Author Archives: Alan Ilagan

Pre-Retirement Planning & Preparation – Part 1

Calm down, I tell myself, just calm the fuck down. My retirement eligibility won’t kick in for another eight or nine years, but having made it through more than two-thirds of my working career part of me understands that it’s not too soon to plan that far ahead, particularly when it comes to such a major life-shift. And retirement is something I’ve longed for since the day I first started as a Data Entry Machine Operator in a year that still had titles like ‘Data Entry Machine Operator’. I’ve always joked that I’d retire yesterday if it were a financial possibility, but at this point working has become part of the fabric of my existence, and I’m not entirely sorry that it has become so.

There is noble work that my agency accomplishes, and I’m proud to be part of the HR force that supports everyone doing that important work. Still, I’m starting to feel the earliest tinges of burn-out, and I’ve noticed the slow slump of either age or cynicism that seeps into my walk into the office in the morning. It’s the state worker slump, and no one is immune. In a few years it will be time to retire, so when I was recently afforded some unexpected time alone in Boston, I decided to plunge into what a day in retirement mode might look like.

Part of my retirement plan is to spend more time in Boston during the week, something I don’t get to do right now. It would allow me to simply be in Boston – and by ‘be’ I mean to simply live and exist – without having to jam-pack a billion different things into one wicked tiny weekend. I did that once in my youth, and I’ve missed it. That would also give Andy a break from me when I get a little too extra. (One thing that being home together during the early months of COVID revealed was that we very much appreciate our own alone time.)

Most of the weekends I currently spend in Boston are filled with shopping and eating and the occasional show – and all of those require money. Fine for the visits that happen just a few times during a year, but not something sustainable for retirement purposes. What would I do when the paychecks dwindled and I had nothing but hours to fill? Would I get bored or long for something to do? I set about in the morning to see how it might feel, and how I might navigate or plot out what will hopefully be the rest of my life. As I opened the door and stepped outside, I studied the shadows of the handrail on the steps – this shadow has followed its same trajectory for over a century. I felt myself approaching some sort of realization of the scope of time, then backed quickly away from dwelling on it. This was not the day or the moment to start tackling that kind of philosophical conundrum…

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A New Bag & An Old Cologne

Backed by a new bag by Trina Turk (my wallet would not withstand the matching suit by Mr. Turk) an old cologne, ‘Bamboo Harmony’ by Kilian, reminds of happy memories, particularly at this time of the year. Spring injects a new bounce into the step, as does this fun new bag, coupled with a green tea-inflected fragrance. It’s the little things that get us through the big things. 

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Flower Bed for a Naked Man

“Facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.” – Galileo Galilei

Any opportunity to showcase one of the greatest living artists of the moment should be taken and explored to the utmost, so it is with fevered pleasure that the featured work here – ‘Flower Bed’ by Michael Breyette – that I present this blog post extolling the artist’s virtues. ‘Flower Bed’ came across my social media path as a harbinger of spring, and Breyette described it as such on his enchanting website: “I’ve always been intrigued by the impact nature can have on someone, the serenity of sitting by the ocean, the peacefulness of a walk in the woods, the coziness of a rainy day or the cheerfulness brought by flowers. In contrast, man’s effect on nature is not usually too positive. So with that I offer man enjoying nature, positioned between a bed of flowers and a bee. The bee population is suffering from massive ‘die offs’ globally, in which man certainly has a hand.”

From there, I hastened to delve into what Breyette has been up to of late, which brought me to a recent work, ‘Beach Bums’ – the perfect segue into the sunnier season on the horizon. It paints a picture of a tranquil stroll by the sea, indulging in the play of sand upon the feet, the ocean in the air, and the comfort of a lover’s hand in your own.

Closing out this post is the simplicity and grandeur of ‘Arcadian Lake’ – a contemplative pose of pause at the edge of a lake, where the gaze of the subject is fixed loosely out of frame, lending the work a mystery and intrigue that merely hints and whispers of something just out of reach. Like all of Breyette’s work, it leaves the viewer wanting more.

Visit his extraordinary website here, and consider procuring one of his original works, or a few of his prints, while they’re still available. (All artwork here by Michael Breyette.) 

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A Tale of Two Lilacs

We are in that exquisite overlap of time when the American lilac is just finishing its blooming cycle and the Korean lilac is just starting its own show. These two varieties of lilac are a match made in sniffing heaven, with one picking up right as the other is finishing, extending the season of sweet perfume.

If you have to choose just one of these for your garden, I’d give the edge to the Korean lilac, which begins when there is warmer weather for enjoying its blooms. Its seemingly delicate foliage belies the fact that I’ve never seen it afflicted by powdery mildew at all, something that has consistently felled the American lilac leaves without fail over the past ten years, no matter how much circulation they get. The Korean version is also more manageable size-wise for those of us with limited space; they can be kept to a small shrub, or let loose to grow into a substantial size. (The American lilac will quickly soar higher than most adults can reach if unchecked; Andy remembers his Mom perched dangerously on a ladder to reach some of the blooms for cutting.)

