Category Archives: General

Pre-Christmas Recap

Christmas is coming – it’s practically here! I just spent the weekend in Boston finishing up holiday strolls and holiday shopping, and I’m going to lay low for the rest of the holiday season because I’m not feeling up for fanfare. In the words of that amazing artist who use released a few new songs, “I can’t be  super-hero right now, Even a heart made of shell can break down.” Yeah, I’m feeling that this week. But first, a look back at the last.

A pair of impostors remained a mystery, if a remarkably accurate facsimile of the real thing.

Straight ally  John Fugelsang proved that smart could be sexy, as he was crowned Hunk of the Day.

Porn star Nick Capra proved that hotness is more than skin deep.

Jane Hamilton proved that a good book can be a best friend.

More hunks, in the form of José Anmer Paredes and Mitch ‘The Dragon’ Chilson kept things hot and steamy while December went cold and dark. But not without the glimmer that is Josh Green.

It wouldn’t be the holidays without a dose of family drama. This likely won’t be my last word on things, because if there’s one thing I learned in therapy it’s that things are better said out loud than kept inside. As that wise woman taunts, “It might sound like I’m an unapologetic bitch, but sometimes you know I gotta call it like it is.”

You know you never really knew how much you loved me ’til you lost me…

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December 21 – Then and Now

The first day of winter. Doesn’t seem possible. Feels like we’ve been having winter for quite some time – and yet here it is, only the first official day. That does not bode well for the months to come, the long winter ahead, the snow and ice and frigid temperatures. I already want out.

What did we do on December 21 in previous years? An archived blog helps to figure that out, starting with this entry from 2011. Well, perhaps that’s not so much we did as much as what was posted on said date. The same goes for this post from 2012, and this one from that same year. (2012 was good to us on that date, as Harry Judd also got shirtless then.)

Last year at this time things were stripped bare, Nolan Funk got into his underwear, and an angel came down.

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The Brutality of Blood

“No one fights dirtier or more brutally than blood; only family knows its own weaknesses, the exact placement of the heart. The tragedy is that one can still live with the force of hatred, feel infuriated that once you are born to another, that kinship lasts through life and death, immutable, unchanging, no matter how great the misdeed or betrayal. Blood cannot be denied, and perhaps that’s why we fight tooth and claw, because we cannot—being only human—put asunder what God has joined together.” 

― Whitney Otto, How to Make an American Quilt

Sometimes it takes the superior words of others far more talented than me to convey something that would come out monstrously cruel or petty and childish, so I’ll let an expert like Whitney Otto speak to the complex bullshit that family doles out, especially around the holidays. One day, though, I’ll tell my own story. It’s not the one that everyone wants to hear, and it’s probably not the one they think they know, but it will be honest and brutal and true, which will only serve to infuriate certain people all the more. The truth does that.

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Will the Real Alan Ilagan Please Stand Up?

“Somewhere, right at the bottom of one’s own being, one generally does know where one should go and what one should do. But there are times when the clown we call “I” behaves in such a distracting fashion that the inner voice cannot make its presence felt.”
― C.G. Jung

There’s nothing like an imposter to make you take a look at yourself and how ridiculous you might actually be. Such was the case when a fake Twitter Alan Ilagan cropped up on my feed the other day. At first, I was flattered and amused – the mark of any supposedly-vain soul – and more than a little curious. Who would dare try to be me? More importantly, who might want to?

The person behind the account certainly seemed to have a grasp on who I was, at least of the caricature I tend to portray when online. It got me to dwelling a bit on the online personae we create for ourselves. The internet entity that you know as Alan Ilagan – and that I’ve worked rather doggedly hard on crafting as Alan Ilagan – has little resemblance to the scared little boy that I hide in the deep protected fathoms of my heart. I don’t show that guy to the world because he can’t handle the evils of everything on the internet. The anonymous trolls that social media has brought forth from the darkest pools of hatred would have a field day if I didn’t protect myself with a coat of aloof armor, and an arsenal of sarcasm that puts most of any ignorant attackers to bed before they know they’ve been tucked in.

