Author Archives: Alan Ilagan

Dazzler of the Day: Rita Moreno

Forging her own successful path in Hollywood has not always been an easy road for Rita Moreno, but no one else had the talent, charisma, and inner-strength to do it with such tenacious aplomb. She recently had a full-circle moment, graduating into a new role in the Steven Spielberg remake of ‘West Side Story’ which won her an Oscar – just another step on her eventual joining of the rarefied EGOT club (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony awards). Today she earns her first Dazzler of the Day, for surviving and thriving in just about every corner of the entertainment world. 

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That Time A Priest Said the Bishop Might Touch Us, But It Was Ok

After reading about the additional alleged atrocities in this article on Bishop Howard Hubbard, and how the Archdiocese of New York is actively trying to suppress and prevent the release of disciplinary documents regarding Hubbard’s history, my anger and ire over the continued cover-up by the Catholic Church was reignited. Why would you want to work so hard to prevent information from being released unless it’s pretty damning information?

Let me begin by resolutely repeating that I have never been abused or harassed by any priest. I was an altar boy at St. Mary’s church for about five years. I remember the abject terror and debilitating fear I felt when my parents told me it was happening. I was so socially anxious and shy that they thought of doing anything in front of a church full of people – particularly anything where I might mess up – left me with weeks of sleepy nights and worry. When they said I had to be an altar boy, it was one of the most traumatic moments of my childhood. My mind can still replay the Saturday night before my first service. The dread of it had drained all the joy from any activities that happened that week, and I can remember being in the family room unable to enjoy the Saturday night freedom we had. Tossing and turning with fear, the night was awful, and the next morning I could barely get ready for trembling hands and a gnawing tumult in my stomach. 

I was serving with a seasoned altar boy who had been there before and knew the routine. His name was Brady, and while older, he was kind and set my mind as much at ease as it was going to be. We made it through that first service without incident, and for the next five years I would regularly serve, each time getting slightly easier, until I was comfortable enough to do it without worry. Eventually I would be showing young boys what to do for their first time. In all those years, aside from some unnecessarily-deep shoulder and neck massages from the main priest that had my brother and I squirming – but which would never be considered out of the ordinary, I never saw or experienced anything approaching sexual abuse. 

There were, however, whispers and hints that something questionable was going on beneath the surface, stories of boys who had gone out on Saturday afternoons with the priest for sundaes, something my brother and I had never (blessedly) been invited to do. Not that I didn’t like ice cream, I was just too socially anxious and shy to have enjoyed that. And what kid in their right mind wants to spend a Saturday with a priest? This was also at the tail-end of that time in America when priests were for the most part still revered and respected, a time before we knew about all the awfulness that was going in, all the sexual abuse and the church’s cover-up of it. 

It wasn’t until we were heading into our confirmation that I saw or wondered about anything. At the age of sixteen, we were thoroughly exhausted and weary of years of religious instruction, and the hours-long classes to prepare us to be confirmed were torturous. Father Gulley sat us down at a large table, and the group of us, boys and girls, had to read religious passages, talk about life, and generally still time until it barely ticked by on the clock by the door. Only when it came time to discuss the actual confirmation service did I prick up my ears, if only to not make a complete fool of myself on the altar. 

The process itself involved walking onto the altar and kneeling before Bishop Hubbard, at which point he would say a few words, and presto, we were confirmed. Oh that Catholic magic! It sounded pretty typical – the same way we had gone through learning confession and communion – one more ‘C’ word to mark the passage of a childhood spent in Catholic tradition. 

It was what Father Gulley told us at that moment which stuck with me, not for any concern or worry at the time, as he had, with his reassuring smile and gentle way, made it seem like it was nothing. He described how we would approach the Bishop on the altar, kneel down, and then the Bishop would say a few words to us. Father Gulley said he might make random remarks on how nice a girl looked, and good-naturedly rub some of our shoulders or touch us in some friendly way, and that we were not to consider it anything other than a gesture to make us feel comfortable. He said it so casually and convincingly that none of us thought anything of it. Looking back, I’m amazed at how easily we all fell in line, how none of us thought to question it, even among ourselves or privately with each other. It was so seductively executed that I never realized it until years later, when the allegations started coming out. Then it came flooding back, and I felt a sense of terror at having been so close to evil and not even realizing it. 

I don’t remember the confirmation itself. I vaguely remember kneeling before Bishop Hubbard, but not what he might have said. I do remember that he didn’t touch me, because I had been primed to detect, and ignore that, so when it didn’t happen I don’t know if I was relieved, or wondering at whether I was unworthy of such ‘comfort’. Either way, it wasn’t anything that any of us remarked upon or thought much of, and I’m guessing most of us have forgotten about it altogether. 

Today, that moment is chilling in what it might have meant.

