Category Archives: Flowers

A Semi-Homemade Bouquet

Sandra Lee certainly had the right idea with her semi-homemade concept – an idea that inspired this almost-fall bouquet fashioned from store-bought roses and some papyrus and sweet potato vine from the garden. The former adds some vertical architectural interest, and deep green color, while the latter is a bright beacon to remind us that summer is not quite over yet

Our sweet potato vines have done spectacularly this year – and I’m not sure why since all we’ve had is rain, but they are flowing down from their canopy perch in the backyard and trailing all the way to the ground. They make an excellent cut stem for bouquets as well, adding this exquisite chartreuse and turning themselves upright after a few hours. I made the mistake of ignoring them for years because the angles of their stems were difficult to use – it turns out I just needed to be patient and allow them to right themselves – one of the many lessons of gardening that bleeds beautifully into other pockets of life. 

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Golden Worries

Whenever the goldenrod appeared along the highway, my heart would start beating a little faster, and my stomach would begin to churn. It always meant the end of summer was near, and the start of the school year was around the corner. It filled me with dread, my social anxiety going into overdrive as the days ticked forward to the first day of school. To this day, I get residual PTSD effects, as recently happened when Emi and Noah were showing me their new backpacks and school supplies.

In that one instant, I was transported back to the fall when I went from elementary school to middle school, when new kids and new teachers and a whole new building meant starting over all again. Having taken years to find my comfort footing with my elementary school class, the notion of beginning again was a daunting and dismal one.

The twins are moving into their middle school now, and I could sense their own bit of nervousness about it. The mere proximity to the event set my stomach tumbling all over again. The odd thing is that nothing that terribly traumatic happened during the time I was in middle school – at least not school-related. While that first year I was shy to the point of non-existence (and perhaps that’s why I never charted on anyone’s radar) I slowly started to make a few new friends. It was always the beginning, especially the beginning of the unknown and unfamiliar, that so terrified me. I wish I’d known then in a more cognizant and aware fashion to take things one step at a time. Somehow, I managed to operate in such a manner without even understanding or realizing what it was that I was doing. It became a matter of getting through the arrival at school, and the first frightening moments of not seeing anyone I knew. Then it was getting through the confusing first period of math, when algebra made absolutely no sense to my mind, and then the first time changing in the locker room with other boys, and then getting through gym class which was once my favorite period of the day, and then finding the location of English class at the other end of the school where the teacher was already waiting for us, and then finding some grade school friends for lunch and carving out a new social scene… so many “and then” moments, and I took them all one at a time.

It was a fledgling version of being in the moment – just getting through whatever was immediately at hand. Don’t give me too much credit – there was no peace that resulted, and my worries compounded and multiplied as the day went on, terror building upon terror – but by the end of all the classes, and averting the disasters and demons that were largely in my mind alone, I’d made it through. The next day would bring the same anxieties and worries, but I took that one a single step at a time, and soon that first week was done.

When I listened to the twins talk about their new school, I did my best to be reassuring, to downplay the worry and play up the excitement. I also set up our next sleepover – when we would hold our annual Treasure Hunt to welcome in October and all its happy haunts. If you’re nervous about something, it’s good to have another event to look forward to beyond what’s giving you pause. At the very least, the twins could focus on that instead of worrying about school. For once, it’s good to be the ‘fun event’ that might alleviate someone else’s anxiety.

And so I see the goldenrod this year in a different light, in the comforting notion of tradition and fall coziness that goes along with the school season – and I work to heal what so worried me in the past. If it helps the twins in some small way too, then maybe that was the reason for all of it in the first place. From generation to generation, the universe makes such connections, repeating and varying and ideally getting us to a better and more peaceable place.

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Boston Return Blooms

Fall – and the anticipatory days leading up to fall – is the time I usually find myself returning to Boston with more regularity. This year, I am looking to make that happen as the world struggles to right itself. As history has proven, it’s sometimes safer and calmer to hole up in the Boston condo while hurricanes and other events afflict Albany and upstate New York. My Mom and I agree that the condo is actually a cozy space to weather a raging snowstorm or hurricane, and that still proves true. Hopefully that won’t be necessary, but worst-case scenarios tend to be the ones that play out these days. At any rate, Boston beckons, and this post is filled with some flowers that were putting on a show for our last birthday visit, as well as some memories of that city which has always been my home-away-from-home.

