Author Archives: Alan Ilagan

Adventure in The Turquoise Night

A piece of music has the power to paint its own pictures, just as much as a book or a play or a fable. Sometimes it can create more than a painting or a sculpture; those are set and stationary, whereas music is more malleable in its images. Such is the case with this magnificent work by Kayhan Kalhor – ‘Blue As The Turquoise Night of Neyshabur’ – here performed by Yo-Yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble. The stories that may be spun from hearing it run through the mind along myriad paths, each one slightly different, taking new turns and twists depending on the listener. It begins in a calm if slightly mysterious and tense tone, before gradually unfurling into a rollicking adventure. 

Maybe it’s a love story, with all the tumult and passion of a first kiss. Maybe it’s a realization – a mystery slowly solved over the course of its fifteen minutes. Maybe it’s a journey, a trip we have taken to a new place, a new city, a new country. Maybe it’s a party, from the anticipatory preparation through the tense starting minutes to the bombastic climax when all the guests have assembled and the state of happy camaraderie crests in loud laughter and the majesty of merriment. 

Listening to this on a dark January night when all that lay ahead were more dark January nights, I felt the gentle and insistent tug of art and beauty, the tantalizing wisp of imagination and inspiration, the call of some distant muse or siren. It was a tempting invitation to travel from the comforts of a conversation couch to any number of far-off lands and worlds. Why limit our experiences to what we can physically achieve when the body is so bound by time and place?

And so I listen to this piece of music, not looking up its genesis or background, not wanting to be influenced or nudged into something for the first few times I experience it. I want it to make its own way, choose its own adventure, conjure its own castles of creation. Make its own memory from a pile of mental rubble. My wrists ache, my knees are sore, my eyes are failing by the minute – the body begins the downward slope. The brain, such as it ever was, remains mostly intact – and the imagination, my one shining strength in a world of largely unimaginative comrades, is still sharply honed. It’s kept me going for all these 47 years, and it pushes me forward on this turquoise night, when I hear music that makes me feel like I can fly… 

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Cheese & Apples

They were skeptical at first, the way they are with every new thing their Uncle Al has ever shown them, but after a dozen years of having their skepticism turn to delight, they were up to trying it. For this dinner on New Year’s day, after feasting at the family’s early lunch, we assembled a hodge-podge of random items after making a hasty trip to Price Chopper to procure whatever additional ideas they each had. Noah chose fruit and Emi chose Cheese – a Vermont Sharp Cheddar.

I told them to try it with a slice of apple. They looked at me as if I was kidding, or trying to get them to do something they wouldn’t like, even though I always end up giving them the best of what I’ve enjoyed thus far. And so they sampled a slice of cheese and apple and marveled at the wonder of them together. The way their eyes lit up, the surprise and delight they genuinely felt as the textures and tastes combined – this was the thrill of raising kids, and I rarely got to see such moments.

This summer, I will introduce them to melon and prosciutto.

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Our New Year’s Guests

The first guests of a New Year set the tone for the months to come. Well, not really, actually not at all, but our attic was graced by my niece and nephew on the first night of the year, so it sounds good. They are growing much taller and much too quickly – soon they will tower over us, though no shift in authority will take place. On this night, I promised them a dinner of appetizers, so we made a quick market run, then returned to set up lumpia, cocktail wieners, clementines, Vermonth cheddar cheese, Honeycrisp apples, various crackers and chips, a Rice Krispies treat, a pomegranate, pears, pineapple, Fresca, and a bag of five shrimp. It was, as Emi declared, the most random collection of food that they’d ever had for dinner. Welcome back to Uncle Al and Uncle Andy’s kitchen!

After ‘dinner’ we worked on some playlists for a possible trip to Boston (to make up for this one that the twins had to miss). Noah came up with the funkified portion of the list, while Emi suggested some Tay Tay Etcetera. We went to the basement to watch a movie and paint our nails, and then it was bedtime. After tucking them in, I read a few poems from Rumi, popped Bab’s Christmas Casserole in the oven, then hunkered down myself. All in all, it was a lovely start to the year.

