Category Archives: Madonna

Madonna, Almost at 100

The next installment of the Madonna Timeline will be the 100th song I have featured. What started out as a whim, has grown into something quite more. Looking back on the early entries, they seem breezy, light, and supercilious – but somewhere along the line they took on deeper meaning, much in the way that Madonna’s own career has progressed from trifling pop singer to global force. If there’s one thing we have in common is an amusement and appreciation at being under-estimated.

This is the first mini-promo of that milestone, so I’ve gone over a few past Madonna Timeline entries and found some that slipped under the radar. The first is ‘Sky Fits Heaven‘, one of my favorite tracks from the epic Ray of Light album. If this song came up now, it would get a much better write-up, but back then I didn’t know what I was doing. And rather than pretend I was perfect, I’d rather let the past speak for the past.

Such as ‘Justify My Love‘. The pre-cursor to the big Erotica bang, ‘Justify‘ has never been a favorite Madonna song of mine, but it maintains a prominent place in the Madonna canon for all the controversy it courted and then fucked.

April in Boston – and ‘I’ll Remember‘. On an upper floor of the Copley Marriott, I wrote out a story, looking out over the Charles River, my mother and grandmother out on a shopping excursion, and me alone – always alone – and wondering.

The heat of summer released its gloriously stifling hold, and no one could deny ‘He’s A Man‘. Well, he was…

And sometimes summer was just one big ‘Celebration‘. Sometimes.

More often fall was where it was at, and fall was traditionally the time in which I fell. The number of times I wanted to say ‘I Want You‘ far exceeded the times that phrase was ever returned.

Yet winter was where spells were cast as well, or, rather, not quite well… as winter wishes were the cruelest of all. You’re ‘Frozen‘ when your heart’s not open. So… ‘Open Your Heart‘!

Summer always comes around again, but it’s never the same. Whenever that happens, I find it’s best to just ‘Turn Up The Radio‘.

And if it’s love that you’re after – and who isn’t? – check out ‘True Blue‘ or ‘Crazy For You‘. Love is never what you think it will be.

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The Madonna Timeline: Song #99 ~ ‘I’m A Sinner’ – Summer 2012

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

Like the sun, like the light, like a flame
Like the storm I burn through everything
Like a bomb in the night, Like a train
Thundering through the hills, Let it rain…
I’m a sinner, I like it that way…

Another highlight off Madonna’s most recent albumMDNA‘, this is the joyously unrepentant ‘I’m A Sinner’. It’s got the guitar-heavy William Orbit touches that made the ‘Ray of Light’ album such an organic, grounded experience, and some cheeky religious references to give it a classic Madonna edge. It’s also a fun sing-a-long, and one of the more merry bits of the MDNA Tour. In that performance, she mashes it up with an unlikely B-side, ‘Cyberraga’, in a genius melding that must be seen to be believed.

All the boys, all the boys and girls
Wanna be like us tonight
All the boys, all the boys and girls
Ride the magic bus tonight
I’m a sinner, I’m a sinner,
I’m a sinner, I like it that way
I’m a sinner, I’m a sinner,
I’m a sinner, I like it that way…
Like a moon with no light of my own
Search the sky for a place to call home
I woke up with my head in the fire
Get my kicks when I’m walking the wire
I’m a sinner, I like it that way…
All the boys, all the boys and girls
Wanna be like us tonight
All the boys, all the boys and girls
Ride the magic bus tonight
I’m a sinner, I’m a sinner,
I’m a sinner, I like it that way
I’m a sinner, I’m a sinner,
I’m a sinner, I like it that way…

For my part, this song was one of the first I danced to with my niece and nephew. They were two at the time, but already bouncing about and parading around the dining room. They won’t remember that, but I will.

Outside, the summer day shifted the shadow of the house over the lawn. The red wagon in which I’d pull them around the block sat waiting for the next ride. Inside, the carpet was soft against our bare feet, and we were dancing to Madonna. I was their silly Uncle, acting like a kid again, and it was like a dream and a prayer and the innocence of childhood all over again.

Hail Mary, full of grace
Get down on your knees and pray
Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross
Died for our sins, it’s such a loss
Saint Christopher, found my way
I’ll be coming home one day
Saint Sebastian, don’t you cry
Let those poison arrows fly…
Saint Anthony, lost and found
Thomas Aquinas, stand your ground
All the saints and holy men
Catch me before I sin again.

