Author Archives: Alan Ilagan

Never the Boy of Summer

There was a time when I wanted to be just one of the boys of summer, whatever that might mean, and it’s meant something different with each passing year. I am very clearly no longer a boy, and haven’t been for quite some time. My childhood withered decades ago, probably much earlier than my physical appearance would have anyone guess. I’ve felt like a very old soul since I first became aware of myself. It’s part of why childhood proved so seemingly difficult for me: relating to other kids was never easy, because I never truly felt like a kid. I never had that carefree confidence because I always knew, on some level, how very different I was from the other kids. That makes you grow up quickly. That makes you old even when you’re not. 

I can see you
Your brown skin shining in the sun
I see you walking real slow and
Smiling at everyone

I can tell you, my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

These days I feel a little more tired and weary than usual, a state in which I’ve uncomfortably become more comfortable, for worse and far from better. I see it in this picture, and more keenly I feel it within my own body and mind. Approaching the age of 49, I don’t mind growing older – it feels like I’m coming more and more into my own, that this long journey is just starting to make a little sense – but it still takes its toll. There are days when it’s exhausting, when the business of being who the world thinks I am – the person I’ve made the world think I am – feels overwhelming, and I just don’t want to do it. 

Then I think back to when I was a boy. If I could do it then – unprotected, untried, unknown to my own self – how could I not do it now? Or at the very least, how could I not try?

A little voice inside my head said
“Don’t look back, you can never look back”

I thought I knew what love was, what did I know?
Those days are gone forever
I should just let them go but…
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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Part of me simply doesn’t trust a no-bake recipe. 

Oh, I know they’re safe and I’ve made more than a few to extremely-limited acclaim (Hello ice box cake! Hello Banana Trifle!) but part of me will always be skeptical. 

Need to work on trust issues, especially in the kitchen


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Dazzler of the Day: Bette Midler

She is one of the classic icons in a world where that distinction is becoming more and more rare. Bette Midler has been thrilling audiences and fans since the 1970’s, when she made a historic splash at the Gay Bathhouses of New York City. It instantly made her an icon for the gay community – and our love for her has never wavered. Since then, she’s made hit movies, had hit albums, and won award after award. She’s conquered every entertainment medium – from television to music to movies to Broadway – and made indelible contributions to each. Honoring her as Dazzler of the Day is not even a blip in her legacy, but it’s all I have to give. She’s also shown a legendary dedication to environmental causes, especially in her beloved New York, where she founded the New York Restoration Project, which aims to clean and restore green spaces in the city. 

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A Coquette Visit

My friends Ann and Missy have been integral people in my life since childhood, and maintaining our friendship for four decades has made us more like family than friends. They have both saved me from some very dark times, while supplying some of the happiest and most uproarious moments of my teenage wasteland. This weekend they are scheduled to visit – the first time we will all be together since our 10th high school reunion if my calculations (hazy at best) prove correct. Both of them have also promised to be full game for our coquette summer theme. Ann has been cloaked in pink for years – Missy says she will be wearing it for the first time in forever. 

The older I get, and this year I feel older than I’ve ever been (not only because I literally am, but because the past year has taken a lot out of me in just about every way) the more I realize the importance of maintaining the connections that have made us who we are. Ann and Missy were two of the most important people in that formative portion of my young life, and seeing them again will bring all of us the sort of happiness that proves more and more elusive with the passing days. 

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Sexy Passiflora

Certain flowers come drenched in sex, like certain fragrances. The passionflower – Passiflora – is most definitely one of those flowers. Practically pornographic in its elaborate architecture – not blatantly so like a calla lily’s cloaked protuberance, more in the sense of voluptuous excess, bold and brazen and come-fuck-me fashion. There’s nothing very subtle about the passionflower, and perhaps that’s why I’ve never grown one. Despite ample evidence to the contrary, I’m a subtle girl. Yes, he whispered, a lover of subtlety…

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A Striking Combination

Seen in both a hydrangea and a petunia at my Mom’s home, this striking color combination just makes me happy. I won’t sully this post by saying any more words.