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Drinking the Blood of a Virgin

There is no better way to greet the iffy dawn of a new year than drinking from some bloody fountain of youth. In this case, the freshness of a Virgin Mary marked the first few moments of 2023, as I accessorized with enough garnishes to make this a light breakfast unto itself. 

The Bloody Mary is one of the best cocktails to translate into a mocktail. Typically the vodka disappears into the tomato juice and horseradish, so you don’t miss much in the way of flavor. This one was amended with some fresh lemon juice, a few drops of hot sauce, a smidge of cocktail sauce (which may be redundant), some freshly ground pepper, and the garnishes seen here – celery, cilantro, olives, and a shrimp.

Those Bloody Mary bars you sometimes see are aspirational with the amount of additions now on offer. (I’ve seen lobster tails, lobster claws, bacon, oysters, peppers of all kinds, asparagus, okra, gherkins, and just about every pickled item imaginable.) 

For this version, I kept things relatively simple, if a little tall. At the turn of an old year into a new one, you need a bit of loftiness. 

I love a drink that makes itself so absolutely extra.

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Roses in the Darkest Season

The Lenten Rose is usually either the latest or earliest bloomer in the garden – and sometimes it is both. The last few times I’ve been in Boston, they have been holding onto their blooms, even during the wintry conditions that recent snowstorms have brought. I distinctly remember seeing their nodding heads on a dark night in an Uber ride with Andy. They were ghostly then, and oddly reassuring in their seasonal defiance.

During our recent gathering with the kids, I found this stand of them on Braddock Park, blooming away as if it were spring again. Such resilience is admirable, especially when so much of winter is yet to come.

Our own Lenten rose has never done an end-of-the-season show. Our winters are much too harsh, often much too early, for the plant to be tricked into such a quirk. They will slumber under the last of the snow melts away in March or April, then gently rise, somewhat torn and tattered until I clean them up and make some judicious pruning decisions. They are the first sign that spring is returning, and so seeing them at any time of the year reminds me of hope.

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The First F-ing Recap of 2023

Only two days into the New Year and we are already looking back at shit. This is what happens when holidays fall on Sunday – it fucks everything up. Blame it on Mercury in retrograde – as I’m blaming everything for the next few weeks. God help us. On with the recap of all the year’s recaps…

Christmas came and went, but this juniper holiday post kept things festive.

Don’t sleep on meditation

The December burn.

Hunkering down for Mercurial retro-hell

Blue December sky breaking through the doldrums.

Leading the boring life.

Ring of fire: the first burn.

Ring of fire: the second burn.

2022 Rewind: The Year in Review ~ Part One.

2022 Rewind: The Year in Review ~ Part Two.

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Dawn enters in gray garb, less of an entrance and more of a shifting of the light.

Another calendar year begins, the way humans mark their time.

It starts, like every year has, in stillness and silence. Forget the crazed stroke of midnight – my clock for the New Year begins at the first light of this morning. That is when the world is quiet. Contemplative. The way anything of true import should start. The way a calm year should start. We have had our fill of all that is tumultuous.

Looking outside, I see the tall bare stalks of the cup plant, next to the sturdy bands that remain of the fountain grass. When the sunlight is able to break through in the early afternoon, both are lit like flames against the sky and the dull landscape. In the morning, when there is no snow or wind, they stand still and silent, largely gray and unobtrusive despite their stature and prominence of place. Genuine presence requires no fanfare or pronouncement.

And so it is that we begin this year at – the 20thyear of this website’s existence, so prepare for some double-decade anniversary celebrations. For now, let us begin in relative quiet. There will be other years for boffo New Year’s Day blog posts, such as this one set around ‘Circus’ by Britney Spears or this one featuring ‘The Greatest Show’. Even when I don’t try to go big and brash, a follow-up post often sneaks in the bombast. For this year, I’m back to a silent beginning – shades of gray and somber tones in look, feel, and sound.

In the reflections of trees in water, a change in perspective signals something deeper, a new way of looking at things, a different take on navigating life. So much has changed over the past few years, and so many of us are still reeling from the trauma of what have collectively been through. A worldwide pandemic hasn’t happened like this in a century – to think we are over it, mentally or emotionally or even realistically, is foolishness. We are all living in the trauma of it. 

