Dazzler of the Day: David Gandy

Long before Theo James slipped his apparatus into the iconic Dolce & Gabbana white Speedo, David Gandy was selling his wares with his sculpted body, and his legendary work as a male model has more than earned this Dazzler of the Day crowning. These days, Gandy has his own line of clothing, and a company and website that was the only one sensitive enough to allow for opting out of Father’s Day messages – something that feels refreshingly caring in a world where not much really matters anymore. Here’s a reminder of what made Gandy so transfixing in the first place – check out his website and clothing line – David Gandy Wellwear – for more brilliance. 

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Daisies Beginning, Daisies Ending

Our first flush of daisy blooms is subsiding – after the past two days of crazy storms, I don’t blame them for wanting to get the hell out of here. That was madness (thankfully we only lost power for about five hours, as opposed to the three-day ordeal this winter/spring). Things are hopefully calming down a bit (climate-change deniers fuck off please) and maybe we’ll have a decent weekend for some very special guests. 

This post and its duo of daisies is a reminder of how quickly this coquette summer is flying by – a signpost on the sunny season’s journey – and an illumination of the idea that once one blooming cycle ends, another one is ready to begin. In this case, a fresh batch of daisy buds are already showing themselves, continuing the circle of beauty. It’s a good reminder for anyone who gets downtrodden by the endings in life. I’ve sometimes struggled with that too – in these daisies I find a new way to look at things, a subtle slant of perspective that changes my unease and worry just a little. That’s sometimes enough to make all the difference. 

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A Pink Lily of Coquettishness

The coquette aesthetic wilts in the high heat we’ve had of late, but also lends its own cooling power to the proceedings. The underlying melancholy of this coquette summer cuts through the hot and humid stretches, dousing the fire with tears of healing and compassion – the tears of having to grow up, even at the ripe age of almost-49. One more year to fifty. 

I’ll be your babyThere’s nothing better I’d rather doI’m lost completelyI might as well be over the moon

I’d like it if you triedBefore you change my mindAre you gonna be here with meI know you better

The perfume of the pink lily is potent – exceedingly floral and cloying in its sweet richness. It’s a lot to take, especially on the hotter days. But that’s the sort of whoozy, dizzying, decadent indulgence that personifies the coquette notion – something sweet and nostalgic, that is somehow too much and never enough at the same time. The coquette lifestyle is pretty but too often unsatisfying – tantalizingly out of reach – an obsessive state of longing and unfulfilled promise.

This momentary rideThis fire by my sideAre you gonna be here with meYou know that
I’ll be your babyThere’s nothing better I’d rather doI’m lost completelyI might as well be over the moon

Pink moods, mirrored and mimicked by lilies and clouds at sunset, run deceptively deep. At first sight and sensation, they may feel frivolous and foolish, something to be dismissed or denied – the very impetus of what drives the melancholy of a coquette moment – but how surprisingly resonant they remain, outlasting the ephemeral and fleeting nature we think we know.

The pink lilies glow as the night arrives, but only if the moon is present, which brings out the lighter shading of their throats. On warmer nights, the perfume becomes deliriously potent, an intoxicating lure for all creatures seeking sweetness and beauty. It is the sigh of a summer evening. 

You call me up at nightImaginary linesAre you gonna go back to sleepI know you betterThan you know yourselfI’m only saying play your hand with someone else (someone else)Don’t tell me how to be your babyThere’s nothing better I’d rather doI’m lost completelyI might as well be over the moonI might as well be over the moon

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Making Meditation Mean More

Having meditated daily for several years now, I find myself sinking into the sort of lazy going-through-the-motions rut that any daily activity often ends up eliciting. Right now, my meditations are fifteen minutes long, but it’s not a solid fifteen minutes. I take my time to begin – pausing at the front door and looking outside, sometimes stepping out and sitting on the front step if the weather is nice. Trying to inhale and savor the scent of summer – or spring or fall if that’s where we are – I begin my deeper breathing. (Even in winter, a moment outside in the fresh air can tip the day into something more hopeful than what it might have been in the moment before.) 

From there, I return inside and light the tip of a stick of Palo Santo, ringing the Tibetan singing bowl I found in Maine. Sinking into the deep breathing fully, I close my eyes and begin the meditation in earnest. Sometimes the mind wanders, refusing to be brought into the focus of that sought-after blank space. Sometimes the mind calms itself, pushing thoughts away like a room slowly emptying and simultaneously expanding, the walls and floor becoming whiter and blanker until there is just the breath and the space and the stillness. 

