Category Archives: Shirtless Male Celebrities

A Gratuitous Channing Tatum Post

Here are a few old-school Channing Tatum shots from his early days as a male model (and stripper if we are to believe the loosely-autobiographical ‘Magic Mike‘ movie.) Mr. Tatum has surfaced here a number of times (particularly his back end) and as the world gears up to seeing more stripping scenes in ‘Magic Mike XXL’ I offer these photos to whet your appetite.

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Statham, Jason: Shirtless

For my friend JoAnn, who’s visiting this weekend, and who just wrote the Special Guest Blog of the week, I offer these photos of one of her favorites: Jason Statham in various states of shirtlessness. Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of Mr. Statham, but I love my JoJo, so here you go. She’s always liked them a little rough around the edges… and smoking’ hot.

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Classic Across-the-Pond Hunks

Continuing in the throbbing vein of James Norton, these gents hail from the other side of the Atlantic. A quick round-up of British Hunks begins in proper form with the premier gay icon and straight ally Ben Cohen. Mr. Cohen is wildly famous in these parts thanks to posts like this and pics like this. The two shots here should go a long way toward explaining why. A frequent subject of beefcake images and deeper features, Mr. Cohen and his StandUp Foundation have shown the world what a real man can – and should – accomplish.

For lighter fare, feast your eyes upon the soap star studliness of Gary Lucy. I’d move to the capital just to be able to watch his cheesy shows.

Hopefully while there I’d get to run into Dan Osborne on one of his training expeditions. Given the body of work he’s created, I’m guessing he spends a lot of time in training.

Though Mr. Osborne has gotten a little out of hand with the manscaping, Harry Judd knows how to keep things trimmed but not chicken-plucked.

Speaking of fine and fit Harrys, a British tribute to manhood would not be complete without some royalty – and no one is more royally sexy than Prince Harry – especially when he’s giving a glimpse of skin.

Last but most certainly not least, and bringing up the finest rear on either side of the ocean, is David Beckham. While he’s been slightly stingy of late regarding underwear pics, his legacy is set in rock-hard stone.

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Neil Patrick Harris in His Tighty-Whities

Because there’s nothing hotter than a fit guy in white briefs, especially when he’s hosting the Oscars. (Quite frankly, this was the highlight of the Oscar ceremony – and it’s not even over yet.) Neil Patrick Harris has been here practically naked before, in this racy Rolling Stone cover shot, as well as shirtless in his first Hunk of the Day honor. He also wore nothing but glitter here, as was befitting of his turn as Hedwig. As for his Oscar-hosting debut, I thought it was safe and classy (as classy as you can get in your underwear) – and the perfect way to be invited back (though I may be at odds with the world on this one.)

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Aaron Schock Is NOT Gay (And These Pictures Prove It)

Look, I don’t have a problem with gay people. I have a problem with gay people who pretend they’re not gay and then go about trying to deny rights to other gay people. There’s a certain space in hell reserved for such loathsome hypocritical asshats. Then again, internalized homophobia is its own form of hell, created during anyone’s time on earth when they live a life pretending to be anyone other than themselves. When I see that in certain friends, mostly I feel pity. UNLESS the person starts fucking with my rights.

Now, I’m most definitely not saying that Republican Congressman Aaron Schock is gay. That’s the kind of talk that gets people in trouble. And you certainly can’t tell if someone is gay based on their photos or fashion or the fact that they painted their congressional office to look like the set of ‘Downton Abbey’ or were reportedly seen in a naked shower encounter with another gentlemen. What I do know is that Aaron Schock is opposed to marriage equality. In his oh-so-original words: “I do not support gay marriage, and I believe in the definition of marriage being between one man and one woman.” Maybe it’s just a requirement of his political party, or maybe he truly feels that way. Regardless, his anti-gay voting record is shameful for anyone.

He supported an amendment to the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. He was against the President’s decision to not defend the Defense of Marriage Act against court challenge. He also voted against the 2010 repeal of the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in the armed forces.