The tricky turn of summer into fall is often deceptively beautiful, seducing with its balmy weather and bright all days. Cushioned by the coziness of the coming season, while holding onto the warmer air, is an intoxicating brew of enchantment that masterfully obscures the fact that winter will not be far behind. 

Behind the brick barricade on Braddock Park, one should still be able to hear the outdoor fountain for a few more weeks. I like to sleep with the windows open on these nights – for the cooler air and the sound of the water cascading into itself. Welcoming the outdoors inside won’t happen very often once we reach into October, another reason to carve out more time in this magical place while we can. 

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When Cool Heats Up

The cool hues of today’s earlier post have turned, and the purple of this butterfly bush has a heavy dose of red in it, lending it a hotter feel, and backed by the rich lemon shades of the cup plant flowers in the background. 

The strangeness of this summer is encapsulated in the odd circumstance that I’ve noticed of late: the butterflies and bees have been more drawn to the cup plants and lavender all around the butterfly bush, and for some reason have been avoiding this striking namesake. No idea why, other than 2021… 

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Cool Side of the Spectrum

Shades of indigo and lavender and violet are soothing to the eyes, especially when they pop up in the middle of a hot summer day. Those have been in short supply, but these purple-hued blooms, seen after one of the many rainy days we’ve had, are no less lovely without the sun. In fact, on overcast days their subtle beauty shines in a different, gentle manner. 

The pictures of delphiniums seen here were taken at the local garden center. I’ve never quite had the nerve to attempt growing them in my own garden – Lee Bailey warned me of their finicky ways, and difficult cultivation to produce a pretty plant that worked well in the landscape – and I always listen to Lee Bailey

Rather that tempt further failures, I have chosen to admire them from a distance – the safe vantage point of spectator versus participant. It’s more comfortable here – safer too. Less risk of loss. Less risk of heartbreak. But no less beautiful. 

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A Mystery Rose

The variety is long-forgotten, if it ever was known, and since this little rose is at my parents’ home it’s unlikely that anyone ever knew the name. That doesn’t negate or diminish its simple beauty or artful design. It’s a miniature rose, in a stunning shade that manages to be both electric and calm – not the easiest hat-trick to pull off, but leave it to a rose to make it happen so gorgeously. 

There’s a vintage, antique appeal to roses – their classic beauty and fragrance has been noted throughout history, and if you were lucky enough to grow up around a few gardens, a brush with a rose in June is a summer treat that often grows into a cherished memory. 

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Somewhere Between Fuchsia, Pink, Magenta and Purple

In different light I call it different names, but I love whatever shade in which it appears, as this is one of my favorite sections of the color wheel. Backed by shades of chartreuse, it makes for a stunning combination. I also love how it looks to be absolutely screaming for notice and adoration, or maybe just some water. Mere words do not do it justice, and perhaps that’s why it refuses to be called by any singular color. 

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Stunning in Scarlet

The common annual geranium (not a true geranium at all, so don’t be fooled by the name) makes for a floriferous and showy mound of scarlet – a fiery beacon in the garden or on the patio, where it will regale passers-by in nothing short of a shouting bout. All noise and hoopla and bright, flaring color – a flower after my own heart. 

I hung a couple of these from our canopy last year but wasn’t impressed enough to do it again this season. These sorts of annuals are everywhere, so I can get my fix when I visit my parents or ride around the neighborhood. Beauty’s where you find it. 

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A Flower in Need of a New Name

Does the black-eyed Susan need a new common name? I’ve always preferred its scientific moniker, Rudbeckia, but that goes for most of the plants I’ve encountered. Now I wonder if the common name has more sinister associations, and such ruminations in this politically-charged world are not something I want spilling into the garden. We’ve had enough rain of late literally – a figurative storm on a proverbial parade will just be too much at this point. And so let’s focus on the radial wonder and structural beauty of these Rudbeckia blooms. 

