Category Archives: Olympics

My Favorite Person at the Summer Olympics

She just may be my very favorite person at this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio. Forget the male gymnasts, the Speedo-clad divers, and the gingers, this is Oksana Chusovitina, who was born two months before me (which means she is 41 years old). Ms. Chusovitina has been competing for so long that she once represented the Soviet Union. This is her seventh time at the Olympics.


It’s impressively mind-boggling, and the fact that she still bounds through the air like she’s just beginning is a glorious testament to her dedication and perseverance, as well as her simple love of her sport. This year she is representing Uzbekistan, and the first time I saw her compete, I cringed a little at her outfit.

Then I saw her expression.

Her determination.

Her hunger.

Her spirit.

And her smile upon completing each of her events.

She won me over. I thought about her storied career, and looked up her accomplishments. She never had the best costumes, or the most fabulous hair, or the glamorous poise of some other gymnasts, but she had something else: the unfailing love of doing what she does, and doing it in the best way that she can could do it – over an incredibly long span, unheard of in gymnastics, and most other sports.

That quiet, unassuming grit and greatness is the stuff of the truest champions.

The best part of these Olympics goes beyond the bulge, and this powerhouse of a woman from Uzbekistan reminded me of that.

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Olympic Diver Spotlight: Kristian Ipsen

As the rest of the diving world gets challenged by the windy conditions at Rio for today’s springboard competition, the Americans relied on their outdoor practice to make strides into medal territory. This is Kristian Ipsen, who was right behind Zac Efron look-alike Michael Hixon the last time I checked – but these standings are as volatile as the peripatetic wind.

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Olympic Gymnast Spotlight: Eleftherios Petrounias

The Rings.

They are the true test of strength, focus, balance, endurance, and body fitness.

I can barely hang onto a handrail going up a flight of stairs, so the idea of holding onto two rings that aren’t connected to one another is a feat of superhuman insanity.

Eleftherios Petrounias has no such issues, as exhibited by his wondrous performance at this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio. Representing Greece, he does his country proud.

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Steamy, Sexy Olympic Recap

It’s stank outside.

In this heat and humidity, grammar and words don’t mean much.

(Kind of like Donald Trump every day of the year.)

On with the previous week and everything that went down on this site, including the kick-off to my birthday countdown.

It was all about the Rio Summer Olympics.

Swimmers like Adam Peaty, Marcelo Chierighini, Chad Le Clos (but no cigar), Ryan Lochte, Ryan Held, Joseph Schooling, and Anthony Ervin.

Gymnasts like Marcel Nguyen, Brinn Bevan, and Kohei Uchimura.

Divers like Zac Efron look-alike and doppelgänger Michael Hixon.

Runners like LaShawn Merritt.

Volleyball players like Matt Anderson.

Gingers like Christophe Harting and the great Greg Rutherford.

Heroes like Amini Fonua.

Sexiest Olympic Couple: David & Steele or Dan & Tom?

Because one post wasn’t enough, here’s the bodacious bulge of Ryan Lochte again.

Even the Hunks of the Day were mostly Olympic men: Nicolai Ceban, Devon Allen, Chen Aisen, Ryan Murphy, and Dan Goodfellow.

Not to be outdone by all the Olympic bodies, these gentlemen bared their all, and a few famous nude guys made for a rollicking post. Including the otherwise wretched Justin Bieber.

Somehow Madonna managed to make her way into the proceedings, with this gorgeous song from the ‘Like A Prayer’ album.

Gay Uncles Day? Whatevs.

As we stumble along

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Olympic Swimmer Spotlight: Anthony Ervin

We love a good comeback story. Sixteen years ago, Anthony Ervin won his first gold medal at the Olympics. In the ensuing years, he dabbled with alcohol and drugs, womanizing and a suicide attempt, but managed to make his way back to the Olympic Games in Rio this summer. Last night, he won his second gold medal. I can’t imagine what he must be feeling, but I’m guessing it’s pretty good. Congrats to Mr. Ervin for making it back to the top of that golden mountain.

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The Great Gratuitous Greg Rutherford Post

Greg Rutherford has been one of the most popular figures featured here, and thanks to this sizzling collection of photos the reasons are quite apparent. It doesn’t get hotter than a super-fit ginger who has been an ally to the LGBT community for his entire career. Cheeky photo-shoots that emphasize his ass don’t hurt either, and he has just the right amount of body ink to be both elegant and a little edgy. Here, we present some of his finer shots in honor of his long-jump endeavors at the Rio Summer Olympics.

Mr. Rutherford’s history here goes back a while, with his initial Hunk of the Day feature, wherein he posed and pulled his pants down just enough to whet the appetite for more.

He got a little more naked here for a butt-baring GIF that I’ll repost below for good measure.

On Twitter I posed the question of whether Christoph Harting was the hottest ginger at these summer Olympics. A resounding ‘NO’ was also accompanied by the simple proclamation that it was Greg Rutherford. Who am I to argue with Twitter?

In addition to his features, Rutherford also helms a number of miscellaneous posts, such as this one, where he adds his powerful back-end to the naked likes of Orlando Bloom, Justin Bieber, and Epke Wonderland.

His most nude post maybe this sexy recap where he joins force with a naked Dan Osborne for some British Booty Exhibitionism.

Even when he’s a minor, albeit-crotch-grabbing, part of a post, he still burns bright, even in black-and-white.

