Category Archives: Shirtless Male Celebrities

Some Shirtless Zac Efron

To help us get over the hump, here are some shirtless shots of Zac Efron when he went rope-swinging. I guess when you’re hot like that you go rope-swinging. Obviously, I’ve never been, and I’m good with that. (Though it must be noted that I was one of the few in our sixth grade class who could scale the big ropes in phys ed class and get all the way to the top of the gymnasium. Hint: it’s just as much in the legs as it is in the arms.) Speaking of arms, Mr. Efron’s guns are something to behold. Hanging on rope and swinging around like Tarzan certainly agrees with him. It also works wonders for building the back, and the chest, and apparently everything else.

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I added an extra ‘X’ and a pair of parentheses for my own dash of humor to the over-simplified title of this post, which celebrates the majesty of ‘Magic Mike XXL‘ which is opening this summer. I’ll be honest and admit to being a bad gay: I’ve never seen the first ‘Magic Mike’ because, quite frankly, I’m not a huge Channing Tatum fan. He’s been featured here a fair amount for all you wonderful people out there in the dark, but aside from cursory charm and sex appeal, I’ve never been all that impressed. (The sacrifices I make for this website.)

At any rate, as the men gear up for their return to the stripping stage I give you this quick look at the new posters for the sequel, as well as a linky look back at all that came before.

First, there was Channing Tatum. Entering the scene as, what else, an Abercrombie & Fitch male model, Mr. Tatum soon took the cinema by storm. I still don’t think I’ve ever seen one of his movies. What am I missing? He’s butted butts with Joe Mangianello, whose ample backside could easily take that of his counterpart any day of the week. They first squared their asses off here, then came back for a second round of ass dominance. Mr. Mangianello has been here a number of times as well, and is a favorite for his body and his facial hair – but not for his body hair (boo.)

Stephen “Twitch’ Boss is a new addition to the cast, but he’s already been featured here as a Hunk of the Day. Matt Bomer is one of the returning alumni, and his butt has been celebrated with quite solid reason. As for the remaining boys of summer, they’ll doff their shirts soon enough. I’ll just have to hear about it, because I don’t think I should see the sequel without having seen the original, and that’s not going to happen. Besides, why waste the time and money when posts like this break down the male nudity in one free and easy swoop.

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Smells Sexy Like Ben Cohen

Nobody told me that Ben Cohen had a new cologne out, not even the man himself, and we’re usually relatively tight. (Hey, the guy wishes me Happy Birthday when it’s my birthday!) I have seriously mixed feelings about this venture, however, as much as I am enamored with the man whose pretty face graces the bottle. I don’t know how it was produced, or who Mr. Cohen worked with, so there’s a chance it could be wonderful. Sarah Jessica Parker made her debut celebrity fragrance into something that was both popular with the masses and more than a few perfume connoisseurs, but that is the rare exception. For every lovely Parker, there’s some gaudy and god-awful Britney Spears massacre.

David Beckham has a few scents out there, none of which I’ve sampled. (For some reason I never think to sample cologne when I’m in a CVS.) Personally, I think it’s much safer to simply be the face of the product, rather than put yourself out there as the creator and namesake. (Think Nick Youngquest and Scott Eastwood. Be the face, not the name.) The arena into which Cohen spritzes his stuff is sacred ground, and for someone who worships at the altar of Tom Ford and bows down before Hermes and Amouage, it’s going to take a lot to impress. That is nothing against Mr. Cohen.

To give you an idea of how fussy I am when it comes to fragrance, I didn’t even like Madonna’s ‘Truth or Dare’ perfume enough to purchase it for myself, and I pretty much like everything she’s done. (I’ve got a goddamned children’s book she once wrote as proof. FYI, ‘Sex’ was a much better read.)

But until I try Ben Cohen on for myself (and I am anxiously awaiting a personal invite, ahem), I’ll zip my lips and simply enjoy him wearing it, with preferably nothing else.

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Scorchingly Shirtless Scott Eastwood

Though Scott Eastwood has already been named a Hunk of the Day, these photos are worthy of a third post today. They come from the actor’s ad campaign for Davidoff’s Cool Water. It’s been ages since I’ve worn that icky fragrance (it’s really for high school) and though Mr. Eastwood looks hot and cool, he won’t be getting me to spritz that shit on myself anytime soon. It’s nice to see that he’s got the classic Davidoff closed-eyes/ecstasy-in-mid-splash pose down pat. Now if we can only get him to front (and back) an underwear campaign

By the way, jeans in water? Never a practical choice.

