Author Archives: Alan Ilagan

Dazzler of the Day: Billy Baldwin

Billy Baldwin was one of those 90’s hunks who formed my early understanding and appreciation of handsomeness and beauty, and who grew to impress with his consistent talent and refusal to be defined or limited by his good looks. Instead, he made quirky turns in theater and indie films like ‘Three of Hearts’. Today I’m most impressed by his voice for truth and justice on what remains of the Twitter site, fighting off the horrid MAGA siege with wit and aplomb. For that alone he earns this Dazzler of the Day

PS – Shout-out to his beautiful wife who sang one of the more influential songs of my youth

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Snow Season

My love of snowstorms was likely inherited from my mother, even if never voiced it until we were both adults. In our childhood, my brother and I loved snowstorms as much as any other kid, especially the way they gave the opportunity for a missed day of school. Back then, Mom and Dad were more concerned with shoveling and getting to and from work to enjoy them much, but in recent years Mom has explained how she loved being inside during a snowstorm, especially in the Boston condo

I think she always felt that way, as a snowstorm provided a pause in the hectic pace in our daily life. It suspended and arrested the non-stop velocity of a working mother’s many jobs, the way it stopped and stilled the world. Nature wins out in the end, and if the lesson is to slow down and inhabit the moment, the lesson will be learned, from one Mother to another. 

On a recent late-afternoon where one of the first snowstorms of the season arrived, my Mom and I were texting to see how the other was doing. It was almost evening, but the snowfall lent the night more light in that way of solace that makes up for winter being winter. The snow nestled into the outreached arms of the pine trees and dogwoods, which would hold until the winds arrived the next day. For all night and morning, the snow stayed this way – a beautiful way for winter to announce its impending arrival. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Atsuko Okatsuka

One of the most hilarious comedy specials I’ve seen in a while, ‘The Intruder’ introduces Atsuko Okatsuka to a whole new audience, including myself, so I’m very glad I caught it. Okatsuka will also be on tour next year, with shows scheduled through spring of 2023, so check out her website for shows that might be near you, and act accordingly. This marks her first Dazzler of the Day crowning. 

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No, this isn’t a post about 3M Scotch tape, which many of us are struggling to find now that it’s present-wrapping season. I always buy some ridiculous 96-pack of the stuff and still somehow never have a roll on hand when I really need it. Also, did Scotch tape originate in Scotland? Just another seasonal question to ponder while you’re wrapping a pair of fitted sheets and wondering how they came to be so perfectly-folded in their package, never to be again. So many digressions, I’ve almost forgotten the point of this post. 

Ahh, yes: 3M. As in three ‘M’ words that form the memory core of this post. The first being Madonna. As illustrated in the accompanying pics, she is the main thrust of what we have here, and the last one below is from her ‘Sex’ book anniversary in Miami. Her hairstyle echoes the one she wore to the premiere party of that book way back in that heady autumn of 1992. We’ve all come a long way, baby. Another digression.

The second ‘M’ is her song ‘Masterpiece’, a shuffling little ballad from the days leading into the ‘MDNA’ period – Holiday 2011 or thereabouts. Aside from a questionable ‘Santa Baby’ cover in the mid-80’s, Madonna hasn’t really done a Christmas-themed song (and the decidedly-non-Christmas ‘Holiday’ is NOT a fucking Christmas song) but for me, ‘Masterpiece’ will always come the closest thanks to my incessant playing of it on a holiday weekend in New York

The third and final ‘M’ for the moment is Messiah – a majestic ballad from her under-rated and under-appreciated ‘Rebel Heart’ album. That too came along in a winter, post-holiday, but Christmas is supposedly all about the big M himself, Jesus Christ, and so ‘Messiah’ took on a Christmas slant, and its dramatic and slightly-forlorn feel mirrored some similarly depressing holiday moments. It ain’t all angels and holly.

Both of these songs have come to embody the holidays for me, as incongruous as Prince’s ‘Diamonds and Pearls’ perhaps, but no less lovely in my twisted heart. It always seemed that Madonna just wanted Christmas to be over so she could go back to focusing on herself and her career, but who knows – maybe she secretly loves the holiday, and has since way before Mariah made it her own. I kind of doubt it though – Madonna has never been one for sentimentality – one of the reasons I loved her in the first place. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Milo Ventimiglia

When an actor finds himself inhabiting a shell of handsome and hard-won fitness-honed beauty, they are sometimes saddled with the image of not having any other talent. It’s not a very fair conundrum, and it’s always gratifying to see some pretty face defy that and consistently deliver wildly-varied and complex performances, stocking their career with indelible moments on-screen. Such is the case with Milo Ventimiglia, who offers an impressive list of roles that seem as disparate from one another as they are distinctly crafted and brought to life with chameleonic grace. Milo earns his first Dazzler of the Day here (after several runs as Hunk of the Day when we used to have that feature) and this gratuitous butt post because if you’ve got it, you should flaunt it. 

