On a newly-poured section of sidewalk on Massachusetts Avenue, a few fallen leaves from autumn have left their mark in and on the concrete. These faded markings gave me inexplicable joy when Kira and I stumbled upon them on our last visit. Nature will find her own beautiful route, paving a path in ways you never quite thought possible. City trees have been battling concrete for years, and just when it looks like the concrete has won, something like this happens and my faith in the world is briefly restored in the most whimsical of ways.
When the winter turns stark and all the world blends into a dull palette of grays and browns, there is still magic to be found if one looks closely enough. This is a subtle magic – it doesn’t scream or shout out to be noticed, it doesn’t blare its beauty in loud tones of garish saturation. The world is slumbering – do not rustle its rest. There will be time enough to put on your parades when spring returns. For now, we sleep, or walk quietly in a concrete forest littered with echoes.