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” ― C.G. Jung

Yet as I read some of the tweets from the fake “Real Alan Ilagan” I was struck by how easily some of them might have slipped out of my mouth. How far had I strayed from the real me when engaging on FaceBook and Twitter, and, to a lesser extent as I’m a little more honest in this space, right here on this blog? As I examined my own ridiculousness I had to own up to a few things – the first of which was how often I am just that – utterly ridiculous. And I’m ok with that. Luckily, much of it is an exaggeration of myself, done mainly for entertainment – yours and mine.

An examination of our selfie-obsessed selves, James Franco-style, always runs the risk of producing accusations of vanity and hubris – yet that is precisely the result of today’s technology and the online world, where the ease of a camera-phone and the ability to share images with the entire planet can make us all “celebrities” in a certain respect. The likes and the views and the visitors, the easy access to instant love and mass adoration, like waves of applause washing over Eve Harrington – it all feels so seductive, and it’s easy to get photoshopped up into believing all of this is real. Which brings me back to internet impostors.

There’s always someone behind you. Sometimes they want to help, sometimes they want to hurt, sometimes they want to play, and sometimes that want to push. Sometimes it’s you, and sometimes it’s me, and sometimes it’s someone we’ve never even met.

You can pretend to be real, but do you even exist? There’s only one way to show yourself to the world, and you can’t do it by revealing yourself or your face or even by taking off all your clothes. You can only do it by revealing your heart.

“Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness? Do you not want to recognize your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life…If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature…Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim. Madness is a special form of the spirit and clings to all teachings and philosophies, but even more to daily life, since life itself is full of craziness and at bottom utterly illogical. Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life.”
― C.G. Jung


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A Quick Coffee Break

The barista calls out my drink order for a Decaf Skinny Peppermint Mocha and I lean in to pick it up. A bearded gentleman gives me a smirk and says, “Decaf? What’s the point?!” I smile and say, “For the taste!” He laughs a little and moves on.

Dude, I have a Skinny Peppermint Mocha in my hand and you go for the decaf angle? I gave you a lot to work with there and you squandered it. If you’re not going to step up to the plate, put the bat down.

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A Recap for the Middle of December

With all the snow we’ve had already, it’s worth noting that winter has not even officially begun yet. Just thought I’d put that out there to give us some sad perspective on how the next few months will play out. Thankfully, there are things to keep the cockles of the heart warm and cozy, and I’ll do my best to keep things hot here.

Ginger hottie Seth Fornea set off a fiery Hunk of the Day run, which continued with Joe Zaso and Ben Patrick Johnson.

Tea & poetry.

A pair of impostors cropped up (coincidentally?) on the same day, and I don’t know whether to be flattered or offended.

Babs, Part 1.

Mixing things up with Tom Ford.

A teaser.

A pleaser.

And this year’s snowy holiday card.

Babs, Part 2.

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Let It Snow! Let It Blow! The Holiday Card 2014

“And the mist of snow, as he had foreseen, was still on it – a ghost of snow falling in the bright sunlight, softly and steadily floating and turning and pausing, soundlessly meeting the snow that covered, as with a transparent mirage, the bare bright cobbles. He loved it – he stood still and loved it. Its beauty was paralyzing – beyond all words, all experience, all dream. No fairy-story he had ever read could be compared with it – none had ever given him this extraordinary combination of ethereal loveliness with a something else, unnameable, which was just faintly and deliciously terrifying.” ~ Conrad Aiken, “Silent Snow, Secret Snow”

This year’s holiday card takes its theme from my hair: white. Blow and go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. That’s right, I’ve gone all blustery and Whitney on you, but for theatrical purposes only. (I made an alibi video of how the card was created in case Andy decided to press any sort of charges on the drug cartel in his basement. Let’s just say Arm & Hammer was the sole supplier for all the supposed fun.)

This sets the stage for next year’s tour, so if you don’t like what you see here, come back at some point in 2016 because it’s only going to get rockier. Sometimes you have to go dark to see the light. Happy Holidays!!!

