Ferocious as a Flower

One of my “fans” recently complained that I post too many flower stories. She then tried to explain that she didn’t even read my blog but one of her “side-pieces” had reported to her that it was all flowers and hot men so she didn’t need to bother. One of my mainstay favorite parts of this blog over the years has been the unsolicited complaint, usually proffered from someone who says they don’t actually read it but hears about what I write. While my use of the word ‘favorite’ is somewhat steeped in sarcasm, it genuinely doesn’t bother me. In truth, it has actually been a source of amusement and pride in still ruffling feathers enough to merit comment or criticism twenty-plus years into this adventure. 

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” ~ Oscar Wilde

There is also something flawed in anyone who dismisses the power inherent in the beauty and ephemeral grace of a flower. It speaks to a lack of development of true power and appreciation, as does attempting to bring down anything that doesn’t directly speak to one’s own preferences.

Flowers can be as ferocious as prose can be deadly

And so to all the flower-lovers out there – and all the flower-haters too – this song’s for you. 

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A Deeper Winter Read

Being an over-thinking, over-analytical and over-the-top Virgo is one of life’s not-so-little fuck-overs, but I’m doing my best with the cards I’ve been dealt and the cards I’ve been choosing. Winter has arrived, and like so many other winters before it this is a time of rumination and contemplation. My daily meditations have resumed and my mind is in a more settled place because of them. Additionally, I’ve re-introduced elements of well-being into the daily routine, which has calmed my riotous heart as well. 

Along those lines, a book by Joseph Nguyen – ‘Don’t Believe Everything You Think’ – is tailor-written for someone like me, who tends to overthink and dwell much too long in my thought process rather than simply living. It’s already unraveling some knots that I’ve had for decades, knots I assumed I’d have to live with for life. When you finally untangle a delicate necklace it’s such a relief and joy you wonder why you didn’t tackle it in the first place, slowly and carefully and deliberately. 

I’ve just started the book, and I invite anyone who overanalyzes to join in the journey. More quotes like to come… 

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A Year of Look-Backs

“I understand very well how it is possible sometimes to slander yourself, to admit to all sorts of crimes solely out of vanity, and I have a very clear idea of what such vanity can be like.” ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky

Marking this milestone half-century year for me may involve some looking back, and I began by perusing The Pictures section here, which goes back about two decades. Found within were these two photos from a fun trip to San Francisco for my friend Alissa’s wedding. It feels so long ago, and since she died a few years ago there has been nothing to really keep those memories alive other than the pics here and whatever remains in my dwindling brain cells. Time stops for no one

Ensconced in a hotel overlooking Union Square, the memory blurs into other memories, and I’m no longer sure which hotel or which trip it was anymore. We bury so many things that once meant so much, at the midway mark of life I wonder how much ever really mattered. When vanity creeps into a deeper place, it threatens its own existence. A certain fascination with self-destruction is a necessary element of survival. Perhaps it’s best if we leave the veil in place for now. 

“He makes it his business to extract from fashion whatever element it may contain of poetry within history, to distill the eternal from the transitory.” ~ Charles Baudelaire

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A Rose Defies Winter

‘Rose & Cuir’ by Fredric Malle has already been gushed about and adored in this lush post, so I won’t delve any deeper into its olfactory delights. It’s enough just to spray some of this on and remember happier winter days, as this one reminds me of spending time with Dad in the old house, when Mom went out for the morning and I got to take care of the man who had always taken care of me. They were mostly quiet days, as Dad didn’t talk much then, but we’d take meals together, and sit together as he perused photo albums and occasionally took notice of an old movie on the television. I’m grateful for those days together, and they keep me warm in the winter. 

The bottle of ‘Rose & Cuir’ was a Christmas gift from Mom a few years ago, and while I originally intended to save it for spring, I decided to wear it that winter to offset the darkness of the season. It worked, as that winter still brings light and love to mind. The power of a fragrance to rekindle a memory.