It has changed everything. Not all for the worse, and I’m lucky that my own evolution and discovery of meditation and therapy and a healthier way of living have coincided with such changes. Bringing those tools into the new year will prove helpful, and continue the trajectory that has seen me through the last couple of winters.

I invite you to come along for the next stage of the journey. It’s more fun with two. 

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The Year in Review ~ 2022: Part 2

Continuing the saga that was 2022, here is the wrap-up to the Year in Review. The second half picks up where we left off, right in the glory of mid-summer and all the fun-in-the-sun moments that make the season so wonderful. Summer lingered into September, and then the inevitable low slide into fall, and the very start of winter. Another calendar year has come and gone…

July 2022: Summer turns to high, and starts on a lazy mocktail note

Bee balm.

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do!

Summer Speedo.

A summer day with Dad – my favorite day this summer

Officer Andy.

A summer visit with an old friend.

Some flowers are like old friends, and sometimes they are even more reliable

Bamboo high.

Summer resplendent

Our 22nd Anniversary.

1000 days of not drinking… and counting.

A divine visit to Provincetown with good friends old and new re-jumpstarted the summer. It was an enchanting place and we had an enchanting time

Highlight of the summer: the birth of my Godson, Jaxon Layne Ilagan. Welcome Baby Jax!

Familiar angels: the Connecticut Chronicle.

August 2022: The month of my birth, and the last full month of summer – August is bittersweet.

Once upon a time in your wildest dreams.

Another summer visitor,  with whom I shared a meditation.  

The sign of the rainbow.

Touching me, touching you.

Fading remnants of a full moon set to a song of smog.

August adventures with the Ilagan twins

Madonna: finally enough love.

Family fun in the summertime.

Birthday suit post, because who knows how much longer I can keep this up.

Birthnight moodiness.

Scenes from a simple birthday.

September 2022: In which a Boston visit results in my first manicure, a practice to which I am now addicted so send me all the gift certificates, this spectacular trip to the Encore casino, and a lovely night in my favorite city

Forewarned is fair-warned when it comes to getting touched by this Bishop of the Catholic Church.

Bringing the Ilagan twins to Boston to make a new kind of American history takes a lot out of everyone involved

Dad’s 92nd birthday.

Last summer swim?

The lust for the naked life

Summer Renaissance ~ dance with me, honey!

Summer Renaissance 2 ~ let’s dance again!

Autumn begins in flames.

Flames of a feather.

Andy’s return to the pie-making game.

Expressions of a Godson – hello Jaxon!

A birthday gift from two favorite friends

Extinguishing the burn of one fire from the past.

Flaming September in the burning sheets.

A last letter to the first man who ever kissed me.

October 2022: Fall continues its slow-burn and smolder, with the release of a long-lost project and the usual Halloween shenanigans. You know, season of the wood witch and all.

Is this how sex smelled in the 90’s? 

Andy’s canning enterprise.

The release of a once-problematic project finds greater resonance now more than ever.

This was ‘FireWater

The fire of a saint.

A letter to a mad musical genius – and a friend

Autumn in Ogunquit casts its own spell, and our return for the second time in a year was happy in the beauty and the company

These ‘Assassins’ hit all their marks

We walk in the woods to ease our minds.

A hint of aural sex.

30 years of Erotica and Sex, tinged with death

Andy’s birthday and a family dinner celebrating it all.

More expressions from my Godson – the wonder that is Jaxon Layne.

Hand covers bruise.

Hangover hunger.

Three years of not drinking alcohol… and still counting. 

Bet this made you look… at my dick.

November 2022: The month of thanks, beginning with this trial of a new holiday cake (spoiler alert: it was a hit). 

Autumn lighting magic.

There is always room for meditation

Swaying to a mood-enhancing song.

Openly Gray. #GrayPride

Green clouds of a matcha morning.

Candle calm.

Commencing sparkle sequence

I can still make the whole place shimmer.

The gambler and the ham salad, and my very own set of Golden Girls.