We were supposedly born with original sin thrust upon us, erased only with the magic of baptism, but how soon we soil ourselves again. One can’t get through childhood without getting a little dirty. For some of us, it’s more than a little. But dancing with a couple of two-year-olds, even at my ripe old age, I feel clean again, and pure, and I can say that I’m a sinner, that we’re all sinners, and revel in it with no shame.

My niece and nephew don’t yet know or care about sin. Their only concerns are that I can bring them around in their wagon, or dance like a lunatic in the dining room, or read them a story when they tire out. The worst atrocities they can commit are a few thrown toys and the occasional temper tantrum, but nothing that rises to anything remotely sinful.

That miraculous live version…

I’m a sinner, I’m a sinner,
I’m a sinner, I like it that way
I’m a sinner, I’m a sinner,
I’m a sinner, I like it that way
You’re a sinner, you’re a sinner
You’re a sinner, you like it that way
We’re all sinners, we’re all sinners
We’re all sinners
Song #99: ‘I’m A Sinner’ ~ Summer 2012
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Madonna Bazaar

Madonna graces the new cover of Harper’s Bazaar magazine, as only she can. In a way, this spectacular shoot reminds me of some of her iconic magazine shoots of the 90’s – the ones that could almost be considered projects of their own. It’s a nice jolt to the mostly-lackluster and uninspiring “work” of today’s starlets. No offense, Miley. I also love how it references one of her greatest moments: the 2012 Superbowl performance. All hail our Woman Warrier, and woe to those who dare question her relevance.

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The Madonna Timeline: Song #98 ~ ‘I’m Addicted’ – Spring 2012

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

When did your name change from a word to a charm?
No other sound makes the hair stand up on the back of my arm
All of the letters push to the front of my mouth
And saying your name is somewhere between a prayer and a shout
And I can’t get it out…

The road is dark, but it’s a clear stretch for a couple of miles. It’s still early in spring, but this night is just warm enough to open the windows and slide back the sunroof. I reach my hand into the rush of air, feel it push against my skin then move beyond. I’m driving along the back roads of upstate New York, listening to Track 3 of the new Madonna album, ‘MDNA’. As on all her records, there are a few stand-out tracks that instantly take up residence in the ear, songs that you feel emotionally, viscerally, and all-encompassingly. ‘I’m Addicted’ is one of them. I crank up the volume and the car picks up speed.

When did your name change from language to magic?
I write it again on the back of my hand, and I know it sounds tragic
Fame’s like a drug and I can’t get enough and it fits like a glove
I’m addicted to your love
I’m addicted to your love
I’m addicted to your love…

The same excitement that accompanies the release of every Madonna album is palpable in the air. It will, I hope, always be that way for me. Other passions may ebb and wane, but Madonna has always managed to inspire. This night proves no different. I’m as giddy as I was on the nights that ‘Erotica’, ‘Bedtime Stories’, ‘Ray of Light‘,’Music‘, ‘American Life‘, ‘Confessions on a Dance Floor‘, and ‘Hard Candy‘ were released. And the best place to listen to new music is in the car – in solitude, in motion, in tune with the driving beat.

Now that your name pumps like the blood in my veins
Pulse through my body, igniting my mind, it’s like MDMA (and that’s ok)
Fame’s like a drug and I can’t get enough and it fits like a glove
I’m addicted to your love
I’m addicted to your love
I’m addicted to your love…

Street lights whiz by overhead, the wind swirls madly in and out of the car, and in a way the whole universe is dancing – the stars in the sky, the glistening raindrops left from earlier, and the glowing dashboard. We move together, at ear-throttling volume and break-neck speed, as her voice simultaneously rises and deepens at this, the climax of the whole thing, the whole night, possibly the whole album:

I need this exchange
I don’t care if you think that I’m strange
Something happens to me when I hear your voice
Something happens to me and I have no choice
I need to hear your name
Everything feels so strange
I’m ready to take this chance
I need to dance…

Release, relief, and utter abandon. If I could have lived my whole life like I feel at this moment – a perpetual high, a lofty joy – I might have made something more out of everything. Instead, these occasional Madonna peaks will have to do. I ride it tonight, soaring like the smallest water droplet on the crest of the wind, careening through the night sky in gleeful amazement and wide-eyed wonder. I can’t wait to do it again.