Lately, I’ve been pushing my meditations closer to the end of the day in an effort to ease into slumber, instead of doing them as soon as the work day was done. There are benefits to both, though in the summer it’s best to get all the outside work done during the daylight hours, saving the calmer tasks like meditation for darkness. We strike the summer when it’s hot – and summer is always too short. 

Meditation is sometimes like sleep – either restful and impactful or restless and uninspiring. To make the most of it, I’m going to return to the focused work with which I began this meditation journey. It’s all within grasp, and I’m likely going to need it in the next few weeks as the anniversary of Dad’s final decline and passing arrives. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Bryan Ruby

A modern-day Renaissance Man, who has gone from baseball player to country music star, Bryan Ruby has had one of the most impressive journeys that any Dazzler of the Day can claim. But as Reading Rainbow used to tell us, you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s the bio from his website, to which he can now add Dazzler of the Day:

BRYAN RUBY is a rising country music artist and trailblazing professional baseball player based in Nashville, Tennessee. As a songwriter, Bryan has penned songs that have appeared on the Texas Country Top 50 chart and the iTunes Country Top 25 (#16), and songs he has written have been featured on both Huffington Post and People Magazine. As an artist, Bryan won Season 7 of the talent-search competition Nashville Rising Song, and released his debut single“Left Field” in June 2022. The song was featured on The TODAY Show and added to rotation on SiriusXM Country Pride, as well as the Academy of Country Music’s Ultimate Pride Playlist.

With rich vocals and authentic storytelling on follow-up singles “Two For The Road” (August ‘22), “The Standouts” (October ‘22), “Christmas With You” (November ‘22), “Baseball Country” (March ‘23), and “The Standouts (Heroes Version)” feat. Ty Herndon (June ‘23), “Bryan’s introspective and relatable storytelling‘ (The Nash News) and “expressive baritone” (Music Row Magazine) give him a unique calling card in the up-and-coming Nashville country scene. 

Bryan made history in September 2021 when he became the only active professional baseball player to come out as gay at the time. The inspirational story was featured in USA Today as well as 100+ media outlets around the world including CBS, Yahoo, Bleacher Report and Teen Vogue. He then founded Proud To Be In Baseball, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating, educating, and creating opportunities for the next generation of LGBTQ baseball players. Ruby’s nonprofit work has earned him a spot on Out Magazine’s prestigious Out 100 list, as well as the Rising Star award from the Foundation For Love & Acceptance in Nashville. 

“Baseball and country music are part of the fabric of our great country. If there’s one message I hope people hear in my songs, it’s that hard work and heart can carry you through even what the world tells you are insurmountable obstacles. You can earn your place by following your passion, no matter who you are.” — Bryan Ruby

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

When the day wears you out, take pleasure in the rest and release that follows.


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Make Way For Ducklings (Albany Version)

Better-known ducklings have been immortalized in the Boston Public Garden, but these local beauties enchanted Andy and I as they crossed our path on the way home from Sunday dinner at Mom’s. A couple of Saratoga ducks made similar motions a few summers ago.

Ducks have played a part in all of our lives

[Idiocy of that last sentence was absolutely intentional.]

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Impossibly Refreshed

The heat is on, and the best way to combat it, if you are so inclined, is to find little pockets of coolness throughout the day. In the middle of one excruciating Chicago heatwave on the week that I first visited that fair city, I could only walk outside for limited stretches. Making my way along the Magnificent Mile and ducking into a place every few shops was how I made it through those unbearably hot days. Another way of doing that, and a very different way at that, is to dart from cool scene to cool scene – pool to air-conditioning to basement – in a literal sense, or to simply find places that look cool – such as the shaded nook of a secluded garden, where a clump of chartreuse Japanese spikenard illuminates the space, the shadows behind and beneath it lending the sought-after coolness.

The mind can overcome the matter, even when the matter is a scorching day. Setting and atmosphere can trigger tranquility. A fresh shade of the lightest green reminds of early spring, tricking the mind, bending the time, and believing it’s not quite as hot as it may actually be. 

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Mid-July Recap Meltdown

Hello heatwave – and welcome! High summer means high heat, and I’m not at all mad about it – yet. Setting the alarm a little earlier so as to allow for some morning watering to save the hydrangeas and ostrich ferns, I’m almost able to keep them going, but after this stretch it may be time to let the summer crest. On with the weekly recap, as we do…

Beginning with a broken egg, the week was off to a shattering start.

Shirtless summer shenanigans

The Dazzler of the Day was Diplo.

Theo James filled the famed Dolce & Gabbana white Speedo with his bulge.