Empty rooms of a young heart, waiting to be filled.

The new party scene.

‘Beautiful Stranger’ – the Madonna Timeline whirls onward.

Easing into the holiday season.

Tea time with Dad.

November finale.

December 2022: I which our calendar year comes to a close, with all the holiday drama and holiday mayhem you’ve come to expect at the most wonderful time of the year. 

Holiday tales and their retelling.

Take a poll and ram it up your ass.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

The Holiday Card 2022: an offer you can’t refuse.

The New Godfather.


This year’s Holiday Stroll was one of my favorites, as Andy made the rounds instead of Kira

Saving my Christmas spirit once again were these wonderful kids (well, pre-teens and current-teens) who reminded me what matters in the world, as well as introducing me to the World Cup.

The winter solstice at hand.

The eyes lost it long ago.

Christmas Eve with the family.

Rings of Fire: the first burn and all the other burns to follow

Leaving the glamorous life behind for the boring life, and all the happier for it. 

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The Year in Review ~ 2022: Part 1

How shall you remember 2022? I’m not sure what constitutes a memory worth making, and maybe that’s why I don’t have many that come to mind. Still, there were notable moments, and there was some fun, and we made it through largely intact. There is something to be said for that. And now, let’s go back, let’s go back, let’s go way on way back when…

January 2022: Another stretch of hygge saw us through the first full month of winter

A good reminder: it’s ok not to drink

The tradition of tea can begin at any time, and you can make it whatever you want it to be. Start now for a year’s worth of peace

My own private social anxiety.

A childhood friend makes beautiful music

Meditative alignment.

The joy of therapy.

A day of hygge with Dad – a favorite day of last winter.

Morning matcha.

The wonder of Wordle.

Saturday night candlelight.

February 2022: The shiver of the second month of winter is eased by comfort food.

An antidote to winter by Andy

Undiscovered flaws, perfect imperfection

Beneath the Buddha’s tree.

2022 was the year I conquered my fear of yeast.

The unexpected delight of love.

Moroccan hygge.

In this new world, even the Olympics were ruined

Blue villain bad guy.

March 2022: Winter turns to spring, slowly but surely, as cracks of light emerge.

A Boston winter close-out, part the first and part the second

‘Twas a twinter weekend

A Times Union blind item begets a blind item, and proof for my back pocket.

Overlapping friends and family, circles widening upon circles. 

Spring arrives, so they say, and so they sing.

We say gay.

When it’s ok to hold hope.

A dozen years of the Ilagan twins

April 2022: Water runs into spring, and stream-side a meditation is possible.

A port of pirates hints at watery adventures.

Preparing the way for my Godson.

A train ride into the past, and all the way to Florida. 

That funny bunny of mine.

A two-decade wait for a parking spot comes to an end

A peek at the end of childhood innocence.

May 2022: My favorite month of the year begins in beauty

A childhood friend, lost yet still haunting me.

Our garden wedding.

A mother’s presence in the perfume of a lilac.

Swimming by the lilacs and the lilies.

Calm amid the chaos.

The prick of a Tom Ford rose.

Andy’s lilac memories.

A dozen years of being married – part one, part two, and part three.

Brushing by witches in Boston – part one, part two, part three and part four.

Returning to Ogunquit thanks to the Scotch Hill Inn.

June 2022: This month ushered in our first Itoh peony blooms.

Summer songs hit differently

Summer scents hit differently too.

A long-awaited return to Ogunquit arrives at last. A blessed reunion with this Beautiful Place By The Sea, our Memorial Day weekend kick-off to the summer vacay season found us in some stellar lodgings, with the same enchantment intact. 

Don’t hire anyone in this post. They want their lives to be miserable.

The thrills and mostly frills of A Streetcar Named Desire.

Channeling Vivien Leigh

Caught in the act.

Do you remember how we used to live in the summer?

A summer song for the night.

We say gay because Pride still matters.

BroSox Adventure with Skip in the year 2022.

A country on the verge of tipping into the shitter.

An old-love rekindled in gorgeous fashion.

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The Ring of Fire: Second Burn

The sky clock ticked to an early descent of darkness. Late December worked like that. In the air hung the threat of snow and burial – a promise of peace and disappearance. 