Fame’s like a drug and I can’t get enough and it fits like a glove
I’m addicted to your love
I’m addicted, I’m addicted, I’m addicted to your
I’m addicted, I’m addicted, I’m addicted to your love. 
Song #98: ‘I’m Addicted’ ~ Spring 2012
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The Madonna Revolution

For one of the first times ever, I was not extremely excited or wetting my pants over a new Madonna project. In fact, even after its premiere and the bootleg version showed up online, I was still underwhelmed. But like all Madonna projects, this one was more complex than originally assumed, more moving, more outrageous, and more intense. As a lifelong Madonna fan, it’s expected that I defend her, that I love every move she makes – but that’s never been the case. I will criticize her when warranted (I will never like those grillz!) but I’ll also give her a chance, which much of the world doesn’t seem capable of doing. While her new project, a 17-minute film she made with Steven Klein in the name of freedom of artistic expression, is putting her in the spotlight again, I still wasn’t completely impressed – though I was intrigued, and on repeat viewings it stands up much better than expected.

The best thing about Madonna is that she makes it all about herself while still being relatable to millions. We want our stars to be relatable, but we also want them to be stars – and no one does that tricky pose better than Madonna. The above clip is an addendum to her project, but I find it more powerful and impressive than the actual project itself – always a telling sign of the sheer star power that is Madonna. Oh, and check her out with first husband Sean Penn – almost three decades after they met. Yup, even he showed up at her premiere. That’s how it goes.

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Madonna’s New Secret

This may be one of the first times I have ever said something like this: I’m actually not super-excited about the next Madonna project. Hold up, that’s not entirely true – I was equally unenthralled by her children’s book series. And this new one is certainly more interesting than that, based on this image alone. However, if Madonna’s going to preach about how innocent people are unjustly imprisoned, well, I’m already aware. Who knows if that’s what she’ll be doing, but based on the teasers it looks like prison plays a theme in the new project – a short film directed by Steven Klein (whose artistic alchemy with Madonna ran its course years ago). Maybe I’m a bit moody, maybe I’m a bit demanding, but I’m hoping she has some kick-ass music to go along with this, or I’ll be thoroughly unimpressed.

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The Madonna Timeline: Song #97 ~ ‘Superstar’ – Summer 2012

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

This is a pretty straight-forward paint-by-the-numbers pop love song, the kind that Madonna can do in her sleep, and it sort of sounds like part of it was done in exactly that way. Another of the more lack-luster cuts off her otherwise-electric MDNA album,’Superstar’ is standard fare, with its adulatory lyrics and bubblegum melodies, and as such it feels a bit flat.

You’re like Brando on the silver screen
You’re my hero in a mythical dream
You are perfect just the way that you are
You’re Mike Jordan, you’re my superstar
Ooh la la, you’re my superstar
Ooh la la, love the way that you are
Ooh la la, you’re my superstar
Ooh la la, that’s what you are

It may be most notable for its use as the 2012 Bravo television summer theme song, and it does have an easy-going summer vibe to it, somewhere along the soft-focus lines of ‘Cherish’. But the latter eventually won me over – this one has yet to do so.

I’m your biggest fan, it’s true
Hopelessly attracted to you
You can have the keys to my car
I’ll play you a song on my guitar
Oooh la la, you’re my superstar
Oooh la la, love the way that you are
Oooh la la, you’re my superstar
Oooh la la, that’s what you are

Still, it’s neat to hear Madonna ticking off other historical greats, a little wink and nod to her epic ‘Vogue’ rap, and the song should also be noted for it being the first on which her daughter Lola added backing vocals. (Though if no one told me that I’d never have heard it – and to be honest, it’s still a stretch to make them out.)

You’re my gangster
You’re like Al Capone
You’re like Caesar
Stepping onto the throne
You’re Abe Lincoln
Cause you fight for what’s right
You’re my angel
Bringing peace to my life
Ooh la la, you’re my superstar
Ooh la la, love the way that you are
Ooh la la, you’re my superstar
Ooh la la, that’s what you are

Usually, she does a little better in the lyrics department, especially when swooning over objects of desire. These are too trite and repetitious to merit much more than passing notice, and that’s not something you can typically do with Madonna.

I’m your biggest fan, it’s true
Hopelessly attracted to you
You can have the password to my phone
I’ll give you a massage when you get home
Ooh la la, you’re my superstar
Ooh la la, love the way that you are
Ooh la la, you’re my superstar
Ooh la la, that’s what you are

I’m guessing she didn’t find much of interest in this either, as it was one of the few cuts on the MDNA album that she didn’t perform on the most recent tour. I’m equally uninspired, and unimpressed. Let’s just fast-forward.