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A Few Almost-Naked Male Celebrities

We’ve gotten away from all the gratuitous nude male celebrity shots that once dominated these pages, so here’s a post bringing a few of them back. The world is getting entirely too serious, and this site is looking to return to the fun, frivolous, sexy thrills of the past – a place of escape and silly amusement. We don’t have to take out clothes off to have a good time, but it never hurt…

Chris Evans helms the featured spot (and rounds out the end) thanks to multiple turns on the gratuitous bandwagon

Josh O’Connor has not yet been seen here, but this is a sneak-peek at what will surely turn into a Dazzler of the Day feature in short order. Glenn Powell has most definitely been here, naked as a jaybird (or any bird when you really think about it) – and more than once

Taylor Zakhar Perez has been here as well, also more than once

Andrew Garfield is still due for a Dazzler of the Day crowning, and will have to make do with this shirtless post from a coupe of years ago

Isaac Powell once told me he liked my shoes (at a performance of ‘Once On This Island’) – he was a Hunk of the Day back when we had such a thing, and he’s due for his Dazzler crowning any day now.

Neil Patrick Harris has made several near-naked splashes here, as in his own Dazzler of the Day crowning and this underwear post.

As promised, Chris Evans brings up the rear, with this creamy/dreamy turn. Who’s up for a banana split?

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This Finally Happened

After decades of dealing in and terrorizing people with glitter, I finally found a single sparkling piece of it on a singular part of me. Of course I mean my dick, and part of me is surprised that it’s taken this long for that to happen. (Glitter tends to favor eyelids and upper lips.) Immediately I texted a few chosen friends about it, and when Suzie asked why it was there I simply wrote back, “It’s the holidays.” 

The real question should have been why I noticed it, but since that was never asked it will be left up to your imagination. 


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Easiest Fondue I’ve Ever Made

New Year’s Eve is one of those weird quasi-holidays that sometimes gets us rallied and sometimes finds us sleeping through the whole thing. This year we invited Suzie’s family over, as has become somewhat of an occasional tradition, for an eclectic meal of whatever comfort food is on hand. Years past we tried to get a fondue ritual together – and for several gatherings I got out Suzie’s fondue set (for some reason she wasn’t using the one gifted to her years ago) and made a traditional cheese fondue – with the garlic rub, the kirsch, the gruyere and the cubed bread and green apples for dipping. 

This year I said fuck it – fondue is such a beast to clean (or so Andy told me, repeatedly) especially when you try to keep it warm with a sterno or tea light that just solidified a burnt circle of soot onto the bottom of the fancy fondue pot – whoopsie daisy as I used to say. Then I saw a cup of fondue at Trader Joe’s – La Fondue – and bought it as a joke. Of course I forgot to heat it up on NYE when everyone was here, but I found it this week and used the sourdough bread that Milo had made as a vehicle to test it out. 

Y’all, Traders Joe’s doesn’t dick around with this fondue. Somehow they got it all right – not sure there is any kirsch in this but damn it is decent – just as good as any fiasco I might have conjured, minus all the mess. 

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The Wind in our Fails

It first sounded last night, the first night of the calendar year. I was writing another blog post, sitting on the bed in the attic when I listened to it whip over the roof and around the window, seeking to gain some sort of entrance. 

The wind. 

Hearing it barrel by made me wonder how horrific a tornado or hurricane must sound in person. The rumbling and occasional whistling it made here must be a breeze in comparison. 

Such power and might continued early this morning, when I watched and heard the wind blow through the backyard, shaking trees and grasses and testing their pliability. In this life, you learn to either bend or break – proof that it’s better to be flexible than obstinate. My convictions may be stalwart but my stubbornness is more malleable these days. Give me time to cool down and collect myself and I’m likely to come around to a new way of seeing things. 

Have I always done this? For the most part yes, but it used to take a bit more time, and a lot more arguing, and while more often than not I ended up convincing people of my way, what an effort it was, and oh what headaches resulted. Today I’m more likely to let people make their own choices and decisions and deal with the fallout, even if I’m 100% certain there is a better way of doing things. Maybe that’s another failure on my part, but our failures make us better provide we learn something from them. I’ve learned to let people make their own mistakes.

FAFO is real.

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A Gratuitous Tom Holland Post

While Tom Holland has already been crowned a Dazzler of the Day here, this is a post celebrating his current Men’s Health cover shoot, and his inspiring story of going sober. He recently released a line of non-alcoholic beer – Nero – committing to his lifestyle and welcoming the focus on not drinking. More of us can relate than one might think. Read more of it here.

Based on the figure he’s cutting, not drinking certainly agrees with him.

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Calming Song, Soothing Morning

Returning to work today makes it feel like Monday again, so I’m all sorts of messed up, trying to find bearings at the start of the year. Beginning anything on a Wednesday seems ill-advised, so to start the year mid-week leaves me feeling off-balance. (Being honest, there wasn’t much balance with which to begin.) And so let us have some meditative music, as I’ve happily returned to my daily meditation practice. 

