
A Recap in Yellow Rubber

Hello Rubber Ducky, and welcome back from a winter of exile! The pool is open, and we crested into the mid to high 80’s thanks to Andy’s heavy hand on the heater, something about which I will never complain. Rubber Ducky is back, bobbing along on the water no matter what is going on in the world, and with a full Flower Moon, day of storms, and Mercury in retrograde, this Monday will surely prove a doozy. Hunker down, lay low, and pray we remain relatively untouched. These are treacherous times. Let’s recap the week that came before…

Spring lamp light.

The Highly Sensitive Person.

Studying our shadows, for those who are brave.

Mercurial madness will see us into June

A pause of sensitivity beneath the cherry blossoms

Don’t fuck with the meditation

A hint of summer soundtrack.

Swimming amongst the lilacs and lilies.

While seeing the vibrant flowers dance (an underwear post).

Dazzlers of the Day included Mindy Kaling, Paula Abdul, Jesse Williams, and Manu Rios.

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