You’re Bruce Lee with the way that you move
You’re Travolta getting into your groove
You’re James Dean driving in your fast car
You’re a hot track, you’re my super duper star
You’re my superstar
You’re my superstar (ooh la la, ooh la la)
You’re my superstar (ooh la la, ooh ooh ooh ooh la la)
 Song #97 ~ ˜Superstar’ – Summer 2012
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Am I Too Old for this Shit?

The MTV Video Music Awards are on television tonight, and while I haven’t watched MTV since the last VMAs (if then…) I know of at least a few performers (hello Lady GaGa and Katy Perry) and this one sounds like it may be a good one. If the on-again-off-again-on-again reunion of ‘NSync proves on-again, well, it will be worth the watching. Besides, I’m not quite ready to cede the pop culture arena to the young in age. Someone told me that 38 is the new 18, and I’m holding to that math. (Should I not be having this cocktail then?)

In honor of tonight’s broadcast, I present the single greatest VMA performance EVER. You-know-who doing what she does best (and I don’t mean lip-syncing, haters). Watch to the very end, because that is how you make an exit.

Incidentally, if the mood hits me, and the ambition goes up a notch or two, I may include some live commentary on the show, right here on this blog and in this post. It will be below, so check back if so inclined. (I’ll be doing so on Twitter and FaceBook as well, but don’t expect an Instagram of my post-birthday ass anytime soon.)

[Amazing Madonna image from Pud Whacker’s Madonna Scrapbook]

Thoughts on the 2013 MTV VMAs:

Hold up, is Taylor Swift dating Selena Gomez now? Damn, that girl will not quit!

Whoa Miley Cyrus. I hope to God you’re dancing with molly, because there’s no other excuse.

Robin Thicke, not even I would wear that suit… Okay, I would. Now you think about that.

Kanye West – If we can just distort our voices to the point where they’re unrecognizable, I’ll take a couple million & vocoder myself.

Confession: I am one half of Daft Punk. (The shorter half.)

Can Justin Timberlake save this VMAs? Not on an escalator…

Okay, I stand schooled by Master Timberlake. Amazing dancing, live singing, and pure show-stopping showmanship.

And… ‘NSync has been dismissed.

Taylor Swift, you slept with the camera person too, didn’t you?

And now the VMAs can return to sucking… Come back Justin Timberlake!

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis simply rock. And Jennifer Hudson too! That was cool. (Yeah, I’m biased.)

Am I the only one who hasn’t heard of Austin Mahone until tonight?

From the best performance of the night to a vaguely Amish feel, Justin Timberlake can do it all.

Why is Joseph Gordon-Levitt being so weird?

I was never a big Katy Perry fan, and those boxer shorts only serve to re-enforce this.

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The Birth of a Queen

It’s Madonna’s birthday, so I have to send some Happy Birthday wishes her way (even if she’ll never get them). She picked a good month in which to be born; August babies are special, as she has shown time and time again. While most of my strongest Madonna Timelines tend to deal with the darker, sadder memories, as this is a happy occasion I’m going to keep it light, focusing on some of the sillier, funny entries in that series. After all, it began with a simple call to ‘Dance and sing, get up and do your thing’, and until the end that will be one of the main things she’s brought to my life: unabashed joy, happy revelry, and a glorious bit of infectious escapism that makes every day feel like it’s your birthday.

Cherish – This 1989 track is redolent of the crux of August and September, that bit of late summer sun and sorrow that heralds the start of school and the end of vacation, but when love is in the air, and the sounds are this sweet, it looks like things will turn out all right in the end.

Love Makes the World Go Round – The stuff of bedroom dance routines and Saturday nights spent in front of the television. A child of the 80’s, I watched ‘The Facts of Life’ and dreamed of having a friendship like the one between Blair and Jo. (You don’t need to guess who’d be Blair.)

Ray of Light – At the very start of summer, I was flying through Copley Square, backed by a zephyr, propelled by a song, and screaming like a teenage girl.

True Blue – The happy heart of the matter will always come down to friendship – the kind that lasts longer than a summer, the kind that’s true.

Celebration – A party song that goes a little deeper, because sometimes the summer nights are the darkest.

Where’s the Party – A party song that doesn’t go deeper, because sometimes you have to make the party last all night.

Music – For those times when you just wanna dance with your baby.

Give Me All Your Luvin’ – L.U.V. Madonna – and Happy Birthday!!!