The first burn of love gets a bad rap. Like the first anything, it’s not always as bad as we make it out to be. At least, that’s what I told myself. If it was a lie, it was a lie of protection, of self-preservation. It was a lie to save a life. The burns that came after were more intense, more cutting, more dangerous. Far from making me stronger, that first burn merely revealed what the pain was like; subsequent injuries would not be lessened by any sort of numbing effect – they would mount and multiply and murder more than once. “That which does not kill you doesn’t necessarily make you stronger – it just nearly kills you,” or something like that. And in our weakened state, when the heart wants what it wants, we do foolish things. If we happen to be the object of desire, we often act just as foolishly – sometimes more-so, true power being afforded so rarely in life. And being so admired places one squarely in a position of power, whether admitted, acknowledged, or ignored. True power stems largely from love. But we’re not supposed to say such things. That would eliminate the sentiment of it. That would extract the magic. That would mean we’re all mostly hollow.


Victims of love get more play than victors. Their story… ok, our story, is usually more exciting – and certainly more interesting unless you’re one of the parties involved. When I think back to some of my earlier adventures in romance, particularly the unrequited kind (and of those there were many) my mind recoils in a mixture of horror, hilarity, and hubris. How one young man could be so hysterically stupid and at the same time so full of himself still boggles my mind – and somehow I knew exactly what I was doing, even as I knew I shouldn’t be doing it. Self-awareness doesn’t necessarily equate to self-understanding. Only in the understanding of motive and impetus does one find healing and the ability to truly let go and move on. I could not know that then, and so I burned…


Burning demands more of a soundtrack than the typical crackling of a quaint fireplace. A true burn must roar, consuming all the oxygen in its path. It should be the sound of suffocation. Utter annihilation. Or in the case of this song, whereby the burn is mostly silent, the sound of something evil. 

The music here begins in slow, deliberately diabolical fashion. Sinister elegance. Innocent love song taken to a level of denigration and denial. Aural defiance. From the wreckage comes the wrecker ~ wreaker of havoc and destroyer of innocence ~ and when survival becomes the offense, the surest way of saving the heart is to go on the attack. Reverse the hunt. 

It’s music that begins insidiously – start it again and listen to the beginning. It doesn’t bash you over the head, it doesn’t instantly demand submission. I’ve tried that, and very rarely did it work; when it did, it never ensnared anyone worth ensnaring. No, this version of the song starts off slowly. It is an entrance of dramatic import – the kind of entrance that someone earns from a life of loving the hard way. It is the entrance of a poet and an arsonist ~ the entrance of someone who’s learned how to burn


When I was a kid, I was fascinated by fire. I’d play with matches and magnifying glasses, burning spent pine needles and following their hisses and little explosions. Some say it’s an early sign of serial killers or psychotics. I’d watch the trails of smoke left by discarded cigarettes in the ashtray at the entrance to OTB, when Dad would bring my brother and me there when Mom was at night school. Entranced by the way the smoke curled and dissipated, we’d go home reeking of it on our clothes and hair.

Candles held an allure that was as frightening as it was beautiful – and I still remember the shiver of dread I felt when the electricity was out one night, and we were sitting in the family room in candlelight. My brother shifted the table so that one of the candles started to fall off. Not knowing a thing about fire, I jumped up and grabbed it, certain that had it hit the carpet the whole house would have gone up in a split second, devouring all of us before we could even attempt to flee. Such was my misunderstanding of how fire worked.

A similar misunderstanding occurred when I fell in love the first few times. I always thought it was going to be forever, and I always thought it was going to be easy and perfect. If it involved bending or changing or compromise of any kind, it wasn’t to be. I ended a couple of romances that way. More often than not, however, others ended them for me. And a few times, others wouldn’t even let the spark start a fire. 

But oh how I could strike that spark…


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The Ring of Fire: First Burn

Blue fire runs across the ice before burrowing into its hole. An echo of the sky, which had long ago turned dark, its blue light bends and twists as if in peril or pain (and one usually leads to the other). Tricky things – fire and ice – each burning in its own way, each dangerous, each a warning unto itself. They invite you to get as close as possible, sometimes demanding it for your own survival, and then they threaten you with eradication. 

