Category Archives: General

See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me, Reveal Me

December of 2006 was when I released ‘The Revelation’ at a big 80’s theme party. Revisiting that story has become a holiday tradition here, so carve out an extra-long section of the day if you want to be dazzled, amazed, or simply go back to sleep. It was, please keep in mind, entirely a work of fiction – and while I always post that disclaimer, this time I really mean it. (I never had sex with a priest!)

The Revelation ~ Part I

The Revelation ~ Part II

The Revelation ~ Part III

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Snowy Recap

Buried in a foot of white stuff, I’ve had my fill of winter and it hasn’t even technically arrived yet. That does not bode well. I’ve also had my fill of being without  kitchen, and that’s only just begun. We have at least five or six more weeks of it, and that’s a groundhog message that needs to be retracted before I beat it to death. For today, though, let’s look back at a week that brought about Dallas recollections, disparate music selections, and only a few hunks to heat up the night.

My adventures in Dallas were chronicled in posts that described (or showed) this amazing hotel room view, a cold visit to Neiman Marcus, a not-so-narrow escape from a fire, one rather disturbing museum, a freak ice storm, and an extra day. A few more Dallas posts are on the way, so stay tuned…

The wildly varied musical taste that makes any mix from me such a schizophrenic treat was on display in this gorgeous song by Norah Jones, this holiday chestnut by Mariah Carey, and a wondrous seasonal offering by Sarah McLachlan.

Shirtless males were in short supply this week, and viewers had to make do with the scantily-clad offerings of Masiano Di Vaio and one lone shirtless Santa.

The penultimate entry for my ’13’ project went up here. (Yes, that means there’s one more… I couldn’t very well call a project ’13’ and then stop at 12, could I?)

A quick bit of lead-up hype to the release of this year’s holiday card began here, and continued with this fun retrospective of almost every racy thing that came before.

And then it was time.

Finally, forget sugar plums and Turkish delight, I want chocolate.

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The Holiday Card 2013

This year’s Holiday Card was shot on a Christmas morning in the very early 80’s, by my Mom, as my brother and I opened up our gifts. My fashionable ‘sleeper’ was likely by Carter’s, and my hair was by the grace of God. Our smiles were by innocence, and our happiness was by family. It was a simpler time, caught by a genuine old-fashioned shot not needing the vintage filters of Instagram.


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Ghosts of Holiday Cards Past

The big reveal for this year’s holiday card is right around the corner, but before we get into that, check out this linky look back at former photos that made the Christmas Card Cut. As is befitting a chameleon-in-motion, I don’t like traditional Christmas scenes, and I don’t like repeating myself, so there’s a wide-ranging slew of themes that weaves its way through these cards, and to look for any rhyme or reason or even seasonal appropriateness is to wage a losing enterprise. Instead, enjoy them at face value, and imagine them on the fridges of my braver friends.

From 1995 until 2004, I used old-fashioned film for my holiday photo cards, which I’ll have to scan at some point – but not this year. The first digital shots came late in the digital game – around 2004 – when this Snow Queen/Ice Princess was birthed.

In 2005, I reverted to the racy stance of the very first 1995 card (which featured lots of latex and bondage garb). This one topped that one, I think, and everyone loves a mirrored jock cup.

For 2006, a change for the milder was expected, but not delivered, as this crucifixion scene proved.

Far from learning the evil of my sinful ways, 2007 saw this exemplification of bad Santa behavior.

By this point, people were salivating at what naughtiness 2008 might bring, so I shot this low-key surprise on location in Maine.

A softer, if still slightly cheeky, look was on display with the wings of an angel for 2009.

A rare shot of my wedding coat, and the first time I shared a card with anyone, seemed fitting for the year of my wedding, 2010.

One of the more surprising cards was the second time I shared photo-space, and with children no less – my niece and nephew in 2011.

And most recently, after a string of kinder, gentler scenes, last year marked a return to edgy, cheeky, naughty fun -in the Christmas massacre of 2012.

What will 2013 bring? Stay tuned…

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Heal Me

The brilliant Casey Stratton brought this beautiful piece to my attention tonight, when I needed it most. It’s by Sleeping At Last. It’s amazing the power that a proper piece of music can have to transform, and heal, and help. And maybe tonight I will… sleep at last.

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What’s More Shocking Than This?

Perhaps you recall last year’s Holiday Card, and the bloody, disturbing visage of a cut-out heart seen below – or maybe you remember the drunken, chain-smoking Santa of several years ago – or the icy snow queen with white hair and blue glitter. Whatever your recollection of my holiday cards might be, I’m not sure it can prepare you for this year’s version. Up until now, the most shocking photo card may have been 2011’s shared billing with my niece and nephew, whereby I was pulling them in a wagon over a grassy lawn. That took most of my friends by shock and several family members as well. Last year’s was one of my personal faves, in the incongruous blood-bath that accompanied Santa season – but it was also one of my most reviled (which only served to make me like it more). Eat your heart out, indeed.

This year is something I’ve never done before, and since it’s being sent out this week, here are a few hints as to what is to come:

-       It was shot at my childhood home in Amsterdam, NY.

-       I am in the card, AND fully clothed.

-       Someone else took the photo.

-       There is an unlikely co-star, but it is neither a baby nor an animal.

-       My favorite Christmas ornament is featured.