“Just why it should have happened, or why it should have happened just when it did, he could not, of course, possibly have said; nor perhaps could it even have occurred to him to ask. The thing was above all a secret, something to be preciously concealed from Mother and Father; and to that very fact it owed an enormous part of its deliciousness. It was like a peculiarly beautiful trinket to be carried unmentioned in one’s trouser-pocket – a rare stamp, an old coin, a few tiny gold links found trodden out of shape on the path in the park, a pebble of carnelian, a sea shell distinguishable from all others by an unusual spot or stripe-and, as if it were anyone of these, he carried around with him everywhere a warm and persistent and increasingly beautiful sense of possession. Nor was it only a sense of possession – it was also a sense of protection. It was as if, in some delightful way, his secret gave him a fortress, a wall behind which he could retreat into heavenly seclusion.” ~ Conrad Aiken, “Silent Snow, Secret Snow”

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The Countdown Begins… Tonight’s the Night

This evening will mark the Holiday Card 2014 Reveal on this very site, so come back later for all the wider wonder. In the meantime, a brief look back at some notable cards that came before. The very first card I ever sent out was done way back in 1995, and it had a theme I returned to time and time again: S&M. It doesn’t stand for Santa and Magic, but I love a light S&M scene for the holidays. Who doesn’t?

Of course, variety is the spice of life, so every few years I liked to change it up, as seen in the featured photo here, from 2004’s chilly holiday shot, wherein I sprayed my hair in ice queen style. That sort of simplicity has gone by the wayside in recent years, but it will return one day because it’s, well, simple. For 2005 and 2007, seen below, there were more cheeky holiday hellos, the first of which was the accessory-rich mirrored jock-shot that not everyone loved, while the latter Santa-gone-bad was a favorite (though not one of mine – it’s not easy to smoke and drink beside a dumpster on a freezing night while your husband laughs at you).

Speaking of husbands, the only card that’s ever featured Andy was from 2010 – the year of our wedding – in which we posed around the pool in our wedding garb. This is a sentimental favorite for obvious reasons, and the first time I ever shared billing with another person.

That’s right, the boy has grown up and learned to share, as proven in 2011’s family-friendly fare, where I pulled a wagon with my niece and nephew.

Lest anyone think I was going in a family direction, 2012 marked a return to the tasteless and racy, as things got bloody and violent. I happened to love this little Santa’s massacre night, front and back.

Last year I sent out the easiest-ever holiday card: a picture of me and my brother from our childhood. It was a little sweeter than a bloody organ.

Which sets the stage for a return to something more… edgy. And snowy. And blowy… Get ready for the white stuff. Tonight’s the night.

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The Silent & The Secret, Before the Snow

A preamble to tomorrow’s Holiday Card reveal – a selection from Conrad Aiken’s “Silent Snow, Secret Snow” which goes with the theme quite beautifully:

It was gentler here, softer, its seethe the quietest of whispers, as if, in deference to a drawing room, it had quite deliberately put on its ‘manners’; it kept itself out of sight, obliterated itself, but distinctly with an air of saying, ‘Ah, but just wait! Wait till we are alone together! Then I will begin to tell you something new! Something white! something cold! something sleepy! something of cease, and peace, and the long bright curve of space! Tell them to go away. Banish them. Refuse to speak. Leave them, go upstairs to your room, turn out the light and get into bed – I will go with you, I will be waiting for you, I will tell you a better story than Little Kay of the Skates, or The Snow Ghost – I will surround your bed, I will close the windows, pile a deep drift against the door, so that none will ever again be able to enter. Speak to them!…’ It seemed as if the little hissing voice came from a slow white spiral of falling flakes in the corner by the front window – but he could not be sure.

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My Name is Not David

It was bound to happen sooner or later, and I suppose I should be glad it’s nothing worse. A FaceBook friend alerted me to the fact that someone was using my likeness on a Scruff account (similar to Grindr, but for hairy guys?) and sent me the photo below to verify whether I had posted it or not. “David” is going around Scruff pretending this photo of myself is actually him. The silly, vain, and really only side of me is nothing but flattered, though I do feel bad for whomever has resorted to using my face to get whatever they’re hoping to get. It hasn’t worked with the Tom Ford shoes I’ve had my eyes on, so best of luck.

