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May 2024

A Pregnant Pause

It will be mildly amusing to see what, if any, reaction results from posting this picture on my social media. Many people will quickly glance at it, then immediately comment without visiting the link here, which is about to explain that this pregnancy test is merely part of a pregnant pause prior to tomorrow’s big summer theme reveal

This test is the right color for the upcoming summer – all shades of pink welcome here. As for the humorous undertone, and the naughty acts that might merit such a test, they’re part of the decadent, winking, flirtatious fun that the summer theme will hopefully evoke

Summer demands a lighter touch.

And we deserve a lighter summer

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Dazzler of the Day: Ken Burns

His recent commencement speech at Brandeis University was so powerful it needs to be seen and heard around the country – especially if we are to keep democracy alive in this country. This is Ken Burns – keeper of a storytelling tradition that helps us better understand ourselves, grounded with a compassion and acceptance of difference that encompasses the very best way of looking at the world. He earns his first Dazzler of the Day for a career of life-affirming work. Check out his website here for more upcoming brilliance.

Ken Burns, photographer: Cable Risdon

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Magnificent, Problematic Moon

Were it not for the bank of peachy-pink clouds hanging below it, the moon in these photos might have been lost in its translucent beauty here. But the clouds showed me the way, drawing my eyes upward to find the moon, which at the time these pictures were taken was very near its fullest stage, very much evidenced by the wackiness of last week. 

It was a magical view, fitting for this final day of May – the month of magic and enchantment, perhaps more than any other. Wistfully, I watch it move into the past tense, as June knocks at the front door. This is when I wish the days would slow. Instead, they bound headlong into the summer ahead, not wanting to slow or pause, not wanting to wait. 

Come along for the ride into a new summer season, as we reveal a new summer theme tomorrow…

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Once upon a childhood I named our cat ‘Fluff’. 

It tracks.

Trust me, it tracks

(And I never even had a fluffer-nutter sandwich.) 


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Dazzler of the Day: Matt Bernstein

The self-proclaimed “friendly queer Jew with very long nails”, Matt Bernstein has amassed a formidable social media presence and popularity that shows no signs of diminishing. Earning this virgin Dazzler of the Day, Bernstein has become a champion for marginalized communities, while never lacking in style and pizzazz – all of which is the perfect recipe to dazzle. Check out their Insta here and their YouTube channel here.

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Time To Tea Up

Tea comes with all sorts of memories, more than I can recall in my ever-advancing age, and so I look to the search and recover process that involves me searching the archives for previous posts here. A number of tea memories come up when that journey begins – and it’s a trip to the past that I mostly don’t mind making, unlike many other looks-back. 

A happy tea memory with my Dad.

A cup of coziness with a song to match.

Tea for taking one’s time.

The tea of a tease.

Spilling the tea since 2003.

Tea dance.

The days of teabagging.

Tea time with Oscar.

The evocation of tea memories.

Tea slumber.

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Dear Journalists ~

Please watch, please listen, please take this video to heart before you try to give any sort of equalizing balance to the two political parties vying to lead our great country in this year’s election. From my alma mater, Brandeis University, this is the speech that Ken Burns gave to this year’s graduating class – and it’s one that needs to be heard by everyone in America – at least anyone who wants America to remain the democracy we know and revere. 

One of the tenets of Brandeis that spoke to me most when deciding which college to attend was their motto: Truth, even unto its innermost parts. 

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A Peony Parade Begins At the End

One of the final peonies to bloom is this exquisite almost-pure white variety which comes with the most intoxicating perfume of all the peonies we grow. It is always worth the wait, even if some years result in photographic peony fatigue. That wasn’t the case this year, as most of the bloom happened when we were away in Maine (the only drawback of a Memorial Day weekend vacation). And for the peony, I have always made room and time for moments of appreciation and gratitude

As with many white flowers often ridiculously dismissed for their simple color, the fragrance is an additional note in their symphony of beauty. When seen with a few raindrops from an afternoon shower, the effect is even more enchanting. While we begin our documented trail of peony blooms with these lovely white blooms, they actually began with the more common hot pink variety, which is to come in all its glory. Stay tuned…

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Light and Airy

Like a cloud, this lead-in to summer is intended to be light and airy, the way we are shaping up this summer to be – at least the way I hope for it to be. Summer plans are best kept light and airy, especially in the world as it currently stands. And especially in my world after last summer

A light and airy song to match this post – a tune to travel the skies, carried by the clouds themselves. Fittingly by the brilliance that is Air. Another peek at the summer theme to come…

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The Showy Clem

Our clematis has already leaped its way up and over its accompanying lamp post. It’s the old-fashioned and rather common ‘Jackmanii’ variety, no less beautiful for its ubiquity, but when compare with the variety seen here, a bit lacking in pizzazz. (It makes up for that with the sheer volume of its blooms, so every clem has its lovable points.) This one is electric in the make-up of its individual blooms, but I left it at the nursery because we simply don’t have space for another clematis right now. (Our climbing hydrangea has finally taken over the arbor where once a sweet autumn clematis reigned supreme.) 

These blooms though… they do call to the part of me that thrills at a good dazzler. 

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A Happy Placeholder

At the time of this writing, we’ve only been back a few hours from a gloriously-long weekend vacation in Maine – the Way Life Should Be – so this will be a placeholder for a much grander post somewhere down the line. I’m still in vacation mode, and after running an errand I came home to find my friend Chris making a surprise visit en route to Rochester, so we had dinner together, thus extending a happy vacation moment just when I thought it was over. Friends are the best balm for retiring to reality from an all-too-short vacation. 

These flowers are a happy reminder of our recent time in Maine, personifying the giddy cheer that Ogunquit has always brought to us. 

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A Maiden’s Voyage

Named for the way the black, wiry stems look when they are matted down at the end of winter, the Maidenhair fern also has a more slightly-vulgar common name – the Five-Finger Fern. Why not just call it a Hand Fern and destroy its reputation completely? No matter – the beauty and delicate appearance of this fern makes it my all-time favorite – and such an elegant and dainty look is merely a mask, as this beast is as hardy as any other fern in the forest. I love when things are pretty and deceptively-strong. 

This fern is a clump former – gradually spreading out into sizable masses that are happy to be divided and planted about the garden. Again, it’s hardier than you think, and its divided leaflets render even the strongest of wind gusts harmless. A pretty strong thing that is so gleefully dismissive of brute force is a thing of beauty indeed. Don’t fuck with this maiden.

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

I recall more commercial jingles from my childhood than actual songs. And yes, I find myself still singing them. 

“Hey look, there’s a look that’s in style, live wires, live wires!”


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