January is always the time for a renewed meditation focus, and a reminder to be mindful. Much to mind, much to mind… and the outside world swirls, the wind whipping through the dried grasses, shaking off any remaining rain from yesterday. 

Finding purpose in little tasks and focusing on each step is the easiest way to clear the mind. So much of our worry and stress comes from allowing our brains to overthink and dwell and perseverate on things over which we have no control, things that may never come to pass, yet they become all we think about because we don’t focus on the moment at hand. This is a very basic tenet of being mindful, and often the most difficult. We don’t want to slow down and get granular with our days – we’d rather rush through to the weekend or the end of the work day. When you are able to find the joy in the moment, life can suddenly open up in ways that make winter more than a burden. We are only the second day into the year – why the hurry? 

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A Song for New Year’s Day

There’s glitter on the floor after the partyGirls carrying their shoes down in the lobbyCandle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floorYou and me from the night before, but
Don’t read the last pageBut I stay when you’re lost, and I’m scared, and you’re turning awayI want your midnightsBut I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day

Rumors of ‘Reputation (Taylor’s Version)’ being the next Taylor Swift release, as well as the date of this post being in effect for a few more hours, ‘New Year’s Day‘ feels like the fitting end for this first day of the new year. It sounds like something from the ‘folklore‘ or ‘evermore‘ sessions, and I love it for that – some of the lyrics hint at what was to come – foreshadowing at its finest.

You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxiI can tell that it’s gonna be a long roadI’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babeOr if you strike out and you’re crawling home
Don’t read the last pageBut I stay when it’s hard, or it’s wrong, or we’re making mistakesI want your midnightsBut I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day

Hold on to the memoriesThey will hold on to youHold on to the memoriesThey will hold on to youHold on to the memoriesThey will hold on to youAnd I will hold on to you
Will this year bring the soft sentiment of this song, or will it be more of a ‘Reputation’ snake-fest? Only time will tell – and time always tells. Whether or not we are here for the telling is the only question. The new year is quietly dramatic like that – perhaps we use all the bombast and confetti to disguise the trauma of such a turn in time. {Clink your champagne flutes here.}
Please don’t ever become a strangerWhose laugh I could recognize anywherePlease don’t ever become a strangerWhose laugh I could recognize anywhere
There’s glitter on the floor after the partyGirls carrying their shoes down in the lobbyCandle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floorYou and me, forevermore
A time of promise and trepidation, and a whole new year laid out before us. If it was already written out, if the plans were there in the stars or already downloaded to destiny, would you look ahead to see what happens? Or would you let it all unfurl without trying to change or make it better? 
Don’t read the last pageBut I stay when it’s hard, or it’s wrong, or we’re making mistakesI want your midnightsBut I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day
Hold on to the memoriesThey will hold on to youHold on to the memoriesThey will hold on to youHold on to the memoriesThey will hold on to youAnd I will hold on to you

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Starting in Silence

Beginning a new calendar year in mindfulness and silence is my preferred method of ringing in the next twelve months. Coupled with some industrious (for me) efforts and rituals, the day starts in quiet form. While Andy sleeps, I steam the outfit I’m wearing for a family dinner, prepare the roasted squash we’re bringing as a side dish, make myself a cup of oolong tea, and settle down at the dining room table to write this blog post. Trying to keep my mind focused wholly on the simple tasks at hand, I push away any nagging overthinking or mental analysis and attempt to inhabit the moment completely. For many people, silence and quiet is an immediate invitation for thoughts to run wild through the mind – for me, it invites the opportunity to focus on my breathing, or the simple act of making a cup of tea or cutting up vegetables. 

I pause and look at the outside world – slightly hazy, a fine mist and maybe even rain in the air, droplets of water on bare tree branches, like little silver buds of a spring that will, no matter what befalls us, come again. Cradling the cup of tea in my hands, I embrace its warmth while surveying the gray winter scene of our backyard. The fountain grass bows with crooked countenance, stalks of the cup plant splay as if they’d been trampled by some giant, and a fluffy squirrel perches on the corner post of our weathered fence. Which way will it decide to go? Which way will the year take us?

The cup of tea grows cool, no matter how piping hot it was when I began writing this. Tea tempers itself, something I’ve learned to do, on occasion, over the years. Tastes have mellowed and sharpened, in the contradictory terms that life decrees at its most infuriating. Holding such extremes when they seem at such odds is a Zen trick we can only ever approximate mastering. The action verbs that started the sentences when I started this blog post are now coming at the end, a shift worth noting and honoring. Let’s begin.