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Dazzler of the Day: TJ Collins

When I peruse social media these days, one of the main things I look for is someone or something that will be inspiring and motivational, which brings me to a number of fitness instructors, but only a few of them consistently engage and inspire, which is why TJ Collins earns his first Dazzler of the Day. Collins grew up in the Capital Region and after an extended stint in New York City (where he worked with the likes of SoulCycle, Barry’s Bootcamp, 305 Fitness and Equinox) finds himself back up here, offering personal fitness trining, health and wellness coaching, and general motivation for the masses. He is currently offering bootcamps and personal training, so check out his website here. 

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A Carefree Recap

The twins and I just spent our final summer hurrah in Boston, which we shall recap in a bit – for now, a recap of the previous week while we dive headfirst into September. It all begins again this month… and the shenanigans pictured on this chair are just the tip of the flaming iceberg… 

Mornings of change are afoot.

The very last day of August. 

Showing some September love.

A Friday finch party.

Another magical night begins another weekend in Boston.

My virgin manicure experience. (Spoiler alert: I’m hooked.)

Luck be a lady tonight.

A parting Boston summer shot.

Iron my ass.

Dazzlers of the Day included Conan Gray, Meghan Markle, Tom Goss, Wanda Sykes, Jodyann Morgan, and Sam Brinton

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Iron, My Ass

Ironweed is a native plant that purportedly gets its name for its strong stems of ‘iron’. This year that proves to be a misnomer, as our single specimen has about four stalks that are currently on the ground, having bent and folded beneath the heat, the rain, and their own height. Iron, my ass. Last year I recall a similar circumstance, at which time I staked them to keep the upright for their blooming season. This year I was too lazy and decided to see how they would fare on their own. Alas, they have fallen, just as their bloom season has started. 

Their strongest attribute is this glorious color – their form is rough and rugged and better-suited to a wild garden or field, neither of which we have at our disposable. For now, it will stay where it’s planted, but eventually it may be excised from the garden. 

Gardening remains a cut-throat endeavor, not for the faint of heart.

I do love the color though… 

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A Virgin Manicure, A Couple of Slots & An Encore: Part 4

A coupe of cheesy glamour shots ended our Las Vegas-lite evening, and the next morning I woke early to get back home. Outside the window, the fountain of Braddock Park was singing its song of spilling water. I still feel an instant calm when that fountain is running. It should go until November, and if we’re lucky we will have a few more nights where we can leave the windows open and lull ourselves to sleep with its gentle patter of water in the background. Ambient gorgeousity. Made-up concept, and a made-up word. The end of summer requires such whimsy 

I picked up some pastries from Cafe Madeleine before a long could form, and hurried them back to the condo for Kira and I to eat while listening to the fountain. This is how all Sundays should begin. One day I’ll take a Monday off so we won’t have to rush, and just leisurely go through the day of rest, fully enjoying the weekend right through to the very end. This was not that day, but the promise of another trip back would have to see us through – and so we plotted out our next rendezvous, which would happen just as fall began. 

We said goodbye to August in Boston, and then to each other. A banner weekend in a banner city, with a beautiful friend. We look forward to our return. (And another manicure!)

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A Virgin Manicure, A Couple of Slots & An Encore: Part 3

If luck be a lady tonight, it makes perfect sense that I’m as gay as the summer day is long, because no such lady was by my side. Oh it wasn’t all bad, and for $45 I had about two hours of exciting fun, which is way cheaper than your average Broadway show these days, and Kira won about the same amount over what she arrived with, so it was a smashing success. Even better was just experiencing the fanciful surroundings of the Encore Boston Harbor, which successfully mirrors the Las Vegas location (one of the only things I enjoyed about that gambling town). We took an Uber to get there – about $20 before the peak-time $37 that would take us home later. All worth it for the adventure of plopping Kira and I in a casino where we really have no business being, despite the fact that we were dressed much better than just about everyone else. (I guess the dress code only applies to the fancy steakhouse, which Andy and I will try another time.) 

The over-the-top decor, whistling and ringing slot machines, and colorful lobby made for a fun destination, and we roamed the main floor trying our hand at various slot machines, having no idea how to successfully slow our bets, and still having fun despite our ignorance. I can see the appeal for a one-time experience – no idea what the appeal is long-term for this, but to each their own. The carpet was at least fun!

We pulled some slots, won some money, lost some money, and spent the couple of hours before our dinner reservation soaking it in and having a blast, mainly because of the company and the new locale. It actually went by in a flash, and I almost wished we had planned for more time to explore as we barely made a dent in surveying the expansive premises. 

I was snapping phone photos right and left without even thinking that it might not be allowed, but no one stopped us, so here we are in all our ridiculousness. 