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Adam Levine’s Naked Ass

Adam Levine drops his towel and gets completely nude for these screen caps from his new video ‘This Summer’s Gonna Hurt Like a Motherfucker.’ Well, no one said ass-play was ever easy… Mr. Levine has taken his clothes off here before but for a strategically-placed pair of lucky hands. This time it’s on video and in motion, captured here for posteriority.


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Returning to the Realm of Hunkdom

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Hunk of the Day due to the Ogunquit recap of the last few days. (It’s the only way I have of extending the vacation, so I’m going to indulge.) Now that it’s finally over, we are back to our regularly-scheduled shirtless smut. Yet rather than dive in with a fresh face right away, let’s have a quick look back like we did a week ago at some former Hunks who have brightened this blog with their flawless bodies and supposedly scandalous nudity.

Tom Daley is always good for a bit of Speedo exposure, and a suit that barely contains his good stuff. It’s also almost Speedo season, so let the games begin.

The very first glimpse I offered of Nick Jonas was in his Hunk of the Day crowning a couple of years ago. That was before he took his shirt off and all hell broke loose.

It’s been ages since ‘Dawson’s Creek’ was on the telly, and to be honest I never watched it then either, but James Van Der Beek has survived the Hollywood machine and maintained a presence in La-La-Land, thanks in part to hot shots like these.

Henry Cavill is the former Hunk of the Day in the featured photo of this post, and this last pic as well. Previously the bulge-tastic Mr. Cavill proved just how super a man he can be in these nude pics.

Finally, lest Tom Daley get all the Speedo-clad glory, here is Matthew Mitcham’s original Hunk of the Day post. After all, it’s almost time…

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In the Realm of Hunkdom

Given the regularity of posts here, some hunks may have escaped your notice. Others may be worth a second look. Either way, this is a brief encapsulation of several noteworthy gentlemen who have previously graced this site with their shirtless presence, and a few who have given us some naked presents as well.

The feature pic, as should always be the case, is a double shirtless gift of Zac Efron. He indulges most of us by regularly doffing his shirt, and recently gave the illusion of doffing everything else. (Somehow, nude-hued briefs work just as well on him.)

Nick Youngquest is another perennial favorite here, and I’m not sure why he hasn’t achieved such wide-spread acclaim as Ben Cohen or David Beckham. (I may be crossing my balls here, sportswise at least, so perhaps that’s the reason.) At any rate, he’s been here a number of notable times, including this magnificent view of his naked ass, these nude shots of his ass, and this partially-obscured view of his front.

Below are a pair of Hunks relatively new to the site. Charlie King has put his tush on display in his Hunk of the Day feature, and he does it again here, along with Fabio Mancini, who fills out his Armani briefs impeccably.

One of our most-recent Hunks is Morris Chestnut, the smoldering actor whose intense gaze defined the word ‘sultry.’

Finally, we close this Hunk-retrospective out with the ever-classy Benedict Cumberbatch, who made some of us into squealing Cumberbitches.



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That Enormous Chris Hemsworth Bulge

Even if you know it’s fake, it’s still pretty hot. Here is that Chris Hemsworth bulge that everyone is talking about from the new ‘Vacation’ reboot (I didn’t see the original, so I won’t be seeing this one, even if Mr. Hemsworth‘s impressively enormous dick is dangling on display.) I do prefer this look to his longer-haired Thor shirtlessness, so at least he’s headed in the right direction. Just watch where he points that big long thing – and check it out in full motion thanks to carey579.

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Even More Shirtless Zac Efron

There’s less skin on display than in this previous Zac Efron post, but there’s still enough to leave most of us salivating in his wake. For a not-so-lazy Friday, feast your weary eyes upon the buff miracle that is Mr. Zac Efron.


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Zac Efron, Practically Nude

A man needs to know his best assets, and here’s a man who clearly does. Zac Efron has been naked here before, so while it shouldn’t be a big deal, these photos, from a movie in which he’s supposed to be naked, by rights should not be anything special. Yet somehow they are, so feast your eyes one more time upon the almost-naked form of Mr. Efron. No stranger to nudity, and certainly not to shirtlessness, Efron gives a bit of both, in nude-hued briefs and a strategically-placed stuffed animal. He’s still hiding the good bits, but I can respect that. A girl has to leave something to the imagination.