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Holding the Holiday Line

This is the week when the holiday gatherings and celebrations begin in earnest, with office lunches and get-togethers on tap, and all of the social anxiety and distress that comes along with them. If history is any indication, this is when people tend to bring the drama, and understandably so – we are all taxed with extra burdens and told we should be having fun and enjoying the moment and the time together and bullshit, bullshit, bullshit… 

After several years of therapy and working on my own anxiety issues, I’m happily at the point where I can genuinely say (and mean) ‘Fuck it’ when things get to be too much, and I’ll step out of anything at any point in time as needed. People will simply need to be ok with that. Thus far, my close friends and family have always been fine with it, mostly because I haven’t made a huge deal out of anything. 

That said, there will be inescapable episodes where we don’t have the time or preparation to be ready for uncomfortable situations, and rather than stress or worry about it, I’ve adopted a better outlook and attitude when they rear their discomforting heads, one which embraces the imperfection of life, finding fun and laughter in the follies of what we as humans find ourselves doing at any given moment. When you consider what really matters, the friends and family we love, the rest of it doesn’t matter as much. Holding onto that levity and being flexible and open to new experiences are ways in which I’m staying calm amid the frenzy of holiday mayhem. It’s just the slightest tweak in how I’ve handled these couple of weeks leading up to Christmas, but it makes a world of difference. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Jennifer Coolidge

At the time of this writing, I have no idea what might become of Jennifer Coolidge’s character on ‘The White Lotus‘ but I do know that her whimsical, irritating, and impossible-to-ignore performance for the past two seasons has been one of the highlights on any television show. It is just another feather in her cap of impressive performances, which run the gamut from hilarious to heartbreaking. I’m thinking of her work in ‘Best in Show’, ‘Legally Blonde’ and ‘Promising Young Woman‘, as well as her recent turn on ‘The White Lotus’. She seems to finally be getting her just due, with celebratory awards coming at last from a lifetime of indelible work. This is her first Dazzler of the Day, also overdue, so let’s rectify that immediately. 

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Recapping a Return

When I abruptly turned off my online world last week, it came before we ever got around to a proper recap of the week, and then being off for a bit there was nothing to recap anyway, so here’s what may have been missed, along with what hasn’t been missed at all. Careful readers who follow along in these posts may note the arc of feeling down and dealing with the resulting issues during the holidays, something that has happened to me for many years but only now do I feel ok writing about it. There’s some progress there. More, hopefully, to come. Happy Mondaying to all who are taking part, as if we had a choice…

A cranberry sparkler mocktail just in time for the holiday season. 

Easing into evergreen season with a customary waltz.

Spending a morning with Dad.

The November finale tuckered me out, and as soon as I wrote that I realized how like my Gram I officially sound. 

While on the subject of getting old(er), this post was written right after I was awakened by the old man’s urge to take a piss before the break of day.

Turns out I’m not the only psychotic husband in this house

The frosty greenhouse.

A serious post disguised by Madonna and a saucy title: take a poll and ram it up your ass!

An act of solitude.

The mantra: comparison is the thief of joy. Just don’t do it. 

We need this nonsense now more than ever.

Find your own December home, wherever it may be.

A disappearance, an explanation, and the enjoyment of silence.

The Holiday Card 2022 and an offer you can’t refuse.

Wetting the red.

Behind the Godfather scenes, and a glimpse at his underwear.

Big cup or little spoon? Why not both instead?

Dazzlers of the Day included Jasmin Savoy Brown, Edison Fan, Aubrey Plaza, and Matt Rogers.

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Dazzler of the Day: Matt Rogers

Fresh off his fabulous Christmas special ‘Have You Heard of Christmas?’, Matt Rogers joins fellow ‘Las Culturistas’ podcast partner Bowen Yang in the pantheon of those who have been named Dazzler of the Day. His new special is a refreshing tonic for those of us already bored by the usual holiday trappings, putting forth his unique brand of artistry (and a killer wardrobe). Matt’s comical prowess cannot completely hide his vocal talent, and when working in tandem those two strengths become a powerhouse of hilarity and musical wonder – the very stuff Christmas dreams are made of. Check it out streaming on Showtime now. 