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Last Night I Dreamt of Madonna

For someone as admittedly-obsessed by Madonna as me, it’s odd that I haven’t dreamt of her more often. Last night was only the third or fourth time she has deigned to appear in my dreams. This time around we were in front of someone’s house, and she was in the midst of a concert. Her hair was similar to the style seen here, an updated twist and hue of her Breathless Mahoney/Vogue vixen look. She and her dancers sat on the steps talking, and she looked at me and asked my name. I looked around to be sure she was talking to me and told her.

“Hi Alan,” she said back to me.

“Hi… Madonna,” I said, beaming. Madonna had just said my name. To me. I couldn’t stop smiling. She smiled back playfully.

Then, as dreams are wont to do, the scene shifted inside. Andy and I were waiting for the next part of the concert to begin, but she came into the room, alone, and no one seemed to be bothering her. She started talking to me again. Part of me wanted to request a photo with her, but I thought she’d get mad or leave. Like some rare butterfly you happen upon in the garden, she seemed too pretty and elusive to dare risk frightening away, so I stood there and took in the moment. She waited for me to say something. I looked down at her shorts, similar to the ones she wore in the ‘Music’ section of the Sticky and Sweet Tour, only in bright yellow. “I like your shorts,” I mumbled, instantly regretting the lameness of the bland-as-milquetoast comment. She caught it immediately.

“Thanks, Gloria… Estefan,” she said with a little roll of her eyes, calling out the dull innocuousness of my words. Madonna had just zingered me. I threw my head back with a laugh. I could die a happy man now. Her face was close to mine, barely a foot away, and we said a few more things. At the end, I wondered if I should ask Andy to try to get a picture, but decided against it. Then the dream ended.

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Madonna, Three Decades Into the Groove

It was 30 years ago today that Sire Records released Madonna’s debut album, entitled simply ‘Madonna’. Unlike many casual fans, and some die-hard ones as well, I’m more a fan of her later work than her earlier stuff. In fact, with the possible exception of ‘Holiday’ (and then only when it’s done up Blonde Ambition style), I’m not enthralled with any of the cuts off her first album. (Not even ‘Borderline’, and certainly not ‘Lucky Star’.) But I’m aware of their importance in her career, and I know many a fan who considers them integral to her oeuvre. So with that in mind, let’s celebrate this date, because 30 years of anything is pretty damn impressive.

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The Madonna Timeline: Song #96 ~ ‘I Don’t Give A…’ – Summer 2012

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

While it’s one of the weaker cuts on the otherwise-brilliant ‘MDNA’ album (Review #1 and #2), ‘I Don’t Give A…’ is also one of Madonna’s most defiant fuck-off songs to date, brutally referencing her role as ex-wife and single mother, along with all the other things that go into making Madonna the icon she is.

Wake up ex-wife, this is your life
Children on your own, planning on the telephone
Messengers, manager, no time for a manicure
Working out, shake my ass, I know how to multi-task

In an exhausting list of all that comprises her life, she ticks off the mundane and the meaningful, and after thirty-plus years of doing this – and doing it her way – you have to give her credit. The song speaks to defiance and courage, doing what you’re going to do no matter what, no matter how many people tell you not to do it, and following your heart in spite of a world of doubters and naysayers. I know that feeling – we all do on some level – but only a few of us fight through to the end, to find justice and the realization that we were right all along.

I tried to be a good girl, I tried to be your wife
Diminished myself, and I swallowed my light
I tried to become all that you expect of me
And if it was a failure, I don’t give a…

The song itself borders on a bit of a rap. Whenever Madonna goes rap-lite, it’s a crap shoot. It can work brilliantly (‘Vogueâ’ or ‘Mother and Father’) or it can go down dismally (‘American Life’). This is somewhere between the two, but she doesn’t embarrass herself, even when chased by Nicki Minaj (who gets the epic final line).

Drawbacks aside, check out the phenomenal finale to this song. There are no words (literally) as the music builds to its climax. It was most effectively staged in the MDNA Tour when, after chucking her guitar and disappearing for a moment, she rises atop a single platform. A red cross glows above her, and as the music builds, she goes higher and higher, prone but defiant, down but going up, and in the end she smashes it all to bits, along with all the judgment and stifling preconceptions that have dogged her over the years.

I’m gonna be okay, I don’t care what the people say
I’m gonna be all right, gonna live fast and I’m gonna live right.