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True Blue in an Almost-Pink Sky

The battle for the sky, and so many other things, is often fought by blue and pink. Lately my money’s been on the pink – it’s a coquette summer after all. Here we have a bit of a draw – in song and appearance – and the wistful sense of longing inherent in such a post speaks directly to our coquette theme. True blue, baby, I love you

At the moment we are hurtling toward another full moon – and many of us are most definitely feeling it. Lunacy is real y’all. Luna is the moon, and you are all lunatics. It’s ok. So am I. Let’s have our moon madness, harnessing its often-frantic energy and driving it like one of those sand worms in a damn ‘Dune’ movie. 

Oh dear. This was supposed to be a calming and peaceful post. But when the skies are unsettled, pretty though they may be, the heart and head feel unsettled too. 

Let us return to the sweetness of this song then, originally made famous by Madonna – which reminds me we are long overdue for the next Madonna Timeline installment. Any requests? Just kidding, I don’t take requests for that, other than what the random shuffle feature deigns to land on next. Does this sound as crazy as I think it does? Don’t tell me. I already know.

So if you should ever doubt, wonder what love is all about, just think back and remember dear, those words whispered in your ear…

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Dazzler of the Day: David Gandy

Long before Theo James slipped his apparatus into the iconic Dolce & Gabbana white Speedo, David Gandy was selling his wares with his sculpted body, and his legendary work as a male model has more than earned this Dazzler of the Day crowning. These days, Gandy has his own line of clothing, and a company and website that was the only one sensitive enough to allow for opting out of Father’s Day messages – something that feels refreshingly caring in a world where not much really matters anymore. Here’s a reminder of what made Gandy so transfixing in the first place – check out his website and clothing line – David Gandy Wellwear – for more brilliance. 

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Daisies Beginning, Daisies Ending

Our first flush of daisy blooms is subsiding – after the past two days of crazy storms, I don’t blame them for wanting to get the hell out of here. That was madness (thankfully we only lost power for about five hours, as opposed to the three-day ordeal this winter/spring). Things are hopefully calming down a bit (climate-change deniers fuck off please) and maybe we’ll have a decent weekend for some very special guests. 

This post and its duo of daisies is a reminder of how quickly this coquette summer is flying by – a signpost on the sunny season’s journey – and an illumination of the idea that once one blooming cycle ends, another one is ready to begin. In this case, a fresh batch of daisy buds are already showing themselves, continuing the circle of beauty. It’s a good reminder for anyone who gets downtrodden by the endings in life. I’ve sometimes struggled with that too – in these daisies I find a new way to look at things, a subtle slant of perspective that changes my unease and worry just a little. That’s sometimes enough to make all the difference. 

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A Pink Lily of Coquettishness

The coquette aesthetic wilts in the high heat we’ve had of late, but also lends its own cooling power to the proceedings. The underlying melancholy of this coquette summer cuts through the hot and humid stretches, dousing the fire with tears of healing and compassion – the tears of having to grow up, even at the ripe age of almost-49. One more year to fifty. 

I’ll be your babyThere’s nothing better I’d rather doI’m lost completelyI might as well be over the moon

I’d like it if you triedBefore you change my mindAre you gonna be here with meI know you better

The perfume of the pink lily is potent – exceedingly floral and cloying in its sweet richness. It’s a lot to take, especially on the hotter days. But that’s the sort of whoozy, dizzying, decadent indulgence that personifies the coquette notion – something sweet and nostalgic, that is somehow too much and never enough at the same time. The coquette lifestyle is pretty but too often unsatisfying – tantalizingly out of reach – an obsessive state of longing and unfulfilled promise.

This momentary rideThis fire by my sideAre you gonna be here with meYou know that
I’ll be your babyThere’s nothing better I’d rather doI’m lost completelyI might as well be over the moon

Pink moods, mirrored and mimicked by lilies and clouds at sunset, run deceptively deep. At first sight and sensation, they may feel frivolous and foolish, something to be dismissed or denied – the very impetus of what drives the melancholy of a coquette moment – but how surprisingly resonant they remain, outlasting the ephemeral and fleeting nature we think we know.

The pink lilies glow as the night arrives, but only if the moon is present, which brings out the lighter shading of their throats. On warmer nights, the perfume becomes deliriously potent, an intoxicating lure for all creatures seeking sweetness and beauty. It is the sigh of a summer evening. 