-       It’s Zap Zap Zapping good!


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Madcap Monday Recap

My adventures in Dallas will be touched upon in a later post. I’m writing this on a plane I barely boarded on time (after running – nay, sprinting – through the Atlanta airport, which is no tiny airport). After my asthma attack I settled in for a ride home I never thought I’d make. So I’m going to quickly recap the previous light week of posts, and then delve into how I survived a Dallas ice storm and the temptations of the original Neiman Marcus store.

First up was the tremendous news (at least for these parts) that Tom Daley was dating a man. I say good for him. God knows I’ve done my share of dating men – why should he be denied?

Next was my annual Holiday Stroll with Kira, Part 1 and Part 2. Tis the season.

The Hunks for holiday season were Josh Hutcherson, Jesse Metcalfe, Adam Levine, Joel Edgerton, Stuart Reardon, and these sexy Santas.

Speaking of holidays, check out the storefront of Tiffany’s at Copley Place.

Finally, even more naked male celebrities.

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Dallas, Delayed

My surprise trip to Dallas, TX has been involuntarily extended thanks to a debilitating ice storm that shut this Southern city down. As such, posts may be erratic, insane, offensive, and downright loony until I can get my bearings (and back to civilization). That, however, may make for some interesting reading/ranting, so stay tuned. If I end up on an airport cot, well… There will be stories to tell.


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Are We All Lit?

Approaching the shortest day of the year, it sometimes feels like the darkness is all-encompassing. Even at the height of noon, the sun often has trouble penetrating the cloud cover. At those times, the lights of Christmas are the saving grace of the season. At night, they lend a magic to the land, twinkling with charm as they wink at passers-by.

As a kid, one of my favorite things to do was ride around looking at all the holiday lights. I memorized many of them – the wreath at the bottom of Northhampton with the big traditional Christmas bulbs in it, unchanging from year to year. The impressive stand of twinkling stars at a local Congressman’s house. The simple homestead, cloaked all in red spotlights, glowing at the top of Coolidge Road. These were my memory markers, the totems of Christmas as it crept in through the darkest of nights. They were beacons of color, mileposts of wonder, respites of warmth no matter how cold the world grew.

Our own lights changed from year to year, depending on what inspired me, or what I felt like putting up. Somehow, as it always ended up doing, charge of decorating fell to me. At first I insisted upon it, then it became expected. With Andy, it was always up to me. This year, I’m taking a break from it all. It’s time for someone else to light the way.

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Friday Night Dancing

On Friday nights when my brother and I were growing up, we got to stay up an hour or two later since there was no school the next day. We’d watch ‘The Dukes of Hazzard’, ‘Webster’ and ‘Mr. Belvedere’ along with, oddly enough, ‘Dallas’. The latter had the best opening theme song – all brassy trumpets and driving bass – and I’d concoct choreographed dance routines in front of the television set. My parents and brother occasionally lifted their gaze to watch.

I’m sure they didn’t know what to make of me.

No one ever knew what to make of me.

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Adam Levine Waking Up in his Underwear

Unfortunately it’s for the Adam Levine Collection for Kmart.

Oh Adam, what happened? Kohl’s was too exclusive?

No matter, the commercial is mostly about how sexy he is, not the (rather wretched) clothing on his back.

Oh, and that lady in a man’s dress shirt. In case anyone doubted how straight he is.

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A Fantasy

It’s always been a fantasy of mine to disappear for a while.

To go somewhere unknown and unexpected.

To leave everything and everyone behind.

To find a place of perpetual spring.

To get away from all the demons – because sometimes the demons are not in my head.

To start completely over.

And like most fantasies, there’s an element of fear in it.

And then there’s the moment of reality.

And then I make it happen.

Every time.


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Those who disappointed, betrayed, scarified! Those who would still put their hands upon me! Those who belong to the past!

How many of us have weighted the years with groaning and weeping? How many years have I done it how many nights spent panting hating grieving, oh, merciless, pitiless remembrances!

I walk over the green hillsides, I lie down on the harsh, sun-flavored blades and bundles of grass; the grass cares nothing about me, it doesn’t want anything from me, it rises to its own purpose, and sweetly, following the single holy dictum: to be itself, to let the sky be the sky, to let a young girl be a young girl freely – to let a middle-aged woman be, comfortably, a middle-aged woman.

Those bloody sharps and flats – those endless calamities of the personal past. Bah! I disown them from the rest of my life, in which I mean to rest.

~ Mary Oliver
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A Recap & A New Month

The kitchen renovation has been delayed a week (more on that later – much more), so we’re in a holding pattern. Yet things here must go on, so I’m populating the posts for the week ahead and doing what I always do in the name of survival. There are people that count on the daily dosage of soft gay porn that this site supposedly provides, so let’s get to it. There will be deeper things too, stories you wouldn’t even believe so I may just document them under fiction and avoid sticky questions. For now, the typical Monday look back.

It’s always best to begin with a poem.

If anyone knows anything about male grooming, it’s Tom Ford.

And if anyone doesn’t need much grooming, it’s a toss-up among the Hunks of the Day: Alexander Ludwig, Ashley Gibson, and Nathan Owens.

A tentative plan ended up playing out perfectly, but I’ll detail that in a later post.

Thanksgiving came and went…

And December reared its questionable head.

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