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Big Cup or Little Spoon

Perspective is one of those things we don’t think about enough, which is too bad since it informs so much of our world. Take this scene here: is this a regular-sized spoon and a super-sized cup? Is it a tiny spoon and regular-sized cup? Is it a big spoon and an extra-big cup and saucer? Maybe you don’t even notice it – I noticed it in person but it’s not quite translating as easily in these photos. I have to force myself to shift the perspective to see it as it truly was. 

That makes me question what the hell anyone gets out of this site and these ramblings. I try to take in all perspectives as I write posts, but I realize I have as many blind spots and missed possibilities as anyone else. We are largely imperfect that way. What I write in a somber and genuine tone may be read as sarcasm and snarkiness. What I put forth as silly and comical may be read with the utmost seriousness and drama. That makes communication difficult. 

There are ways to overcome this. Repeated exposure to my written style may give hints. Questioning intent and meaning adds understanding. And coming back with a deliberately-altered desire to read things in a different way helps change any pre-conceived perspectives or notions. I’ll keep those ideas in mind when writing things out too; assumption has made an ass of me many, many times. 

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Behind The Godfather Scenes

“He had long ago learned that society imposes insults that must be borne, comforted by the knowledge that in this world there comes a time when the most humble of men, if he keeps his eyes open, can take his revenge on the most powerful. It was this knowledge that prevented the Don from losing the humility all his friends admired in him.” ~ Mario Puzo, ‘The Godfather’

This post has a few outtakes from this year’s Godfather-themed holiday card, some not-quite-behind-the-scenes images that didn’t make the final cut but are perfect for updating my social media profile pics and annoying everyone who gets annoyed with a mustache. (Why all the ‘stache hate?)

This was a fun one to make – I love a photo shoot where I don’t need to wear pants. In order to get an approximation of the Marlon Brando profile, I had to jut my chin out (Andy later told me that when others imitated Brando’s performance in the film they would stuff cotton-balls in their mouths).

It turns out if you lower your jaw and stick your chin out, you naturally slip into Brando’s signature drawl, and while I contemplated shooting a video of me doing it, I’ll spare you that indignity.

I will not spare you a glimpse of the tighty-whities I donned for the unseen below-the-waist action. Going for something as authentic as possible for a card imitating a movie imitating a lifestyle, I’m not sure how authentic anything can be, and sadly I have no idea what the real monsters may have worn for their underwear-of-choice. These were chosen because I always thought the real Dons would be no-nonsense when it came to undergarments, and though Tony Soprano may have favored baggy boxers, I wanted the classic Don to be more streamlined and elegant, less rumpled and bunchy. These are the kind of painstakingly-detailed decisions one must make when producing the holiday card. 

Many people hate a mustache, so clearly I may have to go back to that for more. It’s not a set of grillz, but it seems equally bothersome, and for a trickster there is nothing more joyous than being bothersome. It’s our purpose in the world

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Red Wetting

Little pockets of nature can be found in the unlikeliest places, such as on this lunch-time walk which brought me past these landscaping shrubs, decked out in their seasonal garb and making the most of these sustained mild temperatures and damp weather. I like that they have decided to burn brightly in spite of the rain and December date. Defy it all. Resist. Persist. Exist. 

A wise woman once said that beauty’s where you find it. That leaves it partially up to the viewer as to whether or not beauty is to be found, and in a strange way whether or not beauty even exists. To know that we hold that in the palm of our hands is to know glory. What we make of it will be up to us. I choose to find it as abundantly as possible, even if that’s on a brief stroll through downtown Albany. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Aubrey Plaza

Anchoring this season’s tres-gay water-cooler show ‘The White Lotus‘, Aubrey Plaza earns her first Dazzler of the Day crowning for her portrayal of one of the more likable protagonists on this Sicily-backed romp. Her trademark dead-pan delivery works wonders for her character, while her off-screen antics (she’s known for pranking co-stars) make her a true trickster. We love tricksters in these parts – the people who bump against customary social mores, the ones who push the boundaries of what is acceptable, forcing us to question why and how. (Also, check out the sneak-cheek-peak of a possible upcoming Dazzler…) 

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Holiday Card 2022: An Offer You Can’t Refuse

“Great men are not born great, they grow great…” ~ Mario Puzo, ‘The Godfather’

First and foremost, a thank you to Jaxon Layne Ilagan, and his parents Paul and Landrie, for making this year’s holiday card possible. On July 22, 2022, I became a Godfather to this beautiful baby, and he’s been a happy addition to all of our lives ever since. The bond between godfather and godson feels tenuously loose in today’s world, but back in my youth a Godfather played a major part in setting an example (and producing a magnificent gift for every birthday). I aim to bring back that bond, while continuing the fun that I’ve enjoyed with my niece and nephew

This card could not have been created any year prior to this. Sure, I could have grayed in my hair and struck the pose at any point, but it would have rung hollow before actually becoming a Godfather, so we have little Jaxon Layne to thank for that – the first of many thanks for enriching my life. It joins the pantheon of holiday cards that have played out over the past few decades, going all the way back to 1995. Here’s one look at some earlier holiday cards, which were far racier than a little mobster action.