On a cold morning at the end of December, I’m siding with the fire, and so I play this classic song by Johnny Cash. At first listen, some songs seem deceptively silly. Their instrumentation and production may feel dated, their delivery out of sync with the time. But the soul of a song – its spirit – won’t be lessened or diminished by the confines of its era. A song will live on as long as it means something to someone. This song suddenly meant something as I looked back on the many roads I took in search of love. 


Burning the place down was the theme for this fall on the website, and it’s going to smolder for a bit to bring us into the New Year. A pervading sense of nostalgia informed the last few months, and re-examining the many mistakes I made brought me back to the very first man who ever kissed me. In some ways that was a kiss of death. Certainly it was a kiss of pain – literally and figuratively. It burned like sandpaper against my young face, tracing its sting along my chest, and traveling downward to the burn I bucked against with all might and desire. A flaming September left fall in cinders. 

Memories of lovers or would-be-lovers of the past mingled with newly-informed introspection and retrospection. While I don’t usually like to look back, it has afforded a certain wisdom over the past year or so – and I’m better able to see the longer arc of evolution that makes up one’s life. In the ensuing years after that first kiss, I would start my own fires, carrying a smoldering collection of embers to fling into the faces of would-be-suitors, not bothered by the blowback of deadly sparks that worked to blind and bind me. 

My favorite pop star once asked, “Where do we go from here?” in a song fool-heartedly named ‘You Must Love Me’, lamenting that, “This isn’t where we intended to be.” Guessing the future, for all my planning and organization, has never been my thing, and I’ve always abhorred questions that demand some sort of knowledge of what may come, as if any of us could ever predict that, as if any of us could have a clue. We can hazard our own thoughts and cry our own tears, but no one really knows. “If you want to know how to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.”


And love… exciting and new… come aboard… we’re expecting you…

Yes love…

Love has always proven the downfall and the rehabilitation. It is that ring of fire that burns brightly around us, blinding and thrilling and obscuring and revealing, until we can’t help but be transformed – for the better, for the worse, but always for something, never without consequence, never without reason. Bringing us high, high, higher and swinging us back down – the most obscene and insane amusement park ride one can imagine – spinning and whirling and rushing in gloriously-debilitating fashion. The heart races and the head tries to catch up. A parade of my beloved ones marches through my past, silent and accused, sheepishly pretending not to notice, or maybe not pretending at all. Perhaps such pretense was the only way they knew of letting someone down gently. Perhaps they truly are phantoms – ghost figures hollow of anything other than the patchwork of life I’ve given them in my head – floating in mostly empty fashion, made up of fragments and wishes and insubstantial wisps of what never even existed. We populate our pasts both with what we remember and what we make up. 

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The Boring Life

Sitting and getting my haircut is one of my least favorite things in the world to do. A quick check of my yearbook photos will attest to that (I went through most of 11th grade without getting a single haircut, and being that I had no knowledge of hair products or styling techniques, it was a dark time). While I’ve come around to getting haircuts on a regular basis, I still don’t enjoy it, but I try not to take it out on the stylist giving me a cut.

On this evening, I booked the appointment and put on a smile as I went in. The place was empty except for the woman about to cut my hair. She was on the phone with her mother, and when she finished she sat me down and asked what I wanted. She began buzzing away at the back, and if there was going to be a friendly conversation, here is where it would begin. I can summon a pretty decent RBF (the kids just taught me that acronym) at a moment’s notice, but I didn’t bother. Years of experience have taught me that being difficult when you’re getting a haircut is not conducive to anyone’s happiness. Still, a good stylist reads when one wants to be left alone. 

“Are you doing anything for New Year’s?” she began, and I realized my fake smile had worked too well.

“No, just seeing some family on the day of – nothing for New Year’s Eve,” I said, perhaps a little too brightly. 

“Oh me too – I’ll probably be sleeping by 8:30!”

I loosened my smile a bit and looked over at the hair products on the nearby counter. She continued working on my hair and I felt bad. 