Melting in the pink and wet.

The positive people.

A floral echo charms.

Cock fights and penal law.

My friends continue to dazzle me.

Magic mushrooms.

My ‘give-a-fucks’ are on vacation.

Filling these cups of summer.

Sweet, wild and wet.

Absolutely no regrets?

Summer night welcome.

Escaping into a shirtless celebrity Sunday.


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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Out working in the yard, and/or swimming. Back online later… maybe. 


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Escaping into a Shirtless Celebrity Sunday

The news these days… am I right? Forget that nonsense and indulge in this little collection of shirtless male celebrities for your Sunday morning perusal, and clock on the accompanying links to see more of each. We begin with Theo James, who provided a few rousing out-takes from an upcoming Dolce & Gabbana commercial featuring their iconic white Speedo (and originally filled out by David Gandy). 

Next up is Bad Bunny, who needs only a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses to make an impressive impression. (See his crowning as Dazzler of the Day for further proof.)

A pair of Shawn Mendes poses in his Calvins because two is better than one in such matters. There are far too many posts of Mr. Mendes on this blog to link up here – but for a basic beginner’s kit, try this one or this one

Michael B. Jordan rises from the pool, a proper heat-drenched summer moment if ever there was one. Mr. Jordan has been here before, opening this other shirtless male celebrity post, as well as closing out this one

Lastly, Manu Rios keeps the heat going with a simple shirtless pose to close these Sunday morning proceedings. See some of his amazing fashion sense on display in his Dazzler of the Day crowning.

Stay cool out there

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Summer Night Welcome

This post is much too moody for daylight hours, so I’ve hidden it in minutes leaving up to the bewitching hour of midnight. A half-moon dangled between the pine boughs, and some star or planet was right beside it, keeping it company on a calm sky of the deepest ocean blue. A song then, for a day and evening that has been bewitching, bothersome, and bafflingly bewildering – a song that has been posted here before in Ella Fitzgerald’s brilliant rendering of it from sunnier days that seem to have taken place ages ago…

It was a bothersome day because of the bugs – even with a heavy spritzing of insect repellent, and a preliminary yard fogging, they would not leave me alone as I attempted to clear up our side yard. Upwards of ten years have passed since I last tackled that section of our property, and that’s much too long to let anything go. The vines have soared fifty feet into the pine and oak trees – the bane of  bittersweet and Virginia creeper – both taken a hold of the entire area. Sprouts of little shrubs have become trees, and pulling them up by the roots took its toll on my neck last week, and my back today – another bothersome aspect of the day. I know enough not to pull too hard, I really do, and still I find myself thinking I can do one more, that my back is the same supple thing it was in my 20’s, and it’s simply not. 

The bothersome grows into the bewildering, as the news reports of an assassination attempt on a possible dictator come onto the television, as if the news couldn’t get any more depressing and worrisome. That one evil, corrupt, indicted felon can so destroy a country with half the country’s blessing is still a bewildering mystery to me. 

And so I do my best to discover the bewitching that begins and ends the song, but I am at a loss. This summer only continues where last summer left off – no resolution, no happy ending, only more loose ends, more questions, more worries and sadness and wonder. 

Now I will move into a midnight meditation, to shake off the mucky emotions of the day and hopefully find a place of peace for a calm stretch of slumber. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Rather than ask if someone has any regrets, it might be more enlightening to ask to if someone wishes they had done something differently in their life. It’s a fine distinction, but an important one. It’s very difficult to regret decisions we have made at the time, because most of us make the best decision we can. Hindsight might bring about a different take or realization, but at the moment I don’t know many people who actively and intentionally make poor decisions, so how you can ever regret that? 

Maybe this isn’t such a tiny thread after all. To be continued?


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Sweet, Wild and Wet

This wild sweet pea has finally been beaten down into neglected submission. For years, it had been staking its overbearing claim to its self-seeded and self-chosen corner of the garden, where I let it climb and re-seed for a moment. How could I not allow such a marvelous color to exist, so long as I kept it on a short leash? 

It was a yearly battle, one I almost lost on occasion, as volunteers took hold around the original plant, with roots surprisingly strong and not so easily pulled despite how thin the stems were. In the end, though, I managed to keep it in check. Cutting it back by half after its first bloom prevented much of the reseeding, and also inspired a second flowering later in the season. 

This year, it seems all that hard love might finally have been a bit too harsh, as it’s made a piss-poor showing of blooms. I caught these right after a rainy night, and missed their typical magnitude. Perhaps it’s time for some potash to thank them for all their years of service. 

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