Congrats to Mr. Rutherford for making it to another Olympic Games. Here’s hoping this is just the beginning of many more fabulous photo shoots. Go Gingers!

{And if you want to see his biggest ass-baring photo, it’s right here in this post.}

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Olympic Ginger Spotlight: Christoph Harting

This discus-throwing ginger behemoth from Germany just won the Gold Medal at the Rio Olympics, and there’s absolutely nothing about this that I don’t like. This site has been partial to gingers since the great Greg Rutherford disrobed for the first (but not the last) time. As for Mr. Harting, kudos to his gold-medal-winning spin-and-throw.

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A Bevy of Olympic Hotties

I will never understand, or forgive, NBC for relegating the men’s springboard diving competition to 1:30 AM, but by chance and luck I managed to catch the bodacious back-ends of the whole thing to see Jack Laugher and Chris Mears win the gold in a spellbinding upset. The US gained the silver and the heavily-favored Chinese team earned the bronze. It was quite the (late) night. Mr. Laugher and Mr. Mears have been featured here before, so this seems as good a time as any to recap some of the loveliness that this Olympic Games has brought into our lives.

Chris Mears has gone naked for some scorching layouts, and Jack Laugher bared his butt for all the world to see as well.

Tom Daley and his diving partner Dan Goodfellow made a striking pair, and a pair of practically-splash free performances.

Michael Phelps has made more history winning a couple more gold medals in these games, but most visitors to these parts will focus on his naked photos for the ESPN Body Issue. His friendly rivalry with Ryan Lochte, and not-so-friendly rivalry with Chad Le Clos made for some riveting moments. Mr. Lochte has his own sizable following, thanks to pics like these.

Another swimmer who made a sexy splash on this site is Marcelo Chierighini.

The US Men’s Gymnastics team didn’t fare as well medal-wise, but body-wise they were charged up and ready to impress, proudly proclaiming they be happy to perform without shirts. No one put up an argument.

Entering the second week of the Summer Olympics, we’re only about half-way through, so more Hunks are sure to come.

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Olympic Swimmer Spotlight: Joseph Schooling

When he was a kid, Joseph Schooling looked up to Michael Phelps as an inspiration for an incredible swimming career. Today, Schooling edged out Phelps for the Gold Medal, and it was a sight to behold. The swimmer from Singapore sailed past Phelps and Chad Le Clos to take his own moment of Olympic glory. It was a great race, and seeing Phelps give him a hug at the end of it is an exercise in classy sportsmanship. Congrats to Mr. Schooling on his golden triumph.

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Olympic Volleyball Spotlight: Matt Anderson

Volleyball dynamo Matt Anderson has done wonders for the US team in the Rio Summer Olympics, and he’s doing some fine things for the blog as well if we are to judge this crop of fit and fine photos. Mr. Anderson also has a growing collection of body ink artwork. I’m especially partial to that tree. (And that beard.)

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Olympic Hero Spotlight: Amini Fonua

“It is still illegal to be gay in Tonga, and while I’m strong enough to be me in front of the world, not everybody else is. Respect that.” ~ Amini Fonua

The amazingly courageous Amini Fonua is an openly-gay athlete competing in the Summer Olympics this year. He represents Tonga, where it is illegal to be gay. His openness is both brave and heroic, and he puts a very powerful face on the fact that there is still hatred and discrimination in this world. For those who have never had to wonder whether being themselves would endanger them, I ask that you think about what it would be like if your sexuality was a constant source of angst and worry, if you had to be concerned that who you love might land you in jail, beaten up, or killed. Mr. Fonua is fighting against that, and that deserves more than a gold medal.

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Cutest Olympic Pair: Dan & Tom

While David Boudia and Steele Johnson may have the hold on Sexiest Olympic Pair, Tom Daley and Dan Goodfellow are arguably the Cutest Pair to medal with Olympic Glory. As we ooh and ogle over the fittest forms the world has to offer, it’s a good moment to remember that, perhaps more than anything else, the Olympics are about teamwork. There are definitely (I was absolutely riveted by a women’s volleyball game, for instance, even more than a men’s swimming event, and that goes to show you just how powerful the pull of human teamwork can be). In this instance, we have the best of both worlds.

Tom Daley is no stranger to these pages, from reading in his Speedo to jumping around in his Speedo to doing it all almost without his Speedo. Dan Goodfellow is a newcomer here, but stay tuned for his impending Hunk of the Day honor. Taken together, they spun through the air in glorious tandem, and with enough skill to earn a medal.

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Olympic Gymnast Spotlight: Brinn Bevan

Born in the year of our Queen’s ‘Ray of Light’ triumph (1997) British gymnast Brinn Bevan flexes his impressive muscles for this Olympic treat. His body betrays a growing trend in Olympic champions: body ink. Many opt for the five linked Olympic rings, but some branch out to words.

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Olympic Diver Spotlight: Michael Hixon

If Zac Efron were to slip into a Speedo and dive a routine worthy of an Olympic Silver Medal, he might look something like Michael Hixon, this late evening’s spotlight guy. Mr. Hixon and his partner just won the silver medal in something of an upset, but no one’s all that upset by anything because we got to see this guy in all his glory.

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Even More Ryan Lochte (And That Bulge)

What more can be said about Ryan Lochte that hasn’t been said (and linked) in this post from yesterday? Not much, but here are a few more photos of Mr. Lochte and his world-renowned Speedo bulge. If you’re looking for in-depth Olympic analysis, look elsewhere. This is for ogling and objectification. And you know you love it.


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