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How We Begin Again




The vast expanse of winter.

The landscape of a new calendar year.

Beauty. Benevolence. Brutality.

Grasshead gone to fluffy seed – a horticultural feather boa – because that’s what winter does. It strips everything bare, leaving the only vestiges of glamour in the drying and waving stalks of desiccated grass. Winter holds its own, wrapping brittle arms like gnarled grapevine around the heart. It hurts and it helps, like a hug at the right moment, or the wrong moment. 

I don’t quite know how to begin this year. 

This year that I turn 50 years old. 

This year that Andy and I have been together for 25 years.

This year that we’ve been married for 15 years.

This year of milestones and markers…

Let us be wholly present for all of it. 

Let us be mindful of every moment. 

Let us… be.

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2024: The Year in Review – Part Two

We continue on the high summer note on which we left off from the first half of the year, which found us deep in coquette country and on the verge of a banner summer Olympics. Like most years, the months slowly but sometimes wildly shifted. Fasten your seatbelts, you know the rest…

July 2024: Back when we still held the wonder of hope.

The patriotic Speedo upon reflection.

Keep this guide handy so you don’t fuck up.

Shirtless summer shenanigans. (And one to blow on.)

Pink and wet.

My give-a-fucks went on vacation.

Summer night welcome.

A coquette visit with two dear friends.

Never the boy of summer.

Jaxon Layne turns two.

Our 24th anniversary.

A chosen coquette family.

The Paris Summer Olympics began with a bulge-tastic bang.

Making it purr and keeping it kinky.

A Silver Mountain summer scent.

The final coquette summer playlist.

The room where my father died.

August 2024: Dad’s anniversary.

A place of peace and rest.

Coquette loveliness.

Shirtless poses.

A fragrance fit for a father.

Summer Olympics 2024: a tale of two penises.

Zac Efron pumping sans shirt.

Our BroSox Adventure took place in August, a bit later, but every bit as fun and enjoyable as all of our excursions

Retiring Tom Daley’s Speedo.

Madonna seriously.

A coquette cradle song for therapy.

What are we supposed to do with coquette feathers?

A birthday on the cusp.

Feeling all of 49.

Birthdaying in Boston.

September 2024: Summer lingered happily by the pool.

The battle of pink and green was on

A hanging rope of pearls.

A father’s birthday in absentia.

Last gasp of a flailing coquette, striking a pose and losing hold of all glamour.

Andy saves summer with one plate of fried green tomatoes.

A summer day in Vermont with Suzie, on which we find some of the best ice cream we’ve ever had.

Nakedly harvesting super moon energy.

Closing out a perfectly lovely coquette summer.

Fall arrives with this fade-to-black theme.


Getting tired of this earth.

Black-brimmed avenger.

A witchy trio.

Fragile masculinity.

Remembering my first kiss with a man.

Words of an American psycho.

Smoking a fall clove.

At the turn to darkness.

A sex scene from the verge of twinkdom.

A Boston weekend in the fall with Kira.

Childhood church trauma.

Andy has the best balls.

October 2024: Thirty years ago I kept an unfortunate journal.

Getting busy.

Monster dick evil.

Ferocious, weak, pretentious freak.

A silver lining of social anxiety.

A treacherous tale of three.

The rough and tough meditation.

A new black parade.

Fall bacchanal, caftan style.

The Fade-to-Black fall playlist.

A sorcerer by a sorceress

Dangerously feminine.

Andy’s birthday.

Kamala, not so obviously, even if it’s obvious, and too late, now. 

Autumn in Ogunquit, as magical as ever. 

Super graphic ultra modern girl like me

Five years of sober living.

A bedtime story that’s lasted for thirty years.

Marble and mud.

A charming Saturday in New York with my person.

A family detour.

Let’s have another mid-life crisis because why not?

When a witch turns their back

Who’s afraid of little old me?

A witch’s playlist.

Sound the siren.

November 2024: In which a villain re-emerges for survival.

Ben Cohen’s take-it-all-off calendar.

A November surprise with a project from 2004.

Swimming in November.

Mourning has broken.

A husband’s helpful shadow.

Ten years ago on this very blog.

I kept my promise, and I’m keeping my distance

Sexual activity my ass.

You must meet Irate Irene.

A magical flower from my magical man.

A cardinal visits.

Shades of nudity set to music.

Just what we need – another social media app.