There’s only one queen, and that’s Madonna, bitch.
Song #96: ‘I Don’t Give A…’ – Summer 2012
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The Madonna Timeline: Song #95 ~ ‘Die Another Day’ – August 2002

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

I’m gonna wake up, yes and no
I’m gonna kiss some part of
I’m gonna keep this secret
I’m gonna close my body now

In the late summer of 2002, Madonna released her first James Bond theme, ‘Die Another Day’. The jittery, stilted techno-buzz of her collaboration with Mirwais (begun two years earlier on ‘Music’) continued here, but seemed to be keeping time and maintaining rather going in new exciting directions. Still, the strings were a dramatic touch, and the song itself was a neat credo to Madonna’s death-defying career.

Sigmund Freud – Analyze this, analyze this, analyze this!

As one of those between-break soundtrack songs that she releases to bridge her musical output (think ‘Crazy For You‘, ‘I’ll Remember‘, ‘This Used to be My Playground‘, ‘Beautiful Stranger’ or ‘American Pie’) I focused and obsessed about it as I tend to do when starved for new material, but in the ensuing years its interest and structure has weakened. (It would also prove to be the lead-off, and highest-charting single for her ‘American Life’ album, though it felt a bit tagged-on at that point.)

I’m gonna break the cycle
I’m gonna shake up the system
I’m gonna destroy my ego
I’m gonna close my body now

Minor Madonna chagrins put aside, I mostly thrilled at the first few listens. It was late summer, and I was about to embark on a new project (The Talented Trickster Tour Book: Reflections of a Floating World). The sun was beating down, drying and browning all that was once fresh and green. It burned the little remaining moisture out of the leaves, desiccating their veins, leaving them brittle and cracked, ripe for the fall. The scent of a dying summer has never been entirely sad – such things cannot go on forever, and it’s good to know when to take a rest. It’s also a good time to recharge creatively. My focus tends to disappear in the hazy summer months of chlorine-fueled filters, so when fall was on the horizon and a new Madonna song was on the stereo, it was the perfect collusion for a creative explosion.

I think I’ll find another way
There’s so much more to know
I guess I’ll die another day
It’s not my time to go.
For every sin, I’ll have to pay
A time to work, a time to play
I think I’ll find another way
It’s not my time to go.

It always rings hollow and trite to talk about the ‘creative process.’ Not only that, it reeks of self-importance. As much as I like to give off that vibe, it’s not really me. But I do think there’s something worth noting in the way that certain artists give so much of themselves up for their art. If we really care, a little of us dies with everything we create, at least if it’s worth something, if it matters. You can’t rend an emotion, a reaction, a feeling, without being affected in some small way – and often in some large way.

We thrash ourselves, mutilating our emotions, putting our process through the ringer, for an end result that is never guaranteed. Not only is it not guaranteed, it runs the risk of ruin. We are vessels, conduits for some greater force, and we’re not always in control. In fact, I’d wager that most of us are supremely out of control when it comes to that. Why do we do it? What makes some of us go to such extremes? That won’t be answered in a Madonna Timeline – at least not this one.

I’m gonna avoid the cliche
I’m gonna suspend my senses
I’m gonna delay my pleasure
I’m gonna close my body now.

The video Madonna filmed for this is actually much better than the song – showing three versions of herself: the tortured prisoner (in bloodied, beaten, torn-tank-top form), the white tufted heroine, and the black-clad villain who gets it in the end. In it, the battle between good and evil, light and dark, artist and human, finds visual release as two Madonnas battle to the death. It’s fitting that she references Sigmund Freud, considering all the psychoanalytical undercurrents running through the piece, and a deeper reading than this one will be might have more to say about her three characters and their relation to the id, the ego, and the super ego. On the surface, it’s a nice ode to Bond, a chilly, taut martini of a song that manages to be both elegant and raw, positing deeper questions within the guise of the stuttering techno-beats and deconstructed strings.

I think I’ll find another way
There’s so much more to know
I guess I’ll die another day
It’s not my time to go.

Song #95: ‘Die Another Day’ ~ August 2002
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The Madonna Timeline: Song #94 – ‘Crazy For You’ ~ 1985

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

There is cracked ice still lingering on the sidewalks. I am walking on his street, the street where he lives, not sure why I am being drawn here. The pull of a confusing longing, the push of a future unfolding, and the simple wish to be closer to him all play a part. The dirty mixture of mud and left-over snow and road salt leaves my sneakers a muddled mess, but I’m too young to care about such things. (Yes, there was such a time, when my outfits were picked out by my Mom, and my shoes were bought with the requisite struggle of getting a boy to sit still long enough for a new pair of shoes.)