A vibrant variation on the quieter colors of the Leucanthemum, the Rudbeckia is a recurving style of the daisy form ~ a classic cornerstone of many gardens. Coming into bloom at the mid-section of summer, and resisting the typical heat that this moment (when summer is performing properly) usually produces, Rudbeckia is a stalwart and reliable garden foundation. I’ve seen swaths of this perennial favorite creating stunning effects in almost any landscape, the way that Miscanthus or hosta can make similar magic – and a good reason why they are all used in so many situations. It’s ok to appreciate such mainstream use of powerhouse performers – and I’m finally coming around to that notion. Life is difficult enough without seeking value in the rare and exotic. 

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The Purple Balloon

This little balloon flower is still going strong after a number of years, and when it appears it always brings me a jolt of joy because it’s so often forgotten. I also appreciate its stalwart resilience, and the way it keeps coming back even when it hasn’t been pampered. This year I’ve been given it some extra fertilizer to bolster and encourage such beauty. Sometimes it carries more than one bud – this is not one of those years, and so I’m working on it with a bit more love and tenderness. Beauty is worth it. 

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Lilac Lining

We’ve all been lamenting this rainy and cool summer that nature has so cruelly doled out this year, but there are bonuses and unexpected delights that wouldn’t be present in a perfectly sunny summer season. Take, for instance, these Korean lilac blooms, which seem to have been tricked into coming out again after a few cool and rainy days and nights – the kind of weather they prefer in the late spring. 

They will usually throw out one or two small re-blooms, which are often lost amid the cacophony of high summer, but this time around there are several small bunches of blossoms, and they carry the same delicious scent that they have in spring – a happy reminder of the days when the season was just beginning. 

When faced with a light mist and cooler temperatures, these blooms last as long as they would in their typical blooming period. Once again, a silver lining in such an overcast season. Well, a lilac lining, as it were. 

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To the Morning Goes the Glory

Summer mornings were once characterized by the open blooms of the morning glory, back when the main concern of the day was whether or not I’d take lunch by the pool or on the patio. I’d love to have such a decision be the only worry of the afternoon, but alas there are more pressing concerns, and adulting must take place even in these dog days of summer. That doesn’t mean there can’t be morning glories, and I passed these while on a quick lunch during an office day. They usually close by early afternoon, but the day was overcast, as most of our days lately have been, so this one was still open, twirling its pin-wheel design like a little gay boy discovering a silk scarf for the first time.

This variety was the wild one we had growing rampant on the fence between our garage and the neighbor’s garage. They offer these blooms of pale lavender and white, in a smaller size than the traditional blue version that gets all the usual, well, glory. I’ve always preferred those blue varieties, so accustomed was I to the one seen here that anything else seemed rare and exotic. Life is so often about perspective. On their own, showcased and framed correctly, these are magnificent in their own right.

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Blooming Allium

Somewhere between the chives and the onions are these ornamental allium, grown solely for the beauty of their blooms rather than the taste or flavoring of its bulb or leaves. Beauty can exist as its own purpose in the world, especially in the garden. Personally, I admire such things – so many people want something more serious and meaningful, some substance behind the pretty face – while I’ve always considered gorgeousness an end and a goal unto itself. 

These rain-kissed blossoms were nodding their heads in a Boston garden when last I was in town, and I caught them on the morning I was departing for home. A beautiful send-off, and incentive to return. 

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Flowers at The Newbury

When last I was in Boston, I made a stop at the newly-renovated Newbury, which was formerly the Taj, where Andy and I had stayed for our wedding weekend. As such, it is a happy and sacred space for us, and whenever I’m in town I’ll make a stop to see what sort of flower bouquets the lobby and hallways have on display. This most recent visit found these hot pink and magenta orchids and calla lilies squealing with glee. 

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Magnolia: Before & After

Andy and I both love a magnolia tree, just not the clean-up and mess that follows a heavy blooming season, so we’ve never put one in. (We also don’t have the space, even for the smaller varieties.) And so we watch this show from a distance, grateful for when we happen upon tree in bloom, and even more grateful when we happen upon a tree after its bloom.)

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