You call me up at nightImaginary linesAre you gonna go back to sleepI know you betterThan you know yourselfI’m only saying play your hand with someone else (someone else)Don’t tell me how to be your babyThere’s nothing better I’d rather doI’m lost completelyI might as well be over the moonI might as well be over the moon

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Making Meditation Mean More

Having meditated daily for several years now, I find myself sinking into the sort of lazy going-through-the-motions rut that any daily activity often ends up eliciting. Right now, my meditations are fifteen minutes long, but it’s not a solid fifteen minutes. I take my time to begin – pausing at the front door and looking outside, sometimes stepping out and sitting on the front step if the weather is nice. Trying to inhale and savor the scent of summer – or spring or fall if that’s where we are – I begin my deeper breathing. (Even in winter, a moment outside in the fresh air can tip the day into something more hopeful than what it might have been in the moment before.) 

From there, I return inside and light the tip of a stick of Palo Santo, ringing the Tibetan singing bowl I found in Maine. Sinking into the deep breathing fully, I close my eyes and begin the meditation in earnest. Sometimes the mind wanders, refusing to be brought into the focus of that sought-after blank space. Sometimes the mind calms itself, pushing thoughts away like a room slowly emptying and simultaneously expanding, the walls and floor becoming whiter and blanker until there is just the breath and the space and the stillness. 

Lately, I’ve been pushing my meditations closer to the end of the day in an effort to ease into slumber, instead of doing them as soon as the work day was done. There are benefits to both, though in the summer it’s best to get all the outside work done during the daylight hours, saving the calmer tasks like meditation for darkness. We strike the summer when it’s hot – and summer is always too short. 

Meditation is sometimes like sleep – either restful and impactful or restless and uninspiring. To make the most of it, I’m going to return to the focused work with which I began this meditation journey. It’s all within grasp, and I’m likely going to need it in the next few weeks as the anniversary of Dad’s final decline and passing arrives. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Bryan Ruby

A modern-day Renaissance Man, who has gone from baseball player to country music star, Bryan Ruby has had one of the most impressive journeys that any Dazzler of the Day can claim. But as Reading Rainbow used to tell us, you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s the bio from his website, to which he can now add Dazzler of the Day:

BRYAN RUBY is a rising country music artist and trailblazing professional baseball player based in Nashville, Tennessee. As a songwriter, Bryan has penned songs that have appeared on the Texas Country Top 50 chart and the iTunes Country Top 25 (#16), and songs he has written have been featured on both Huffington Post and People Magazine. As an artist, Bryan won Season 7 of the talent-search competition Nashville Rising Song, and released his debut single“Left Field” in June 2022. The song was featured on The TODAY Show and added to rotation on SiriusXM Country Pride, as well as the Academy of Country Music’s Ultimate Pride Playlist.

With rich vocals and authentic storytelling on follow-up singles “Two For The Road” (August ‘22), “The Standouts” (October ‘22), “Christmas With You” (November ‘22), “Baseball Country” (March ‘23), and “The Standouts (Heroes Version)” feat. Ty Herndon (June ‘23), “Bryan’s introspective and relatable storytelling‘ (The Nash News) and “expressive baritone” (Music Row Magazine) give him a unique calling card in the up-and-coming Nashville country scene. 

Bryan made history in September 2021 when he became the only active professional baseball player to come out as gay at the time. The inspirational story was featured in USA Today as well as 100+ media outlets around the world including CBS, Yahoo, Bleacher Report and Teen Vogue. He then founded Proud To Be In Baseball, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating, educating, and creating opportunities for the next generation of LGBTQ baseball players. Ruby’s nonprofit work has earned him a spot on Out Magazine’s prestigious Out 100 list, as well as the Rising Star award from the Foundation For Love & Acceptance in Nashville. 

“Baseball and country music are part of the fabric of our great country. If there’s one message I hope people hear in my songs, it’s that hard work and heart can carry you through even what the world tells you are insurmountable obstacles. You can earn your place by following your passion, no matter who you are.” — Bryan Ruby

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

When the day wears you out, take pleasure in the rest and release that follows.


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