“There aren’t any parties anymore,” I ventured. She made a smart remark that maybe I just didn’t have any friends, to which I gave a weak laugh. 

“Do you watch any TV?” she asked. 

“Not really…” I said.

“Well what do you do?” she asked with slightly-feigned exasperation, looking somewhat at a loss. “You don’t have friends, you don’t watch TV…” and she laughed. I laughed too. 

“God, what do I do?” I mused aloud. “Well, I have a blog that I write in all the time.”

“Oh? What do you write about?” 

“It’s mostly just a personal diary…” I said, suddenly and inexplicably shy, and letting the sentence end there.

“I wish I could write. My life is a train wreck,” she replied, and went on to tell me a story of her many kids, her husband, and something to do with a misplaced baby and a broken washing machine. 

I told her it sounded much more interesting than my boring life, as she finished up and pulled the cape off my shoulders. I stood up, then bent back down to brush the hair off my shoes. 

“Maybe your husband should have a blog,” I said as she rang me out. “I have to struggle to make the most mundane things seem interesting.”

Her next client entered, and she wished me a Happy New Year. 

I don’t think I did her story justice. I hope she doesn’t read this. 

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Blue December Sky Breaking Through the Doldrums

Cool on the heels of its closing days, the sky has only had brief moments of revealing its blue self, winter being more comfortable in shades of gray, cocooned in cloud-covered obscurity. On the dimmest days, the sky runs into the bare trees and dull ground with barely any demarcation – just one long monotonous sheet of a color that could be called ‘Doldrums’.

When a stretch of blue sky appears, one rushes to the nearest door to step outside and take it in. The light moves quickly at this time of the year, and the days are not as endless as they so giddily feel in the summer. I’ve admired a stand of fountain grass in the afternoon sunlight, then languidly took my time getting a coat on so that when I got outside to freeze it in a photo, the light was gone and the magic dissipated. Winter can make movers of the most reluctant of us.

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Hunkering Down for Mercurial Hell

Mercury goes into retrograde motion tomorrow, and is slated to be that way through January 18, 2023. My plan is to hunker down for the duration, keeping my head low and staying as quiet and low-key as possible in the hopes that the rascals of Mercurial motion pass by without much trouble or hassle. This is when meditation and a baseline of calm works to keep the rollercoaster ahead in somewhat manageable form. It’s also the time to be more accepting and forgiving of fall-outs, flip-outs, and wig-outs; my usual MO is to avoid all those outs anyway, but even the best of us can fall prey to such acting-outs at these perilous times.

Though the title of this post is all hellfire-and-brimstone/doom-and-gloom, I’ve actually learned to take these periods of uncertainty and tumult as times of learning and practicing flexibility. The tree that can never bend often ends up breaking. For far too many years, my Virgo nature wanted rigid structure and organization. It still does, and I’ve learned to appreciate that to an extent. I’ve also come to understand the importance of going with the flow and not being so tied to unreasonable constraints and order. Sometimes even reasonable boundaries need to be broken or eased. The older I get, the more amenable I am to these sorts of changes. Both meditation and therapy have helped in my acceptance and reconciliation of the largely imperfect nature of life. When Mercury slides into retrograde, and plans and routines get whacked and bumped out of alignment, I try to take it with a laugh and chuckle rather than an angry outburst or diatribe against some other entity that’s bothering me. Displaced aggression is never a good look on anyone.

For the next few weeks, let’s go a little easier on ourselves, be more forgiving and ready to laugh at our foibles, and enter the New Year with a lightness of heart that allows for minor disruptions to glance off our egos like drops of Mercury…

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December Burn

We have burned most of the month up, and our holiday season nears its close. I am ready for the shift, having never really gotten into the holiday spirit this year (though I came close a few times). A winter of mindfulness and meditation lays ahead, filled with baking comfort foods, nestling into heavy blankets, turning the pages of a book, and finding the subtle, sparse beauty of the season. Before we turn the page to January, however, we burn a little brighter, and a little hotter, as we round up the year in review, and close out this year with a ring or two of fire. Stay tuned…

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