Personally, I’ve never understood impersonating someone else, or using someone else’s picture on the internet. What’s the point? I mean, what real, truthful thing will ever come of it? If you’re looking to meet someone (the whole point of Grindr and Scruff, I assumed) how will that work when the real “David” shows up? Or is it just a silly game to pass the time, some poor-man’s version of Candy Crush? Whatever the case, it’s sad all around.

On the plus side, this person did use a photo with a nice kimono in it when they could have chosen something far more salacious. Even better is that they have me pegged at 127 pounds. (Not since 1993, buddy, but I’ll take that delusion as an early Merry Christmas to me!)

UPDATE: Apparently it’s also happened on Twitter. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, indeed.

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Steep It & Suck It

A wicked cough has been nagging me for the past few days – I’ve been fighting off a full-fledged cold or flu, but it feels like I may be losing the battle. When I feel something like this coming on, I put a pot of water on the stove and slice up some fresh ginger, dropping it into the water and letting it steep for ten to fifteen minutes. The stringent ginger water is then strained into a cup with a bag of green tea in it. I swallow it all and pray for a speedy avoidance of illness. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t – either way it’s a boon to my system, and a warm way to greet the night.

Along those lines, a poem by Wallace Stevens:

Tea at the Palaz of Hoon

Not less because in purple I descended
The western day through what you called
The loneliest air, not less was I myself.

What was the ointment sprinkled on my beard?
What were the hymns that buzzed beside my ears?
What was the sea whose tide swept through me there?

Out of my mind the golden ointment rained,
And my ears made the blowing hymns they heard.
I was myself the compass of that sea:

I was the world in which I walked, and what I saw
Or heard or felt came not but from myself;
And there I found myself more truly and more strange.

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Words from a Favorite

The Poet Compares Human Nature to the Ocean from Which We Came
By Mary Oliver


The sea can do craziness, it can do smooth,

it can lie down like silk breathing

or toss havoc shoreward; it can give


gifts or withhold all, it can rise, ebb, froth

like an incoming frenzy of fountains, or it can

sweet-talk entirely. As I can too,


and so, no doubt, can you, and you.

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The Debut December Recap

The first week of December has come and gone, which means we’re hurtling toward Christmas and New Year’s at an alarming rate. Slow this sleigh down, I say! In an effort to do that, let’s look back. It seems that dwelling in the past is the only way to slow the future, or something like that. Whatever, it’s Monday, and time for a recap.

A couple of Hunks were requested this week (something that is always welcomed and more often than not honored) starting with Oraine Barrett.

The closest I’ve been to a naked breast since college.

And speaking of naked breasts, I give you Madonna.

I finished decorating the house for the holidays! Just one room, but still…

The beautiful Ben Cohen shows off in a new calendar.

Remembering December once


Three times a lady.

More hunky goodness, in the forms of Patrick Mitchell & Bryce Thompson.

More bush.

And even more hunks than you can a bat an eye at.

Care to share a Christmas Waltz? 1-2-3…

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December Recollections ~ Part 3

Lest we forget, December does not end with Christmas Day. In fact, its reach extends until the very last day of the year. That tends to get lost in the importance we place on that one special day. Yet as you can see, the days following the big one can be just as beautiful, and just as important. In a single day, a whole life can change.

Sometimes the moments following Christmas ring more festively, especially if there’s been a snowfall.

It starts quietly, in the amber light on the cherry bark, the same light caught in the Northern oats.

The dusk of Boston nestles before the New Year.

It’s the time of the year when snow is still new, and still somewhat welcome.

Sparkle and shine.

Before it begins again

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December Recollections ~ Part 2

Memories of Decembers past continue to occupy today’s posts, continuing with this choice bit of family jeweldom. They weren’t the only red objects on holiday display, however, as evidenced by these bulbous bobs of spicy earth-bound sustenance.

The jewels beneath the ground weren’t limited to those in the red, but those in the gold as well.

I’ve got the second part down pat. The first too, actually.

Bang my wall, Harvey.

The woman needs no defense, but here one is anyway.

I love pink pants.

We were all kids, once…

And some of us were luckier than others.


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