So until Aaron Schock stops fucking with the rights of gay people in this country, he’s going to have to contend with snarky posts like this (which by no means is meant to insinuate or claim that Aaron Schock is gay.)

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This Is NOT Justin Timberlake Eating Out Someone’s Ass

It’s his way of announcing that his wife is pregnant with their child, so I assume it’s him kissing her stomach – at least, I’m hoping it is. But it does look exactly like he’s giving some analingus to a big old pasty ass, right? Besides, the idea of a rim job by Justin Timberlake is on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Talk about bringing Sexy Back… Anyway, congratulations to the proud parents-to-be!

For those who wanted Justin Timberlake’s ass to be involved in this post, I don’t want to let you down, so here’s a naked Justin Timberlake giving some gluteus maximus. He’s been naked here before, and he’s gotten his cock out here as well, so add this to the nude Justin Timberlake collection.

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Andrew Hayden Smith in Sexy Undies

Sometimes all it takes for a revisiting of someone’s Hunk of the Day status is a new photo shoot and some judicious photoshopping (not that anything here was photoshopped…) Here is former Hunk of the Day Andrew Hayden Smith in his second appearance on this wayward blog. There’s nothing else to say, other than Mr. Smith deserved the honor then, and he more than deserves it now. White briefs always make the man.

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The Virgin Recap of the Year

It seems a bit early in the year to have a recap already, but such is the predicament of a Monday morning on this January 5 in the year of our Lord 2015. Last week I didn’t do a weekly recap because I knew that the Year in Review for 2014 was beginning the next day, and begin it did. Part One brought my ass back to the blog, Part Two brought Ben Cohen’s ass back to the blog, and Part Three brought Bryan Hawn’s ass back to the blog. That’s a lot of ass to bring back, even if much of it was sexy.

It was a week of new beginnings, in which this very blog is taking some transformative steps forward. Evolution, baby. Get those knuckles off the ground!

I put some personal family strife up for all the world to see, and realized that I was the one who needed to grow up and get out, and I think a number of us will be a lot happier about it.

A teddy bear and some cute gay animation made for this lovely distraction, crafted by a friend.

My not-so-fondness for tattoos may have taken a turn thanks to Hunk of the Day Logan McCree, while Francisco Javier Escobar Parra made a pretty case for four-name, well, names.

I’ve made a mess of things in the past, but I’m trying to clean it up.

Last but most certainly not least, this pair of sexy posts featured naked male celebrities, gratuitous male nudity, and just about everything leading up to it.

(Not to be outdone, this one gamely tried with its own set of nude male photos.)

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More Hunks Than You Can Shake a Dick At

Fresh off a pair of posts that collected the collections of sexy and often-nude male celebrities we’ve posted in the past, is a tidy gathering of posts that came prior to 2014. Remember, this dusty corner of the internet has been posting naked men for over a decade. That’s a lot of sexy guys, and is likely the reason most of you are here today. On with the show (but do come back for a spirited post on the evolution of one man’s taste in cologne.)

First up is a quick Hunky retrospective that was really about one thing and one thing only: Colby Melvin in a jockstrap.

Speaking of jockstraps… here you go.

A battle of the underwear bulge, between David Beckham and Mario Lopez. Or a battle of the butts, between David Beckham and Tom Daley.

For a group scene, check out this post featuring the likes of Justin Timberlake, Taylor Lautner, Sacha Harding, Scott Herman, Columbus Short, and Stuart Reardon.

The erection recollection.

An anonymous trio of posts, beginning with this fine group, finds various men in shirtless or nude form, to fill a Saturday with fantastic specimens in various stages of nudity.

Finally, a two-parter that starts with the very visible penis line of Nick Youngquest, continues with a naked Andy Samberg and a shirtless Harry Judd, ultimately ends with the biggest collection of naked ass men that’s ever been posted on this blog in a single photo.