And here’s another look at some previous cards, including the most controversial one I’ve ever sent out (which also happens to be my favorite of all time because I’m sick like that). Absolutely no regrets, even in this mirror-of-society card from 2018 that no one much liked or this slightly more comical one of kitchen antics in 2019. For 2020, and that tumultuous time period, I went for a warmer and more reassuring card featuring Mom and Dad, while 2021 evoked a peaceful holiday slumber.

“I don’t trust society to protect us, I have no intention of placing my fate in the hands of men whose only qualification is that they managed to con a block of people to vote for them.” ~ Mario Puzo, ‘The Godfather’

This year is another family affair, even if ‘family’ here has a slightly different meaning, and the traditional notion is implied rather than explicitly featured. I like a card that works on multiple levels, and this one is heavy on multilayered meanings. 

“He claimed that there was no greater natural advantage in life than having an enemy overestimate your faults, unless it was to have a friend underestimate your virtues.” ~ Mario Puzo, ‘The Godfather’

A semi-full list of previous cards:


“It was not perhaps the warmest friendship in the world, they would not send each other Christmas gift greetings, but they would not murder each other.” ~ Mario Puzo, ‘The Godfather’

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A Frosty Return

Perhaps you’ve noticed I took a couple days off from this website, and much of social media – or perhaps you are like most who didn’t notice a bit, save for the lack of the minor annoyance that my incessant posting has likely become. As a wayward teenager once wrote in a fledgling work, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I can’t help but wonder if the word should be wander.” As November ended and December began, I sought out knowledge and wisdom in the quiet mornings, pulling back from friends who had pulled back from me, in the way that the universe piles on when things get dark. Even writing about what I thought ailed me failed to fix anything, and a therapy session yielded similar results. My daily meditation worked its temporal magic, and kept my heart calm, but shifts were afoot that felt like the culmination of the past three years. It is said that when you grow and change in certain meaningful ways, friends and family don’t always come along for the journey. For the most part, that’s not proven true for me, as I’ve had a pretty good collection of lifelong friends and family who have supported and loved me no matter what. Still, time changes things. A pandemic changes things. And in the world of madness that we’ve all experienced for the last three years, such seismic shifts and changes have revealed to me that there are little to no pillars of stability, and all those things that once felt so solid and true move into the past, further and further away, until they are only faded echoes, remnants that merely approximate what we once felt. 

This is what I mourn for now – the realization that our happiest memories cannot be repeated or kept going forever. It’s a lesson that’s been in the making for years. Maybe it’s just the final stage of growing up. I’ve watched traditions I’ve started and done my best to keep up slowly crumble – getting the family Christmas tree with my brother, a holiday stroll with Kira, and a litany of holiday parties and get-togethers with friends – and as they crumbled so too did the connections I once had with people who populated such integral parts of the past. Those people moved on, even as I tried in vain to keep some silly notion of tradition and ritual alive. I held onto such rituals as though they might keep us together. It was folly – noble and heartfelt folly – but still folly no matter how much love and fear was behind it. 

Coming to terms with that has taken a while, and in so many ways I’m only just awakening to it, so there’s still a long way to go. I rise in more subdued form these days, because disillusionment robs everyone of the stupid, happy energy that illusions inspire. Clarity is cold at first. Sharp, too. Without sacrificing all sentiment, I go through the days with a clinical and admittedly-calculated precision, designed to acknowledge the messy pain and hurt, to feel it and move through it by being present,  failing and faltering in my petty expectations and resentments, all in the service of letting go.

Because I know I must. 

A coating of frost on the front lawn catches my eye as the first beams of sunlight sparkle in reflection. It feels like a solemn morning, the way certain December days can in the lead-up to the holidays. Venturing out to examine the frost up close, I breathe in the brisk air, taking the moment for a little meditation first thing in the morning – to set the tone, to ease into the day, to inhabit the moment. The windless atmosphere is quiet – there is a calm that I will try to carry throughout the remainder of the day.

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