AI strikes again, and ain’t she pretty! Here someone, or something, has depicted a shirtless Tom Holland atop a naked Shawn Mendes atop a rock beside a waterfall, checking all the boxes of wet gay fantasies the world over. (You may recall this post where Tom Holland was about to bottom for Henry Cavill.)Such AI machinations seem pretty and harmless now, but I’m glad I’ll likely be dead when it gets out of hand and starts destroying an already-tore-up-from-the-floor-up society. I’m sliding into cranky-old-man-hood as easily as Tom is sliding into, well you get the idea. And I’m going to embrace it, like Shawn embraces, well, again…
See more of the actual Shawn Mendes in his underwear here, and the real Tom Holland in his dazzling element here. Then take a trip down our entire Underwear lane in its own category. And try on a few Naked Male Celebrities while you’re at it, or simply go generic with Gratuitous Nudity. Today the category is not Madonna or Tom Ford.