Still Wicked after all these years.

No more news and no one’s unhappy about it

When tea-bagging goes bad.

Friendsgiving 2024 and a dinner with Kira.

Ulta ultra unhelpful.

December 2024: A holiday fragrance that is, like its wearer, a lot.

Everything is fucking fine.

Holiday card 2024: Shitter’s full!

The full ‘shades of gray’ project from twenty years ago is posted online for the first time.

Absence makes the heart grow.

Andy is my greatest comfort.

A cozy Christmas scene.

Waltzing through Christmas.

Racial profiling at the Newbury Hotel?

We can’t all be one of the witches.

Winter solstice.

Holiday Stroll 2024.

Boston Children’s Holiday Hour (entirely misnomered). 

Christmas coda with Chris.

A Christmas message for the lonely

The twins had their very first adult dinner party, thrown by me and Andy as it should be

A holiday recap.

See you in 2025, whether we like it or not…

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2024: The Year in Review – Part One

Closing the chapter on what was 2024 brings an uneasy sense of relief and trepidatious pleasure. Every time I look forward to a new anything, it comes with challenges and setbacks, and entering a new year, particularly one as potentially big as 2025, leaves me excited and scared. Before that, let’s send 2024 off with a fond farewell…

January 2024: A lot of New Years. 

A fragrance to start a new year properly, courtesy of Le Labo.

Madonna, still ‘Crazy’ after all these years.

21 years of half-naked navel-gazing.

A month for meditation.

My grandmother’s waltz.

Madonna’s greatest comeback: The Celebration Tour

Hygge happening.

Jeremy Allen White in his underwear.

Boston afterglow.

A birthday post for Mom.

Be fucking fabulous.

February 2024A first winter without Dad.

Snow comfort.

New social media rules.

Shawn Mendes shirtless.

Future nostalgia: Part one and Part two.

Looking for mercy.


Valentine nostalgia.

A pop of underwear color.

Harry Styles in and out of his underwear.

The Middle Ages in Connecticut

Tom Daley in a crocheted Speedo.

A return to Cape Cod in the middle of winter, when the sunsets carry a different sort of beauty

My brother’s band.

Andy is still a trooper.

March 2024: Tricks of Father Time.

Looking up at Albany.

A Boston tease.

Kira and I in Boston – the old team back in business

Preparing for guests.

Jaxon and Uncle Andy.

A modern-day Joan-of-Arc.

After 35 years, everyone must still stand alone.

A gorgeous fragrance: Patchouli Ardent.

The bold and sexy style of Luke Evans.

The week the power went out in an ice storm.

The twins turned fourteen.

He sits on my lap now.

The porcelain trappings of youth.

April 2024: An indulgence.

Crying at Trader Joe’s

Naked like a perhaps hand.

The heart of a jonquil.

Finding fabulousness

A purple reign weekend with friends old and dear, tried and true

Get busy living

Jaxon’s happy face.

May 2024: Anniversary month.

Spring in Connecticut

A visit to my Mecca.

An unremarkably remarkable anniversary spent with Andy in Boston. (It was so good it needed three parts.)

A pool of pink petals.

Coming into the Carnal Flower at last.

‘The Great Gatsby’ on Broadway.

A bittersweet return to Broadway with Mom turned out to be more sweet than bitter

Messy and moody.

A godson grows.

Social media apathy.

It’s too bad most journalists didn’t listen to or heed this dire warning.

Time to tea dance.

The moon tried to hide but I found her.

June 2024: Our coquette summer was christened.

A coquette summer playlist.

A coquette night to remember.

Our seaside retreat to the Beautiful Place By the Sea was as lovely as it always is. Ogunquit still works its magnificent magic


Playground love.

A setting for the coquette day, and a setting for the coquette night

Orville Peck got naked for Paper.

Pride Month – now more than ever.

Lace and leather and coquette dreams.

A presence on the night wind.

A first Father’s Day without a father.

Preamble: the Ass.

I absolutely loved my first colonoscopy! Well, I loved a few key parts of it, and overall I didn’t see what all the fuss was about. Maybe I’m just accustomed to putting my ass through the ringer. 

The stars are blind and the coquette mystique is in effect.

The kind of blue not found in the flag.

A mass of neuroses belies a coquette summer.

Boston begins summer in beauty and rains just a little on our parade.

We don’t have to take our clothes off to have a good time.

June ended with a second coquette summer playlist, setting the scene for the rest of the year to follow… 

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