second, another returning champ is Michael Phelps, who aims to add to his stockpile of gold.

Third, Nathan Adrian, who’s gotten naked in the water not just once here, but twice.

Fourth, Ryan Lochte is always good for some skimpy attire and ice blue hair.

Fifth, Matt Greevers, because both swimming and diving require the best kind of wardrobe.

Salacious clickbait aside, the Olympics have always been about more than man-candy and impossibly fit bodies. They represent a coming-together of the entire world. When those athletes march onto the same field, in solidarity reaching toward perfection, they are united, and for the most part good sportspersonship prevails. I always choke up a little when that opening ceremony arrives at the entrance moment for all those smiling faces, and each country’s contingent walks in beaming, full of pride, and together as one.

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A Tom Daley Treat

Get ready for Tom Daley to make a big splash in just a few weeks, as he squares off in the summer Olympics in Rio. As a Speedo-clad tease to that Brazilian treat, here’s a fun photo-shoot that Mr. Daley recently did. It shows off a cheeky, humorous side that more Olympians need. Mr. Daley is big enough to have his own Category here, just like David Beckham, Ben Cohen, Tom Ford, and Madonna. That’s elite.

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Rob Gronkowski: In A Speedo… And Even Less

Making a splash for the summer season, this is Rob Gronkowski‘s new GQ spread, in which he poses like a peacock in a Speedo and just a towel. It certainly plays up his bad-boy/frat-boy/party-boy image (eventually I had to give up on cropping out all the gratuitous bikini gals) and re-establishes his status as football-fun-guy. He’s been a little more naked here before, and has no problem with doffing his clothes for photos, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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Michael Phelps, Musclebound

Though he’s been a big hit here, in naked spreads such as this, and nude photos like this, Michael Phelps was always a little too lean and lanky for my liking. That changed a bit as these recent photos will attest. Mr. Phelps has been getting into fighting shape for this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio. A little color, a little chest hair, a little musculature – and suddenly Phelps is a contender. Even in his Speedo, he sometimes paled in comparison to flashier teammates and rivals, yet he rose above them in the medal game. In the showerin the swimming pool, or in the summer, Phelps reaches just beyond his contemporaries to grab the gold. Here’s looking to Rio…

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Cold Speedo Sunday

The weather outside may be growing frightful, but this blog will hopefully keep things delightful as we serve up a Speedo Sunday post to warm the cockles of your budgie smuggler. Here is Chris Mears, who seems to be stealing some Tom Daley thunder of late, with photos shoots and calendar compilations that rival much of what Mr. Daley has done. It’s the sort of competition that can get fierce. Winner shows it all.

Previous Speedo shots have included this one of Luke Evans in bright blue, Tom Daley in burgundy, and Greg Louganis in black and white.

Also filling out their banana hammocks were James Magnussen, Jack Laugher, Ian Thorpe, and Ryan Lochte.

And for good measure, here is Michael Phelps completely without a Speedo, i.e. totally naked.

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Speedo Close-Up

On this snowy Sunday (yes, snow in mid-October, because upstate New York sucks that way) here’s a second Speedo post to keep you warm. With this one, we are taking a closer examination on each of the guys featured on this Speedo Trio post.

First up is Jack Laugher, the blondest of the three, whose swimsuit barely seems to contain his backside. Pop it like it’s hot, because it’s freezing here today.

Second is Speedo All-Star Tom Daley, who gave us his all in myriad posts over the years.

Finally, on this day of threes, the third specimen we take on his own is Chris Mears, rounding out his colorful Speedo and soaking up the rays on a beach that is most decidedly warmer than anything in these parts. Calgon take me away.

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Speedo Trio: Tom, Jack & Chris

This triple threat threesome consists of Tom Daley, Jack Laugher, and Chris Mears, each of whom has been featured in solo fashion, particularly Mr. Daley, who has his own category on this website (a feat that only the iconic likes of David Beckham, Ben Cohen, Tom Ford and Madonna have managed to earn). This time, their Speedo-clad prowess combines to the power of the third, lending a prismatic status of hunkiness to the scene.

Tom Daley was christened with his first Hunk of the Day honor here, where we celebrated him in, of all things, a Speedo. It’s really the only way to celebrate Tom.

Jack Laugher got his first, and thus far only, Hunk of the Day spread here. Surely, he lacks nothing to merit a second, other than an Attitude photo shoot or such.

Finally, bringing up the proverbial rear in nothing but his own, Chris Mears stripped it off and got his Hunk of the Day crowning here.

Taken together, they make for a very merry Sunday morning, something to stave off the chill and conjure a source of heat that only the Speedo-clad can.

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