Swaying room as the music starts
Strangers making the most of the dark
Two by two their bodies become one

I stood outside of his house for a moment, studying the gray stone, wondering at which bedroom he inhabited. Sheer curtains tantalized and teased, while the wrought-iron of a gate or a door – I can’t remember which now – guarded the home from strangers. I walked on, not wishing to be caught (though not exactly wishing against it). I’m sure some small part of me hoped he would come out, invite me in, talk to me, engage in some way, any way. Even as a kid I longed for connection. Even before I had my heart broken, I felt the ache.

After walking a few blocks, I was back home. My face was red from the cool wind, nose running and eyes watering. After kicking off my dirty sneakers at the door, I bounded upstairs, into the safe haven of a childhood bedroom. My stomach was churning, turning over itself it seemed, and my heart raced. It felt like I wanted to cry and laugh and throw-up at the same time. In the briefest of moments I went from giddy hopefulness to utter despair. I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know about love, or infatuation, or even simple crushes. I didn’t know about romance or obsession or desire. I only knew that I liked a boy, and I couldn’t even tell you why.

I must have been in fourth or fifth grade ~ strange that I can’t remember which now ~ and winter was slowly turning into spring. The ice was thawing, the ground was revealing itself through the snow, and drops of water encased the world. Suddenly, it seemed everything was melting. On the radio at night, Fly 92 played their ‘Top Ten at Ten.’ I would have it on softly in the background, as I was supposed to be asleep by that time. In those weeks, it was a showdown between the dirty blondes: Madonna versus Samantha Fox. Madonna was singing for love while Samantha sang for sex, as ‘Crazy For You’ battled ‘Touch Me’ for the top spot. They went back and forth for weeks before both songs got retired (those were the days when actual call-ins to radio stations held the most sway, and a single song could feasibly stay on top for months unless it was retired).

I see you through the smoky air
Can’t you feel the weight of my stare
You’re so close but still a world away
What I’m dying to say, is that I’m crazy for you

He was the new boy in class. He had moved in half-way during the year, I think, but even if he slipped in during summer break, his newness to our class would have been instantly noticeable. I didn’t exactly have a crush on him ~ he hadn’t even grown into himself, with his leftover baby-fat, old-fashioned thick glasses, and mop of ginger hair. I had a crush on his hurt ~ the gorgeous pain and exquisite suffering of being the new kid in school ~ each pang and assault deliberately, calculatingly, and wondrously inflicted by my own machinations. It was the supreme vulnerability of being a boy that so enraptured me ~ the delicate nature of being a man. Girls could hide everything inside ~ boys had to let it all hang out ~ and one was very much safer than the other, or so it seemed to me. Brute force and physical strength only go so far, and I saw then that the real power did not reside in the external protuberance of the almighty cock, but in the hidden reverse tomb of the womb.

I was not kind to him, even if our parents were colleagues. My cruelty was as unwarranted as it was childish, my actions as mean-spirited as they were baseless. If I couldn’t have him, if I couldn’t make sense of what I was feeling for him, I would make him suffer. I would make them all suffer. Of this I am not proud. It came from a place of hurt and desertion, but I do not think that justifies any of it.

Do not hold this against me, little boy, for you must know that all the pain I deliver unto you will not approach, will not even come remotely close to the atrocities I will inflict upon myself. You will be avenged, for I will avenge you. All that you do not know, I will learn, and all of your hurt I will one day claim as my own. I will make you, and you will be the ruin of me. There was never any other outcome, and if I stole my glory then, if I took my chance and pierced your heart before you had a chance to steal mine, well, who could have done otherwise? Who would have done differently?

Touch me once and you’ll know it’s true
I never wanted anyone like this
It’s all brand new, you’ll feel it in my kiss
I’m crazy for you, crazy for you

All the while, Madonna sang this song every night. One time, I managed to record most of it on a blank cassette tape. On an out-of-town ride to dinner a few days later, I made my parents rewind it over and over, as I sat in the backseat with my brother, watching raindrops collect on the windows. Again and again I asked them to press rewind, as it was the only way I had to subdue my burgeoning thoughts. What would I do with all this… feeling? What would I ever do? It frightened me, there was no containing it. And at the same time it thrilled. I would forego all sorts of safety for this madness, the giddy insanity of instant infatuation. If anyone had ever gone through this, how did they survive it? And what was the answer, the solution, the thing that ended it all in one way or another? I sought that then, as I would seek it forever after, and to this day I don’t know if it has an ending. For so many important things, there were no answers. I thought then that it was just me being a kid.