Dinner at Red 8 was marvelous – we tried a Peking duck tasting experience – several courses, all a twist on duck (except for dessert) – and we devoured them with happy and satiated appetites. As I mentioned, the steakhouse nearby (Rare) is getting accolades, so I’ll bring Andy there on our next visit. For now, it was time to end the evening relatively early – we were both tired out and just wanted to get back into the casual comfort and ease and privacy of the condo. 

We crashed quickly, and we crashed hard, and there is no deeper sleep than the one that comes after a full day of new Boston adventures…

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A Virgin Manicure, A Couple of Slots & An Encore: Part 2

Rising relatively early for a Saturday in Boston – we typically sleep in a bit, being weekday working girls and all – our manicures were scheduled for the first slot – at 9 AM sharp. The nail salon was just a few blocks from Braddock Park, and we made the quick walk as the heat and humidity began their steep climb for the day. I’d originally imagined a new set of brilliant nails in blue or turquoise, then decided. clear coat would probably be the best choice for my first time. Kira wanted a dark shade of ruby to match her velvet dress. 

For all my talk and supposed tendency for fanciness, a manicure has always felt like a silly and unnecessary indulgence, particularly for someone who would just go home and put his hands in the dirt to fix the not-quite-proper placement of a Siberian iris in the garden. But this was the weekend before my birthday, and I went along with the bit of pampering to satisfy my own curiosity about the whole manicure thing. Would I love it or hate it? Would it be dull and boring? Would it disappoint? Would it thrill? As we sat down in the waiting area, Kira was called over to select the color she wanted. Meanwhile, no one asked if I wanted to select a color, so I assumed they would just me. clear coat since I was a guy. (Newsflash: the world is still sexist and hung up on ancient gender ideas.) That didn’t bother me much – for the first time, I sort of wanted to see what it was like without a coat of polish, even clear, and so I sat down at the manicurist’s station, right kitty-corner to Kira, who immediately began conversing with me. 

“Are you going to stop talking?” I asked not quite quietly enough. “I thought this was supposed to be a relaxing experience?” The manicurists started laughing as I tried to re-inhabit the calm of the moment. There was filing and dripping and scraping and soaking and more dripping of different bottle droppers, and finally an extended hand massage that was lovely, if a little awkward for the length. If the manicurist had only gone with a clear coat we’d have been able to more actively occupy the time but what do I know? I was done in about fifteen minutes, well before Kira, so I returned to the waiting area and examined my nails.  

They were immaculate. Even without polish, they shined, gleaming in the light, and perfectly defined, free from dead skin and encroaching cuticles. It was life-altering, and I was hooked. It informed the rest of our morning, and I finally understood the love of a manicure. Kira finished up and showed off her set of nails, both of us ready for the day’s festivities. 

It was beautiful out, and we made our way downtown for some shopping and an early lunch of banh mi so as not to spoil our dinner plans. Like most of our jaunts, our day was spent in enjoying all the in-between moments, the brief pauses of cool respite in hotel lobbies, where we’d stop to step out of the heat and collect ourselves. 

The fountain in front of the State House looked especially cool and inviting, but we refrained from taking a dip, opting to return to the condo. Boston was heating up, and we hadn’t even started getting ready for the evening at Encore. 

A hot summer day spent walking in Boston demands an afternoon siesta, and mine was spent mostly in meditation. Then it was time to get dressed for our dinner and gambling night. These were the moments that could so often be more fun and exciting than the actual destination…

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A Virgin Manicure, A Couple of Slots & An Encore: Part 1

The weekend before my birthday, I headed to Boston to have a quiet pre-celebration with Kira, as much to re-connect with a dear friend for my special day as to commemorate our last meeting in summer. It’s been a good summer for Kira and I, perhaps culminating with her visit here last month. Back in Boston, we had planned on getting all dolled up for a dinner at Red 8 at the new Encore Boston Harbor, and try our hand at some slot machines. (Neither of us have any idea how to gamble, but we were game to give it our best shot – or pull? – and we’ll get into that in a bit.) For this entry post, I’d just arrived in the city, and Kira had just gotten off work, and we wasted no time in settling into happy habits and hitting the town.

With her new work hours, we had some daylight left, and we passed the gardens of the Southwest Corridor Park as the sun slanted down, still hot and humid with the fine summer we’ve been fortunate to have. 

We stopped in a few places on Newbury, then picked up some meat and cheese at Eataly for a light dinner, after which we headed back out once the sun was done. Because the night time is the right time, here’s a bluesy B.B. King song performed by Otis Rush to kick off this gambling odyssey, and a Friday night when the weekend was full and ready to unfurl in whatever majesty it decided. 

Boston on a summer night is a magical place. Even the most common tourist stops carry a different sort of mystery then, shadows lending enchantment, while a Friday night features its own sort of frisson. 