One final bonus for the Korean lilac: it tends to re-bloom in late summer, when a few cool nights seem to trick the plant into thinking it’s time to flower. There’s something very magical about a re-bloom.

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Voluminous Valley Denizens

It takes a great many lily-of-the-valley stalks to make a bouquet that’s going to leave an impression, but it’s always worth it to bring their sweet perfume indoors. Currently we have a couple of colonies of this beautiful, if slightly invasive, groundcover, and they are lending the spring air a delicious fragrance, mingling with the remnants of the American lilac as their bloom comes to a close, and heralding the start of the Korean lilac season.

Lily-of-the-valley was a favorite of my grandmother, and it retains an old-fashioned element that is well-deserved due to its hardiness and insistence on spanning the generations. I’ll let the flower spikes go to seed, as any diminishment or weakening of the swaths we have going is not a bad thing. The brilliant red berries that remain are a treat to find in autumn when color is more rare.

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Dazzler of the Day: Christine Sun Kim

Christine Sun Kim is an artist whose work focuses on sound, and sometimes its absence, positing intriguing explorations of art through music, linguistics, drawing, and performance. Her body of work is as impressive as it is wondrously varied and powerful. A magnificently minimalist website offers glimpses into her work and career, as encapsulated in the excerpt below. Her passionate search for the myriad ways in which we communicate is one of the most important journeys ever made by a Dazzler of the Day

In her work, Berlin-based artist Christine Sun Kim, whose first language is American Sign Language (ASL), approaches the concept of sound via deconstructive exercises, experiments, and observations through drawing, painting, and performance. Over the course of developing her own visual language, Kim explores and employs elements from various information systems. By combining aspects of graphic and musical notation, body language, and ASL, she uses these systems as a means to expand what each is able to communicate and to invent a new grammar and structure structure for her compositions.

Performance is also part of Kim’s practice, often providing the starting point for works on paper that display witty evocations of both sounds and signs. She highlights what is constantly present and yet unnamed by us all through naming and then deconstructing preconceived ideas about sound and communication through their parameters, social values, and linguistics. Moreover, Kim works within and around the nuances of sound: at what point does noise become sound? When is something appropriate, and whose job is it to determine the agreeability of a sound, a noise, and their ensuing respectability or social capital?

Christine Sun Kim (b. 1980, California) received a Master of Fine Arts in Music / Sound from Bard College in 2013. She has exhibited and performed internationally, including at the Whitney Museum, New York (2018); Art Institute of Chicago (2018); San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (2017); De Appel Arts Center, Amsterdam (2017); Rubin Museum of Art, New York (2017); Berlin Biennale (2016); Shanghai Biennale (2016); Sound Live Tokyo (2015, 2013); MoMA PS1, New York (2015) and the Museum of Modern Art, New York (2013). Kim was awarded a MIT Media Lab Fellowship and a TED Senior Fellowship and has presented at numerous conferences and symposia. She lives and works in Berlin.

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A Not-So-Secret Garden Room Fragrance

My love for cologne and perfume should clue everyone into the fact that I love fragrance – not just as a personal affect but as an atmosphere-enhancer. It is with great care and precision that I select what scents go into our home, whether that’s through misting humidifiers, candles, or room sprays. My favorite go-to scent when preparing the house for guests is a discontinued Yankee Candle named ‘Greenhouse’ – it has the convincingly-heavenly scent of its namesake, plain and simple – the green, grassy and earthy perfume from a floral shop or greenhouse is somehow distill into this candle, and I’ve used it sparingly because I can no longer find it. (Every once in a while it will show up in an outlet or Marshall’s and I’ll grab whatever is available.) That luck can’t last forever, so if you see one please get it for me. 

This season, I’ve finally found a suitable alternative, and a genuinely lovely candle/fragrance in its own right. It’s the ‘Tomato Plant’ candle from Trader Joe’s. Do not be put off by its title – I’m not a fan of the bruised tomato leaf scent, and this only hints at that pungent signifier of summer. Instead, it carries a fresh and tart green fragrance, sweetened by some listed bergamot and rhubarb. The result is a ‘Greenhouse’ variant that gloriously rekindles that long-lost beauty – a perfect segue from spring to summer. I’m stocking up as we speak…

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A Smidge Taller and I’d Be Worried

This is a style of door handle I’ve never seen before, and it was designed to allow for someone to open the door with the crook of their elbow so as to avoid touching it with their bare hands. An interesting concept, but the execution and design brings to mind something decidedly different. Don’t even tell me this isn’t a barely-disguised dildo waiting for some drunken dare and an ensuing lawsuit. The least they could have done is bend it downward, but maybe they wanted the provocative angle.