Trying hard to control my heart
I walk over to where you are
Eye to eye we need no words at all

I had no way of knowing if what I was feeling was normal. By then, I understood that boys were meant to be with girls, that men married women and had children and lived happily ever after. The stirrings that older neighborhood boys inspired in me when they took off their shirts and swam in our pool were nothing compared to this, and my only other reference was a strange spell cast upon me by a summer camp counselor. (I watched him play wiffle-ball in the gymnasium one rainy camp day, tracing the line of sweat that ran down the back of his t-shirt. His hands would idly lift that shirt up, expose a bit of his stomach, then lower it. He caught me looking, his blue eyes crinkling up in a friendly, if impersonal, smile. Looking right through me, for I was just a trifling of a wisp, not worth noting, not worth acknowledging with any sort of effort. I still remember him.)

But this boy knew me, and I sensed he might need a friend. The notion repulsed me as much as it endeared him to me. To be so alone in a new school, to be somewhat different and out of place ~ it served only to arm me against him. And I, to my eternal shame, did not extend a hand. I felt then, as I often do now, no need for a friend. It’s an awful way to think, and if I’ve learned anything in thirty-seven years it’s to remain open to new people, new experiences, new friends. Maybe that was his lesson for me, but I didn’t see it then. All I could feel was ache and want, a sickening mixture of conflicting emotions, and a rage founded on the impossibility of the person I was becoming.

Slowly now we begin to move
Every breath I’m deeper into you
Soon we two are standing still in time
If you read my mind, you’ll see I’m crazy for you…

I kept it all inside. No family or friends would hear my story, no one would listen as I unburdened my feelings. The only thing I had was Madonna, singing of the same sense of longing, of wanting to share something. But she had eyes in which to look, another person who might return the gaze; I had no one. And so I pined, and prayed, and hoped for resolution. I felt constantly on the verge of weeping, distraught and condemned and prone to the wildest fantasies. From that moment on, my heart would never be quiet. I knew it then. I was already ruined.

Touch me once and you’ll know it’s true
I never wanted anyone like this
It’s all brand new, you’ll feel it in my kiss
You’ll feel it in my kiss because I’m crazy for you

Eventually, the obsession faded, and the object of my focus grew up and out of his awkwardness. If I were any sort of sane person, that’s when a crush would have kicked in. Instead, I went the opposite direction. As he became more popular, I lost all interest in him. Over the years, we reached a sort of truce. He forgave me for my cruelty, and I left him alone. (Considering that he had also shot up to tower over me, this was a practical choice of safety too.) I don’t know if I’ve forgiven him for forgiving me. I suppose he wanted to forget it ever happened, and I’ll bet he already has. But not me. I can forget any random act of kindness I’ve chanced to commit, and all in a matter of a few hours, but my cruelty… my cruelty haunts me ever after.

Touch me once and you’ll know it’s true
I never wanted anyone like this
It’s all brand new, you’ll feel it in my kiss
You’ll feel it in my kiss because… I’m crazy for you

There are still spring nights when I hear this song, and the thrill of that first time comes flooding back. I’m a boy again, a strange little boy born differently from so many of the other boys, and I know they can sense I’m different when all I want to do is belong.

A sidewalk crackling with ice. A car window dotted with rain. A restless boy stained with tears.

On those nights, there is no comfort or succor, no peace or understanding. There is no way to quell the heart. I play this song, over and over and over, trying to find meaning, trying to uncover the secret that will bring it all into crystalline form, perfect resolution ~ definitive and implacable ~ and none of it ever comes. If anything, it fades further from focus, retreating into the distance, ever out of reach, teasing and taunting and leaving me behind. And alone.

I’m crazy for you.
Crazy for you…
Crazy for you.

Song #94: ‘Crazy For You’ ~ 1985

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You’ll Feel It In My Kiss

Tonight, at 8 PM, the Madonna Timeline returns with a song from 1985. Back then I was not even ten years old, and just about to begin to come into the later years of childhood. That’s a very tender time for a kid: the verge of turning ten. It’s the first step to adulthood, and it was the first step in realizing attraction. Yet what I felt for other boys wasn’t physical – it was more than that – far more, for it really wasn’t physical at all. While I got along better with girls, boys were the ones for whom I felt a deeper affection.

On the radio, a new Madonna ballad played on the ‘Top Ten at Ten’ on Fly 92.3 FM. I’d lie in bed, looking up at the shadows on the ceiling, listen to her siren’s call, and wonder if what I was feeling was what she was singing about. I wanted to stare at someone through the smoky air, to feel so close but still a world away. I never wanted anyone like this, it’s all brand new…

Tonight, I’m crazy for you.


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