Kira was trying to break in a new pair of shoes – never a practical or sane decision, as I’d warned countless times – but no one listens to me so we pushed ahead until she couldn’t take it any more and had to slip on a pair of flats she’d brought in a bag. I warned her not to pull the same nonsense for our trip to the Encore – stay tuned to see how well anyone heard me. Spoiler alert: not even a little. 

We walked back to the condo in the August night, Boston quietly alive even after all this, all these years of a pandemic, all these years of so much strife, and we walked in unspoken gratitude. It was good to be back in the city, to close out this banner summer when things felt just the slightest bit hopeful. As we settled in for the night, we got to talking about manicures and how I’d never had one, so Kira said we should get one the next day, and after looking online, I found a nearby place that had an opening, and my very first manicure was booked. Kira would have pretty nails for our gambling excursion, and so would I…

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Dazzler of the Day: Jodyann Morgan

Forging fabulous body positive and gender neutral products sounds like a challenging and exciting quest, and Jodyann Morgan is making a go of it with her ever-expanding selection of handmade candles found at her website here. She earns her first Dazzler of the Day feature because of all the reasons listed in her official bio below (and for those absolutely exquisite candles she creates). 

“Jodyann Morgan is a plus size, queer, Black woman who sits at the intersection of race, size, and sexuality. Pride and representation are personal. She creates lovingly hand poured, gender-free candles that allow people to see their bodies, and the bodies of people they love, in accessible art. Morgan started CTOAN on Instagram, but before all of that, she was just a foodie on a mission to document her meals in photos and videos which she continues to indulge in occasionally.”

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Friday Finch Party

Our stand of cup plants has had one of fits most impressive years of flowering, and the goldfinches of which Andy is so fond have been visiting consistently for the past month, eagerly chewing on the flowerheads and burgeoning seeds, while sipping from the little leaf axel cups that give the plant its common name. They will continue their feeding for quite some time, up to the end of fall and sometimes early winter, somehow managing to find missed seeds and sustenance even after it seems they must have exhausted all of them. 

Andy and I have watched them from the kitchen window, as they congregate in groups of six to eight, fluttering about, sometimes sharing seeds in actions that look like they could be kissing. Occasionally a hummingbird gets in on the action, floating by and stealing a sip of nectar in between the finches mad scramble for food. We will miss this scene come winter. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Wanda Sykes

One of our country’s most beloved and cherished comic actors, Wanda Sykes is currently on tour, so if you get the chance to see this hilarious force-of-nature, be sure to do so. Andy and I saw her live a few years ago and she was as hysterical as she so often appears. Check out her website here for upcoming tour dates. Today, she earns her first Dazzler of the Day honor simply for being herself. When you’re talented and dazzling in your own right, that’s all you need. 

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Showing Love for September

We have arrived, perhaps somewhat begrudgingly, at the start of September, and rather than be dour or sour about it, I’m choosing to celebrate and accept it. So much of life is determined by our reactions to circumstances rather than the circumstances themselves. The march against time is a futile and silly battle best left to those who want to waste it. 

September is here, and that means a little more summer, and some of the best part of fall: the very beginning. Here we see the trees just beginning to turn and burn, lighting up the sky with a brilliant canary yellow in shapes reminiscent of hearts, reminiscent of love. 

This is the month when some of us get a bolt of new energy, jolted into action by cooler nights and mornings. It is the month most kids return to school, renewing the journey toward education and enlightenment. It is also the month when this website has traditionally revamped itself, with a new season returning like a favorite (or hated) television show. We inspire all sorts of reactions here and hope to continue doing so. 

Happy September – get ready to flame… 

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Dazzler of the Day: Tom Goss

Singer/songwriter and performer Tom Goss is set to take the world by storm this September, as he has a string of live performances coming up, as well as new music. Upcoming Double Trouble tour dates can be found at his official website here, and that new work ‘Enemy of Good’ is set to be released on September 23. Today he is crowned Dazzler of the Day because no one dazzles quite so earnestly and exquisitely, eliciting smiles and joy and laughter, which is the secret to any artist’s happiness. Catch him live while he’s on the East Coast. 

PS – Bonus points for the jockstrap, and the banana.

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One More August Day

How did we end up at the last day of August? Feels like the month just began, and now it’s over. With it goes the final full month of summer. Still, there is some more of the sunny season yet to be had, and the sort of summer that happens in September can be the best kind of summer there is. We suddenly realize how wonderful it’s been, and are less quick to complain about the heat and humidity – every day could not be the last hot day of the year. 

I see the garden centers have their chrysanthemums at the ready, with promises of pumpkins in the near future. Half of the people I know are eagerly anticipating and rooting for fall – the other half is lamenting the decline and end of summer. I am somewhere between the two, resigned and regretful and ready to start a new season. 

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