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Dazzler of the Day: Martha Stewart

My adoration for Martha Stewart goes back decades, when I first caught her show in the months that I had begun to date Andy. In between jobs and locations, I found myself at his house in the middle of the day, when I would find her show in an early afternoon hour, and her voice was always so soothing and calming, that I connected that to a happy and idyllic way of life. Since then, we all know the rollercoaster she’s been on, and she’s still around and kicking ass because she’s a boss. ‘Sports Illustrated’ recently made her their oldest cover subject for their celebrated Swimsuit Issue, and nothing makes me happier. Check out her website here for more ‘good living’ (I’ve never had a failure with any of her recipes) and have no doubt that she is definitely a Dazzler of the Day

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Mother’s Day Love

The world needs more happy posts like this one, which captures our recent Mother’s Day dinner in Amsterdam, at Mom and Dad’s new digs. It was very much a family affair, proving that home is wherever the family heart beats, and it stretched from Dad in his 90’s to little Jaxon Layne who is only in his 10th month. It was Landrie’s first Mother’s Day, and it was Mom’s 47th. Here’s to many more!

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Dazzler of the Day: Randy Rainbow

With his hilarious re-workings of politicians set to musical numbers, Randy Rainbow has carved out a comedic corner of the world where his impressive talents as writer, performer, singer, and activist combine for some combustible creative brilliance. His memoir is titled ‘Playing With Myself’ and for that alone it deserves a read. He earns this Dazzler of the Day for all the albums, podcasts, videos, and books he’s put out over the last few years, and for not showing any sign of slowing down. The world needs more Rainbows. Check out his website here for more magnificence. 

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This Can’t Be Love

The mid-point of the lusty month of May finds us swelling in the season of love, and this song is the embodiment of all that is magnificent in the realm of true love. The first night I met Andy was when I got all lost in his eyes, and I’ve loved looking into them ever since. From that moment, our love was a source of comfort and ease, and as our world turns ever darker and more treacherous, we rely on that safety and warmth. In the beginning of our relationship, I think we both faltered a bit for wondering where the hard part was, and how it was that two so seemingly-different people could be so compatible. As the wall art says, ‘Love is the question and the answer.’

This can’t be love, because I feel so well,No sobs, no sorrows, no sighs.This can’t be love; I get no dizzy spells,My head is not in the skies.

Sometimes love is just that easy – a comfort, a simplicity, a tranquil sea. Sometimes it asks no questions and is simply there to offer solace for how terrible the rest of life can be. 

My heart does not stand still, just hear it beat.This is too sweet to be love.

When May rolls around these parts, and spring is busting out all over, I put away my practiced cynicism and give in to all the love around us. It’s the season of hope, and we can choose to be hopeful. 

This can’t be love, because I feel so well,But still I love to look in your eyes.Still I love to look in your eyes.

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Dazzler of the Day: Manny MUA

I love a beauty blogger – they make everything look so easy, even when it takes years of practice and perfecting techniques. Case in point is Manny MUA, who’s made a career of painting faces and making beauty. With a colossal social media presence thanks to his YouTube videos and Instagram account, Manny is conquering the world one pretty day at a time. His own beauty line, ‘Lunar Beauty’, is available here. When you’re already such a star, Dazzler of the Day is just another fitting accolade for all the fabulousness at work. 

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A Recap of Retrograde Relief

May this recent bout of Mercury in retrograde leave us with a bit of relief and release, because it was a goddamn doozy and we are all over it. I’ll let the recap speak for its own freaking self, and let’s dive headfirst into this week to move as quickly and as far away from the previous one as possible. 

What kind of monster does something like this?

Spring perfume.

The pleasure-maker: a dildo for allergies

The return of Chip!

Like a virgin all over again.

Allergies had me down and out with nary a sign of Beverly Hills. 

The triple threat of the Jonas Brothers.

The anniversary that almost wasn’t

and the anniversary that very much was

Happy Mother’s Day!

Dazzlers of the Day included Heath Thorpe, Alex Borstein and RuPaul.

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Dazzler of the Day: RuPaul

Another sort of Mother for this Mother’s Day, this is Queen Mother RuPaul, who sings the theme song of the day, ‘Call Me Mother’. The Grande Dame of drag has done just about everything, and in the three decades since they stormed the world with ‘Supermodel (You Better Work)’ they have conquered the entertainment universe completely. One-name marvels  are as rare as they are impressive (see Beyoncé and Madonna) and RuPaul is easily part of that sparkling firmament. Adding Dazzler of the Day to that roster almost feels like an afterthought, but now it’s official. 

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