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Greatest Hits of Hunkdom

There are certain men who come and go on this site awfully quickly, but there are others who come, and come back for more. This post is a brief collection of some of the greatest hunks that have graced the site over the years. Each is a classic in his own right – and a few even have their own sub-category here (an honor usually reserved for the likes of Madonna or Tom Ford).

We begin with Harry Judd, who’s taken off trou here even more than Nick Jonas. Mr. Judd has been in his underwear, and out of it, sharing his birthday cake, and his birthday suit with equal aplomb.

Next up is Darren Criss, of ‘Glee’ fame. My bad-gay confession is that I haven’t seen the show in years. Is it still on? Makes no matter. Mr. Criss is beautiful with or without a singing showcase on the boob tube.

Speaking of those with fantastic sub-categories, here is Ben Cohen. Click on this and keep scrolling down, down, and down.

Tom Daley has a pretty substantial sub-category too, but Jack Mackenroth has a more bountiful booty.

Last but not least is Dan Osborne. He’s been here more times than I can right off recall, but notable appearances include this naked one, this nude one, this totally starkers one, and this one of his ass.

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Three Hunks for the Post of One

While Monday is our traditional day for recapping things, let’s do a tantalizing triumvirate of Hunks to spice up the day of Thanks of this short week. Every one of the gentlemen featured here has already been named Hunk of the Day, but I sincerely doubt anyone will have an issue with revisiting them, particularly when additional photos only serve to solidify that original honor.

We begin with Charlie King, who has become gay royalty in the time since his first crowning. Mr. King came out earlier this year, and since then has been heating up photo shoots like this one. Keep up the good work, sire.

Second up is Derek Allen Watson, who’s gone on to the sunnier clime of California after cutting his teeth on New York for a number of years. Mr. Watson is heating up both shores with his modeling work, and a portfolio that’s practically on fire.

Finally, the gay-friendly/straight-ally hotness of Nick Jonas, who has thus far proven himself durably genuine in his support for our community. He has come quite a long way since his first days here, and his very first Hunk of the Day feature. Something tells me he has quite a way to go given the start of sex scenes like this.

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The Underwear-Clad Jesse Metcalfe

Finally, an image to fix the Internet that Kim Kardashian’s greasy ass supposedly broke a while back. This is Jesse Metcalfe in some gritty, raw and rough poses. It’s the only known antidote to the Kardashian Curse. Mr. Metcalfe has been featured here previously, in nothing but his underwear, and in his very first Hunk of the Day crowning.

And a brief glimpse at how he gets a body like that.


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Tom Brady, Shirtless on the Beach

It’s a surprisingly rare moment when Tom Brady removes his shirt, which has always been rather unfortunate given his hotness. Judging from these photos he actually has a somewhat average body for a super sports star, and such a normal revelation only endears him to me. His previous appearances here have been mostly skin-free, which goes to show that a post like this is a rarity indeed. Unlike his teammate Rob Gronkowski, who stepped to the scene sans clothing completely. Not sure which is better…

Here are two bulge shots as well, for those who like to seek out bulges.

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That Nick Jonas Sex Scene

From his television work on ‘Kingdom’ comes Nick Jonas and his first sex scene. I’m not sure how much this one will appeal to his ever-growing gay fan base, but whatevs. It’s Nick banging a hot woman in flattering lighting. He will no doubt be revealing more, because all these hints have got to lead somewhere. (And I’m guessing the purity ring is now off for good.)

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The Fine, Fine, Super-Fine Philip Fusco

Fan favorite Philip Fusco fills out these photos quite finely, and looks even more fit out of uniform. To that end, there are a few of him fittingly in nude form as well. Mr. Fusco has made quite a splash on this site in a short amount of time – and I’m making up for years of not featuring him with a rash of posts that started with this gratuitously grand entry here, and his initial Hunk of the Day honor here.

Thus far no one has complained about the sexy excess. Come back for more. Also, be sure to check out Mr. Fusco’s own website at PhilCity ~ where fitness, health, and lifestyle come together in one explosively sexy arena.

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