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Hunk of the Day (Again): Andy Cohen

He’s been a Hunk of the Day before, and more importantly he’s released not just one but two entertaining tomes (‘Most Talkative‘ and ‘The Andy Cohen Diaries.’) Recently, he was in Miami on his tour with Anderson Cooper, where he hit the beach with his toned and tanned beach body (all the working out that took place in his Diaries has definitely paid off). This is Andy Cohen, who’s being honored as Hunk of the Day one more time because, well, he is.

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Sexy Group Scene: Nude Men

Not so much a group scene as in an orgy, but group scene as in a collection of Hunks that collectively form a group. (Or group scene as in orgy if that’s what you insist upon.) This Saturday post is one of those sexy, lazy compilations that may refresh your memory, or introduce you anew, to a few Hunk of the Day features you may have missed. The Archives are a labyrinth of male nudity and naked male celebrities, but few seldom trove the treasure trails without getting lost in masturbatory delight. Let’s focus, at least as pronounced by Jean Claude Van Damme.

We should begin with the magically-delicious butts of ‘Magic Mike’ in this brief post of posteriors.

While we’re on the subject of nude male butts, here’s the one that belongs to Jake Gyllenhaal. Any day that Jakey gets nakey is a good one.

The final ass-cheek peek for this opening is the sexy back of Justin Timberlake. But enough about the naked JT Superstar for now…

The gentlemen of McFly got nude in the above photo from an Attitude shoot, but it’s always been about the third guy in from the left, Harry Judd. Mr. Judd has supplied ample assets for this website, and other far less classy joints (thank God). I’m partial to the partial male nudity of this post, the spreading of his legs in this one, and the gratuitous semi-dry-but-naked humping in this one.

More magic from ‘Mike’ – because it was the movie that just kept on giving. A nude Channing Tatum or a shirtless Joe Manganiello? Ok, fine – a nude Joe Manganiello too. [Sigh]… and Matt Bomer’s banging backside.

Speaking of nude men, here’s Rob Gronkowski naked.

One of the OG male supermodels, Tyson Beckford, proves he still has the stuff to fill out the sexy underwear.

One of the sweetest male supermodels, Ronnie Kroell, made his first appearance here in this post. More impressively, he made his latest appearance here, wherein he was crowned as Hunk of the Day for the third time (our first-ever three-time honoree).

Finally, now that you’ve been bombarded with links to see you through this otherwise-lightweight Saturday, a few collections within this group collection. In a few of these posts you’ll find the random male nudity of anonymous strangers, in others you might find the recognizable tushes of guys like Sandor Earl, Alex Minsky, Colby Keller, Greg Rutherford, Ashton Kutcher and even a couple of Olympians.

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Zac Efron Grabs Another Guy’s Junk

Last year, Zac Efron ripped his shirt off and revealed his banging torso on the MTV Movie Awards. How do you top that gratuitous glimse of skin? You grab Dave Franco’s package, literally, and hang on for dear life. Sound unbelievable? Scroll down and see the epic GIFs. (There’s some nipple tweaking too, of Mr. Efron’s nubs.) First, a look back at last year’s skin-baring incident.

This isn’t the first time that Zac Efron has had fun with another guy – and that one was a Bear. (And don’t forget when this Zac Efron nude photo hit the internet.)

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Justin Bieber: Shirtless & (Gulp) Bulked

Watching Martha Stewart roast Justin Bieber was almost – ALMOST – enough to diminish some of the negative feelings I have toward the trying-to-reform young prick. But before I give in to the dark side and emotionally prepare for a Taylor Swift turn-around, I’m hanging onto some deeply-ingrained annoyance thanks to Bieber’s possible connection to one of the Kardashian spawn. This hater is gonna hate, hate, hate until such a scourge is wiped from the earth. That said, it’s nice to see Mr. Bieber progressing from these early shirtless pics to this bulked-up stance by way of Calvin Klein. Photoshopping is a Godsend when you need to get jacked quickly.

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Nick Jonas & More Nude GIFs

Nick Jonas has solidified his status as worthy and willing Hunk with all the times he’s removed his clothes in the past year or so. Starting with the Instagram shot heard round the world, and following up stunningly with his fittingly chosen magazine cover for ‘Flaunt,’ Mr. Jonas has come into young adulthood in sexy fashion. Further proof of his penchant for taking his clothes off is evidenced here, and in GIFs from another instance where he appeared in the buff. Yes, we still get jealous…

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