Almost exactly twenty years ago this month, I was taking these photos on a Sunday afternoon in winter, when I hoped for empty industrial spaces that evoked the garages of Herb Ritts and a man named Fred holding onto a couple of tires. It was freezing cold, but something impelled me not to waste any more time. I understood on some level that I had to capture the magic of the last few months of my twenties. Even then, I felt the tug of age on a gay man’s body, the way time tears away at the very things that would make it necessary to stay even marginally attractive. The majority of my thoughts were that I didn’t mind aging if I was more or less happy in my life, and if I wasn’t happy in my life, then not aging certainly wouldn’t change that. Bottom line: I was contentedly resigned.
That would ebb and flow differently over the years, and now that the years are piling upon one another faster and faster, thanks to my own perception of time after going over the middle-age hump, I find pockets of space where I look back at the person I used to be.
Now you know you’re a cute little heartbreaker
You know you’re a sweet little lovemaker
I wanna take you home
I won’t do you no harm, no
You’ve gotta be all mine, all mine
Oooh, foxy lady
Andy said this is the song that presented itself in his mind when he first saw me walk across a crowded bar floor – ‘Foxy Lady’ by Jimi Hendrix. I wasn’t even aware that he was there or watching, so I could not have been putting on a show for him. It was his first impression, coupled with a mental assessment of ‘Bitchy queen‘. He’s usually spot-on in his initial readings of people. Foxy and bitchy and everything-but-nice ~ and I won’t pretend that wasn’t me way back when.
I see you down on the scene
You make me wanna get up and scream
I’ve made up my mind
I’m tired of wasting all my precious time
You’ve gotta be all mine, all mine
Foxy lady
I’m gonna take you home
I won’t do you no harm, no
You’ve gotta be all mine, all mine
Ooh, foxey lady
Here I come, baby
Comin’ to get ya
Foxy Lady
Some nights I can still summon that spirit and energy and attitude, some days too, if I work hard enough at it. Mind over body at this point, and the latter is becoming slower and slower to follow. For ‘The Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale’ I channeled what it was like to inhabit the body of a man on the verge of thirty – and what once felt impossibly ancient now feels impossibly young. How were we ever so old, and ever so young, all at the same time?
One of the dangers in presenting a project from twenty years ago is the inevitable comparisons that crop up. I must remind myself that, ‘Comparison is the ultimate thief of joy.’ Words worth remembering and honoring. Would you switch your mind and body so as to maximize when they were at their best? I’d rather not risk it – the way we age is designed in the way it’s meant to unfold. Fighting that has its fun, but is always a battle that can only be lost.
Right now, I’m looking back at these photos of me at the age of 29 and I’m mildly amused, lightly impressed, and mostly grateful for having had the youth not everyone is afforded.
A favorite scene from ‘Schitt’s Creek’:
- Moira Rose: I am suddenly overwhelmed with regret. It’s a new feeling for me, and I don’t find it at all pleasurable.
- Stevie Budd: You regret that embarassing photos of you aren’t online?
- Moira Rose: No, I regret that they’re lost. They were the one perfect memorial to who I once was. And I should’ve appreciated those firm round mammae and callipygian ass while I had them.
- Stevie Budd: If you’re talking about your body, uh… I think you still look amazing.
- Moira Rose: Then allow me to offer you some advice: Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, “Oh, I’m too spooky.” Or, “Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies.” But, believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, “Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!”
- Stevie Budd: Will I?
- Moira Rose: Mm-hm. Oh, and make sure you submit those photos to the Internet. Otherwise, your own children will go looking for them one day and, tragically, they won’t be there.
~ The Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale ~
- Pink Frilly Fairy: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three
- Homage to Herb: Part One